Command line interface for docker local environment
wget -O - -q | php --
After the installation, you can use the CLI by the command alias: dcm
composer:exec Execute a composer command. Alias: dcm c:e
magento:bin Execute bin/magento {option} from the CLI container as the www user. Alias: dcm m:b
magento:c:elastic Set catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_hostname:
magento:c:set bin/magento config:sensitive:set. Alias: dcm m:c:set [--scope="..."] [--scope-code="..."] path value
magento:c:show bin/magento config:show. Alias: dcm m:c:show
magento:cc bin/magento cache:clear command. Alias: dcm m:cc
magento:reindex bin/magento indexer:reindex command. Alias: dcm m:re
magento:su bin/magento setup:upgrade. Alias: dcm m:su
project:chown Reset project file ownership to www user.
project:exec Execute a command inside CLI container. Short version: dcm p:e
project:import Import an existing project in local registry
project:info Project information for each service
project:list List all projects
project:new Create a new docker local instance project
project:php:modules List php modules for the CLI container.
project:remove Remove a project from local registry
project:restart Restart docker containers. Short version: dcm p:r
project:start Start docker containers. Short version: dcm p:sta
project:status Lists status of containers.
project:stop Stop docker containers. Short version: dcm p:sto
project:tunnel Tunnel into a container. Example for CLI container: dcm p:tun -c cli
project:update Update docker containers. Short version: dcm p:u. Restart container after this command.
self:build Build a new package of the Docker Container Manager CLI
self:install [self-install] Install or update CLI configuration files
self:update [self-update|selfupdate] Updates Dcm to the latest version
services:db:dump Create a database dump file
services:db:import Import database from a dump
services:info Local services information for each service
- config.json
- compile
- git tag