Setup Grafana on Windows
To install grafana on the Windows machine follow this documentation to download windows installer file and run it to install the application.
Note: Install Grafana version 8.3.2 with OSS Edition.
Setting up grafana datasources, dashboards and telegraf configurations.
Run the command below to get the EFLOW VM IP on a power shell
Run the configuration script with the EFLOW IP from the previous step
cd <path to repo>\simulator_configs python3 configure.py -ip <EFLOW IP>
Run the below command to setup the grafana datasources and dashboards.
cd <path to repo>\simulator_config setup_grafana.bat
Setting up Telegraf on Windows
Open a Command Prompt as an Administrator You also must have local admin rights on the computer.
To install and setup Telegraf on windows, run the
filecd <path to repo>\simulator_configs setup_telegraf.bat
Run the below command to setup the Telegraf configuration file
cd "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\" telegraf.exe --service install --config "C:\Program Files\InfluxData\telegraf\telegraf.conf" telegraf.exe --service start
Open the URL localhost:3001 on your Windows Deployment machine to open the Grafana dashboard.
Open the dashboard Defect Detection - Windows from the dashboard list to see Impeller Defect Detection view.
Open the dashboard Safety Dashboard - Windows from the dashboard list to view the Tripwire Safety Dashboard view.