title: "{{ title }}"
author: "Russ McKendrick"
date: "{{ date }}"
description: "{{ summary }}"
draft: false
robotsNoIndex: false
showToc: true
ShowRelated: false
image: "/img/weekly-tunes-{{ random_number }}.png"
relative: false
alt: "{{ summary }}"
- "Listened"
{% for (artist, album), count in top_albums %}
- "{{ artist }}"
- "{{ album }}"
{%- endfor %}
{% raw %}{{< notice note >}}{% endraw %} This is what GPT had to say this about what I listened to last week; it is auto-generated and might not be 💯% factual. {% raw %}{{< /notice >}}{% endraw %}
{% raw %}{{< gallery match="artists/*" sortOrder="desc" rowHeight="250" margins="5" thumbnailResizeOptions="600x600 q90 Lanczos" showExif=true previewType="blur" embedPreview=true loadJQuery=true >}}{% endraw %}
{{ blog_post }}
{% for artist, count in top_artists -%} {%- set artist_key = artist|lower -%} {%- if artist_info.get(artist_key) and artist_info[artist_key].get('artist_link') -%}
- [{{ artist }}]({{ artist_info[artist_key].artist_link }}) ({{ count }} plays) {% else -%}
- {{ artist }} ({{ count }} plays) {% endif -%} {% endfor %}
{% for (artist, album), count in top_albums -%} {%- set album_key = (artist|lower, album|lower) -%} {%- set artist_key = artist|lower -%} {%- if album_info.get(album_key) and album_info[album_key].get('album_link') -%} {%- if artist_info.get(artist_key) and artist_info[artist_key].get('artist_link') -%}
- [{{ album }}]({{ album_info[album_key].album_link }}) by [{{ artist }}]({{ artist_info[artist_key].artist_link }}) {%- else -%}
- [{{ album }}]({{ album_info[album_key].album_link }}) by {{ artist }} {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} {%- if artist_info.get(artist_key) and artist_info[artist_key].get('artist_link') -%}
- {{ album }} by [{{ artist }}]({{ artist_info[artist_key].artist_link }}) {%- else -%}
- {{ album }} by {{ artist }} {%- endif -%} {%- endif %} {% endfor %}
{% raw %}{{< gallery match="albums/*" sortOrder="desc" rowHeight="200" margins="5" thumbnailResizeOptions="600x600 q90 Lanczos" showExif=true previewType="blur" embedPreview=true loadJQuery=flase >}}{% endraw %}