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Differentiable types

Richard Wei, Dan Zheng

Last updated: March 2019


Automatic differentiation and differentiable programming are being incubated in the 'tensorflow' branch of apple/swift and released as part of the Swift for TensorFlow toolchains, which you can play with. The authors will propose this feature through Swift Evolution in 2019.


Speaking in terms of elementary calculus, only functions are "differentiable": only functions have derivatives and can be differentiated. In this document, the terminology "differentiable types" is used as a shorthand for "types that can be used as arguments and results of differentiable functions". This notion is important because not all types are "differentiable" in this sense. For example, types representing real numbers and vector spaces are "differentiable", but strings and integers are not.


Elementary calculus defines differentiation on real numbers: most people are familiar with this definition of "differentiation". However, differentiation is defined for many concepts across different branches of mathematics:

  • Scalar differentiation: differentiation on real numbers. This is taught in introductory calculus.
  • Vector calculus: a branch of mathematics that involves differentiation of vector fields.
  • Differential geometry: a branch of mathematics that involves differentiation of functions over manifolds.

In Swift, we want to build a general system for differentiation that can represent all of these cases. Differentiation should not be limited to functions over specific types (e.g. functions over floating-point numbers); it should also work with functions whose parameters/result are custom types.

This raises some questions: what kind of types can be used as arguments and results of differentiable functions, and how can we generalize them using a protocol?

Design overview

The Differentiable protocol generalizes all types that can be used as arguments and results of differentiable functions.

The compiler can automatically provide default implementations of Differentiable protocol requirements for struct types whose stored properties all conform to Differentiable.

Here are some examples:

struct Vector: Differentiable, VectorNumeric {
    // The compiler synthesizes all `Differentiable` protocol requirements
    // when all stored properties conform to `Differentiable`.
    var x, y, z: Float

// Differential operators like `gradient(at:in:)` just work!
let v = Vector(x: 1, y: 2, z: 3)
let 𝛁v = gradient(at: v) { v in (v + v).x }

// Vector(x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0)

A Differentiable-conforming type may have stored properties that are not meant to have a derivative with respect to self. Use the @noDerivative attribute to mark those properties; they will not have a corresponding entry in the synthesized TangentVector and AllDifferentiableVariables struct types.

Here’s an example deep learning layer with some @noDerivative properties:

struct DenseLayer: Differentiable {
    // These properties should have derivative values.
    var weight: Tensor<Float>
    var bias: Tensor<Float>

    // These auxiliary properties should not have derivative values.
    // Thus, they are marked with `@noDerivative`.
    // `@noDerivative` properties do not have a corresponding entry in synthesized associated struct
    // types.
    @noDerivative var useBias: Bool = true
    @noDerivative var previousWeight: Tensor<Float> = Tensor(0)

    init(weight: Tensor<Float>, bias: Tensor<Float>) {
        self.weight = weight
        self.bias = bias

    // The compiler synthesizes all `Differentiable` protocol requirements, adding only properties
    // not marked with `@noDerivative` to associated tangent space types.

    func call(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        return matmul(input, weight) + bias

// Differential operators like `gradient(at:in:)` just work!
let dense = DenseLayer(weight: [[1, 1], [1, 1]], bias: [0, 0])
let 𝛁dense = gradient(at: dense) { dense in dense([[3, 3]]).sum() }

// ▿ DenseLayer.AllDifferentiableVariables
//   - weight: [[3.0, 3.0], [3.0, 3.0]]
//   - bias: [1.0, 1.0]

Protocol details

Here is the full Differentiable protocol definition. More explanation is provided below.

/// A type that mathematically represents a differentiable manifold whose
/// tangent spaces are finite-dimensional.
public protocol Differentiable {
    /// The tangent bundle of this differentiable manifold.
    associatedtype TangentVector: AdditiveArithmetic & Differentiable
        where TangentVector.TangentVector == TangentVector,
              TangentVector.AllDifferentiableVariables == TangentVector

    /// The type of all differentiable variables in this type.
    associatedtype AllDifferentiableVariables: Differentiable
        where AllDifferentiableVariables.AllDifferentiableVariables == AllDifferentiableVariables,
              AllDifferentiableVariables.TangentVector == TangentVector,

    /// All differentiable variables in this type.
    var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables { get }

    /// Returns `self` moved along the value space towards the given tangent vector.
    /// In Riemannian geometry (mathematics), this represents exponential map.
    func moved(along direction: TangentVector) -> Self

Mathematically, Differentiable represents a differentiable manifold: this is a technical term for smooth-surfaced objects like spheres and generalizes types that are compatible with differentiation, like Float, Double, Tensor, and SIMD4<Float>. This definition comes from differential geometry and is quite technical, and not all details are relevant for most use cases.

Image showing two differentiable manifolds: a sphere and a spheroid.

Here is a detailed explanation of the Differentiable protocol:

  • associatedtype TangentVector represents the type of derivatives.
  • var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables represents all differentiable variables in an instance of the conforming type, where associatedtype AllDifferentiableVariables is the type of all differentiable variables.
    • The motivation/design behind "all differentiable variables" is enabling key-path-based parameter optimization by making parameters and their gradients have the same type. Read the synthesis rules below and the parameter optimization document for more information.
  • TangentVector and AllDifferentiableVariables are closely related.
    • All three associated types must themselves conform to Differentiable.
    • The Differentiable protocol associated types of the associated types themselves are defined to be mathematically correct.
      • Foo.TangentVector.TangentVector is Foo.TangentVector itself.
      • Foo.AllDifferentiableVariables has the same TangentVector as Foo.
    • Additionally, TangentVector must conform to AdditiveArithmetic, so that they can be zero-initialized and accumulated via addition. These are necessary to perform the chain rule of differentiation.
  • Manifold operations.
    • These currently involve tangentVector(from:) and moved(along:). These operations can be useful for implementing manifold-related algorithms, like optimization on manifolds, but are not relevant for simple differentiation use cases.

The standard library defines conformances to the Differentiable protocol for Float, Double, and Float80. Conditional conformances will be added to floating-point SIMD vector types. The Tensor type defined in the TensorFlow library also conditionally conforms to Differentiable:

extension Float: Differentiable {
    public typealias TangentVector = Float
    public typealias AllDifferentiableVariables = Float
// Conformances for `Double` and `Float80` are defined similarly.

// `Tensor` is defined in the TensorFlow library and represents a multidimensional array.
extension Tensor: Differentiable where Scalar: TensorFlowFloatingPoint {
    public typealias TangentVector = Tensor
    public typealias AllDifferentiableVariables = Tensor

Compiler-synthesized implementations

As shown above, the compiler automatically synthesizes implementations of Differentiable requirements for struct types.

Here are the current conditions for synthesis:

  • The type must declare a conformance to Differentiable, either on the type declaration or on an extension in the same file.
  • The conforming type must be a struct.
  • All stored properties of the conforming type must either conform to Differentiable or be marked with the @noDerivative attribute.
    • If a non-Differentiable stored property is not marked with @noDerivative, then it is treated as if it has @noDerivative and the compiler emits a warning (with a fix-it in IDEs) asking the user to make the attribute explicit.

The synthesis behavior is explained below.

Associated type synthesis

Here are the synthesis rules for the two Differentiable associated types: TangentVector and AllDifferentiableVariables.

Let "differentiation properties" refer to all stored properties of the conforming type that are not marked with @noDerivative. These stored properties are guaranteed by the synthesis condition to all conform to Differentiable.

The synthesis rules are:

  • Set associated types to Self, if possible.
    • If the conforming type conforms to AdditiveArithmetic, and no @noDerivative stored properties exist, and all stored properties satisfy Self == Self.TangentVector == Self.AllDifferentiableVariables, then all associated types can be set to typealiases of Self.
  • Synthesize a single AllDifferentiableVariables member struct. Set TangentVector to AllDifferentiableVariables if possible; otherwise synthesize more member structs.
    • Regarding member struct synthesis: for each "differentiation property" in the conforming type, a corresponding stored property is synthesized in the member structs, with type equal to the property’s associated type.
    • TangentVector can be set to AllDifferentiableVariables if all differentiation properties conform to AdditiveArithmetic and satisfy Self.TangentVector == Self.AllDifferentiableVariables. This is useful because it prevents redundant struct synthesis. Also, this enables key-path-based parameter optimization because parameters and gradients have the same type.

A memberwise initializer is synthesized for the conforming type itself, in addition to all associated structs. This is important for differentiating struct properties accesses and synthesizing manifold operation requirements.

Synthesis for other requirements

var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables is synthesized as a computed property that mirrors the differentiation properties of the conforming type.

  • It is always synthesized with a getter.
  • It is synthesized with a setter only when all differentiation properties are mutable and themselves all have mutable allDifferentiableVariables properties.


// Example when `AllDifferentiableVariables == Self`.
var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables {
    get { return self }
    set { return newValue }

// Example when `AllDifferentiableVariables != Self`.
var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables {
    get { return AllDifferentiableVariables(x: x, y: y, ...) }
    set { x = newValue.x; y = newValue.y; ... }

Manifold operations are synthesized to forward the same operation defined on differentiation properties:

// Let `Foo` be the name of the type conforming to `Differentiable`.
func moved(along tangent: TangentVector) -> Foo {
    Foo(x: x.moved(along: tangent.x), ...)

// Potential shortcut for synthesis, when `Foo == TangentVector`:
func moved(along tangent: TangentVector) -> Foo {
    self + tangent


Let’s look at a complete example:

struct GenericWrapper<T: Differentiable, U: Differentiable>: Differentiable {
    // `x` and `y` are the "differentiation properties".
    var x: T
    var y: U
    @noDerivative var customFlag: Bool
    @noDerivative var helperVariable: T

    // The compiler synthesizes:
    // struct TangentVector: Differentiable, AdditiveArithmetic {
    //     var x: T.TangentVector
    //     var y: U.TangentVector
    //     ...
    // }
    // struct AllDifferentiableVariables: Differentiable {
    //     var x: T.AllDifferentiableVariables
    //     var y: U.AllDifferentiableVariables
    //     ...
    // }
    // var allDifferentiableVariables: AllDifferentiableVariables {
    //     get { return AllDifferentiableVariables(x: x, y: y) }
    //     set { x = newValue.x; y = newValue.y }
    // }
    // func moved(along tangent: TangentVector) -> Foo {
    //     return GenericWrapper(x: x.moved(along: tangent.x)
    //                           y: y.moved(along: tangent.y))
    // }


The authors would like to thank Casey Chu, Dougal Maclaurin, Matthew Johnson, Roy Frostig, Gordon Plotkin, Marc Rasi, Steve Canon, and James Bradbury for their input to the design of the Differentiable protocol.