diff --git a/source/slang/hlsl.meta.slang b/source/slang/hlsl.meta.slang
index a671a3dc44..d2abfc7fee 100644
--- a/source/slang/hlsl.meta.slang
+++ b/source/slang/hlsl.meta.slang
@@ -1079,6 +1079,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
     T Sample(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
+        __requireComputeDerivative();
         case hlsl:
@@ -1086,6 +1087,20 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             __intrinsic_asm ".Sample";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod $this $location ConstOffset|MinLod $offset $clamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
             status = 0;
             return Sample(location, offset, clamp);
@@ -1153,17 +1168,30 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleBias(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float bias, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
-            case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                return __getTexture().SampleBias(__getSampler(), location, bias, offset, clamp, status);
+        case hlsl:
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            return __getTexture().SampleBias(__getSampler(), location, bias, offset, clamp, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod $this $location Bias|ConstOffset $bias $offset;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract  %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -1261,7 +1289,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     float SampleCmp(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
@@ -1272,6 +1300,19 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             return __getTexture().SampleCmp(__getComparisonSampler(), location, compareValue, offset, clamp, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint $$float;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod $this $location $compareValue ConstOffset|MinLod $offset $clamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                result:$$float = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+            };
@@ -1296,7 +1337,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     float SampleCmpLevelZero(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
@@ -1306,6 +1347,8 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             return __getTexture().SampleCmpLevelZero(__getComparisonSampler(), location, compareValue, offset, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return SampleCmpLevel(location, compareValue, 0.0, offset, status);
@@ -1373,7 +1416,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, texture_shadowlod)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, texture_shadowlod)]
     float SampleCmpLevel(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, float level, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
@@ -1383,6 +1426,18 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             return __getTexture().SampleCmpLevel(__getComparisonSampler(), location, compareValue, level, offset, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint $$float;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod $this $location $compareValue Lod|ConstOffset $level $offset;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                result:$$float = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1; 
+            };
@@ -1472,16 +1527,30 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleGrad(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, vector<float, Shape.dimensions> gradX, vector<float, Shape.dimensions> gradY, constexpr vector<int, Shape.dimensions> offset, float lodClamp, out uint status)
-            case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                return __getTexture().SampleGrad(__getSampler(), location, gradX, gradY, offset, lodClamp, status);
+        case hlsl:
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            return __getTexture().SampleGrad(__getSampler(), location, gradX, gradY, offset, lodClamp, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod $this $location Grad|ConstOffset|MinLod $gradX $gradY $offset $lodClamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1; 
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -1574,16 +1643,29 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,1,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleLevel(vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float level, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
-            case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                return __getTexture().SampleLevel(__getSampler(), location, level, offset, status);
+        case hlsl:
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            return __getTexture().SampleLevel(__getSampler(), location, level, offset, status);
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod $this $location Lod|ConstOffset $level $offset;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1; 
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -1998,6 +2080,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
     T Sample(SamplerState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
+        __requireComputeDerivative();
         case hlsl:
@@ -2005,6 +2088,21 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             __intrinsic_asm ".Sample";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod %sampledImage $location ConstOffset|MinLod $offset $clamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
             status = 0;
             return Sample(s, location, offset, clamp);
@@ -2142,17 +2240,32 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleBias(SamplerState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float bias, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
-            case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                __intrinsic_asm ".SampleBias";
+        case hlsl:
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            __intrinsic_asm ".SampleBias";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod %sampledImage $location Bias|ConstOffset|MinLod $bias $offset $clamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -2293,7 +2406,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     float SampleCmp(SamplerComparisonState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, float clamp, out uint status)
@@ -2304,6 +2417,20 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             __intrinsic_asm ".SampleCmp";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint $$float;
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod %sampledImage $location $compareValue ConstOffset|MinLod $offset $clamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                result:$$float = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+            };
@@ -2342,7 +2469,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     float SampleCmpLevelZero(SamplerComparisonState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
@@ -2352,6 +2479,8 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             __intrinsic_asm ".SampleCmpLevelZero";
+        case spirv:
+            return SampleCmpLevel(s, location, compareValue, 0.0, offset, status);
@@ -2421,7 +2550,7 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, texture_shadowlod)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, texture_shadowlod)]
     float SampleCmpLevel(SamplerComparisonState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float compareValue, float level, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
@@ -2431,6 +2560,19 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
                 || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
                 , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
             __intrinsic_asm ".SampleCmpLevel";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint $$float;
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod %sampledImage $location $compareValue Lod|ConstOffset $level $offset;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                result:$$float = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+            };
@@ -2616,16 +2758,31 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleGrad(SamplerState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, vector<float, Shape.dimensions> gradX, vector<float, Shape.dimensions> gradY, constexpr vector<int, Shape.dimensions> offset, float lodClamp, out uint status)
-            case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                __intrinsic_asm ".SampleGrad";
+        case hlsl:
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            __intrinsic_asm ".SampleGrad";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability MinLod;
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod %sampledImage $location Grad|ConstOffset|MinLod $gradX $gradY $offset $lodClamp;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -2795,16 +2952,30 @@ extension _Texture<T,Shape,isArray,isMS,sampleCount,0,isShadow,0,format>
-    [require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
+    [require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
     T SampleLevel(SamplerState s, vector<float, Shape.dimensions+isArray> location, float level, constexpr vector<int, Shape.planeDimensions> offset, out uint status)
         case hlsl:
-                static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
-                    || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
-                    , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
-                __intrinsic_asm ".SampleLevel";
+            static_assert(T is float || T is vector<float,2> || T is vector<float,3> || T is vector<float,4>
+                || T is half || T is vector<half,2> || T is vector<half,3> || T is vector<half,4>
+                , "HLSL supports only float and half type textures");
+            __intrinsic_asm ".SampleLevel";
+        case spirv:
+            return spirv_asm
+            {
+                OpCapability SparseResidency;
+                %sparseResultType = OpTypeStruct $$uint __sampledType(T);
+                %sampledImage:__sampledImageType(this) = OpSampledImage $this $s;
+                %sparseResult:%sparseResultType = OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod %sampledImage $location Lod|ConstOffset $level $offset;
+                %residentCode:$$uint = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 0;
+                %sampled:__sampledType(T) = OpCompositeExtract %sparseResult 1;
+                OpStore &status %residentCode;
+                __truncate $$T result __sampledType(T) %sampled;
+            };
@@ -7469,12 +7640,18 @@ T copysign(T x, T y)
 // Check access status to tiled resource
-[require(hlsl, sm_5_0)]
-bool CheckAccessFullyMapped(out uint status)
+[require(hlsl_spirv, sm_5_0)]
+bool CheckAccessFullyMapped(uint status)
     case hlsl: __intrinsic_asm "CheckAccessFullyMapped";
+    case spirv:
+        return spirv_asm
+        {
+            OpCapability SparseResidency;
+            result:$$bool = OpImageSparseTexelsResident $status;
+        };
diff --git a/tests/expected-failure-github.txt b/tests/expected-failure-github.txt
index 10897b31e7..c36e142f65 100644
--- a/tests/expected-failure-github.txt
+++ b/tests/expected-failure-github.txt
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ tests/compute/interface-shader-param.slang.5 syn (wgpu)
 tests/language-feature/shader-params/interface-shader-param-ordinary.slang.4 syn (wgpu)
 tests/glsl-intrinsic/shader-subgroup/shader-subgroup-builtin-variables.slang.8 (mtl)
 tests/glsl-intrinsic/shader-subgroup/shader-subgroup-builtin-variables-2.slang.3 (mtl)
+tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture-combined.slang (dx12)
diff --git a/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture-combined.slang b/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture-combined.slang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21b16eba8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture-combined.slang
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// TODO: There are issues running tests combined texture samplers in  DX12.
+//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE_EX(filecheck-buffer=CHK):-slang -compute -shaderobj -output-using-type -use-dxil -profile cs_6_7 -dx12
+//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE_EX(filecheck-buffer=CHK):-vk -compute -shaderobj -output-using-type -emit-spirv-directly -render-feature hardware-device -xslang -DVK
+//TEST_INPUT: ubuffer(data=[2], stride=4):out,name outputBuffer
+RWStructuredBuffer<int> outputBuffer;
+//TEST_INPUT:ubuffer(data=[1 1 1 1]):name=iBuf
+RWByteAddressBuffer iBuf;
+// Combined texture samplers.
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler1D(size=4, content = one):name st1D_f32v3
+Sampler1D<float3> st1D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = one):name st2D_f32v3
+Sampler2D<float3> st2D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler3D(size=4, content = one):name st3D_f32v3
+Sampler3D<float3> st3D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler1D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name st1DArray_f32v3
+Sampler1DArray<float3> st1DArray_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name st2DArray_f32v3
+Sampler2DArray<float3> st2DArray_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler1D(size=4, content = one):name st1D_f32v4
+Sampler1D<float4> st1D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = one):name st2D_f32v4
+Sampler2D<float4> st2D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler3D(size=4, content = one):name st3D_f32v4
+Sampler3D<float4> st3D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler1D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name st1DArray_f32v4
+Sampler1DArray<float4> st1DArray_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name st2DArray_f32v4
+Sampler2DArray<float4> st2DArray_f32v4;
+// Combined depth texture samplers.
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias CombinedDepth2d = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __Shape2D,
+    0, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    1, // isCombined
+    format
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias CombinedDepth2d_array = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __Shape2D,
+    1, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    1, // isCombined
+    format
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = zero):name cd2D
+CombinedDepth2d<float> cd2D;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureSampler2D(size=4, content = zero, arrayLength=2):name cd2DArray
+CombinedDepth2d_array<float> cd2DArray;
+uint getNotMapped()
+    // We want to return a status uint that causes `CheckAccessFullyMapped` to return false.
+    // These are just educated guesses - actual implementation differ between platforms and drivers.
+#if defined(VK)
+    return 0xFFFFFFFFU;
+    return 0;
+bool TEST_combinedDepth()
+    float u = 0.0;
+    int offset = 0;
+    float clamp = 0.0;
+    float slice = 0.0;
+    float level = 0.0;
+    float compareValue = 0.0;
+    uint status;
+    return true
+        // =================
+        // float SampleCmp()
+        // =================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2D.SampleCmp(float2(u), compareValue, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2DArray.SampleCmp(float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==========================
+        // float SampleCmpLevelZero()
+        // ==========================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2D.SampleCmpLevelZero(float2(u), compareValue, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2DArray.SampleCmpLevelZero(float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ======================
+        // float SampleCmpLevel()
+        // ======================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2D.SampleCmpLevel(float2(u), compareValue, level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == cd2DArray.SampleCmpLevel(float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        ;
+bool TEST_sampler<T>(
+    Sampler1D<T> t1D,
+    Sampler2D<T> t2D,
+    Sampler3D<T> t3D,
+    Sampler1DArray<T> t1DArray,
+    Sampler2DArray<T> t2DArray,
+) where T : ITexelElement, IArithmetic
+    typealias TN = T;
+    float u = 0.0;
+    int offset = 0;
+    float clamp = 0.0;
+    float slice = 0.0;
+    float bias = 0.0;
+    float grad = 0.0;
+    float level = 0.0;
+    constexpr const float ddx = 0.0f;
+    constexpr const float ddy = 0.0f;
+    uint status;
+    return true
+        // ==========
+        // T Sample()
+        // ==========
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.Sample(u, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.Sample(float2(u), int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.Sample(float3(u), int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.Sample(float2(u, slice), offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.Sample(float3(u, u, slice), offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleBias()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleBias(u, bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleBias(float2(u), bias, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleBias(float3(u), bias, int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleBias(float2(u, slice), bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleBias(float3(u, u, slice), bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleGrad()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleGrad(u, ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleGrad(float2(u), ddx, ddy, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleGrad(float3(u), ddx, ddy, int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleGrad(float2(u, slice), ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleGrad(float3(u, u, slice), ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleLevel()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleLevel(u, level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleLevel(float2(u), level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleLevel(float3(u), level, int3(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleLevel(float2(u, slice), level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleLevel(float3(u, u, slice), level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        ;
+[numthreads(4, 1, 1)]
+void computeMain(int3 dispatchThreadID: SV_DispatchThreadID)
+    bool result = true
+        // Make sure CheckAccessFullyMapped can return false
+        && (!CheckAccessFullyMapped(getNotMapped()))
+        && TEST_sampler(
+            st1D_f32v3,
+            st2D_f32v3,
+            st3D_f32v3,
+            st1DArray_f32v3,
+            st2DArray_f32v3,
+            )
+        && TEST_sampler(
+            st1D_f32v4,
+            st2D_f32v4,
+            st3D_f32v4,
+            st1DArray_f32v4,
+            st2DArray_f32v4,
+            )
+        && TEST_combinedDepth()
+        ;
+    //CHK:1
+    outputBuffer[0] = int(result);
diff --git a/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture.slang b/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture.slang
index ba7e318358..ee2c21225f 100644
--- a/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture.slang
+++ b/tests/hlsl-intrinsic/texture/partial-resident-texture.slang
@@ -1,21 +1,224 @@
-//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE_EX(filecheck-buffer=CHK):-slang -compute -shaderobj -output-using-type -use-dxil -profile cs_6_6 -dx12
+//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE_EX(filecheck-buffer=CHK):-slang -compute -shaderobj -output-using-type -use-dxil -profile cs_6_7 -dx12
+//TEST(compute):COMPARE_COMPUTE_EX(filecheck-buffer=CHK):-vk -compute -shaderobj -output-using-type -emit-spirv-directly -render-feature hardware-device -xslang -DVK
 //TEST_INPUT: ubuffer(data=[2], stride=4):out,name outputBuffer
 RWStructuredBuffer<int> outputBuffer;
-//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one):name t2D_f32
-Texture2D<float4> t2D_f32;
-//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one):name t2DMS_f32
-Texture2DMS<float4> t2DMS_f32;
 //TEST_INPUT:ubuffer(data=[1 1 1 1]):name=iBuf
 RWByteAddressBuffer iBuf;
 //TEST_INPUT: Sampler:name samplerState
 SamplerState samplerState;
+//TEST_INPUT: Sampler:name samplerCmpState
+SamplerComparisonState samplerCmpState;
+// Textures.
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture1D(size=4, content = one):name t1D_f32v3
+Texture1D<float3> t1D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one):name t2D_f32v3
+Texture2D<float3> t2D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture3D(size=4, content = one):name t3D_f32v3
+Texture3D<float3> t3D_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureCube(size=4, content = one):name tCube_f32v3
+TextureCube<float3> tCube_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture1D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name t1DArray_f32v3
+Texture1DArray<float3> t1DArray_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name t2DArray_f32v3
+Texture2DArray<float3> t2DArray_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureCube(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name tCubeArray_f32v3
+TextureCubeArray<float3> tCubeArray_f32v3;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture1D(size=4, content = one):name t1D_f32v4
+Texture1D<float4> t1D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one):name t2D_f32v4
+Texture2D<float4> t2D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture3D(size=4, content = one):name t3D_f32v4
+Texture3D<float4> t3D_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureCube(size=4, content = one):name tCube_f32v4
+TextureCube<float4> tCube_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture1D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name t1DArray_f32v4
+Texture1DArray<float4> t1DArray_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name t2DArray_f32v4
+Texture2DArray<float4> t2DArray_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: TextureCube(size=4, content = one, arrayLength=2):name tCubeArray_f32v4
+TextureCubeArray<float4> tCubeArray_f32v4;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = one):name t2DMS_f32v4
+Texture2DMS<float4> t2DMS_f32v4;
+// Depth textures.
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias depth2d = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __Shape2D,
+    0, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    0, // isCombined
+    format
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias depth2d_array = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __Shape2D,
+    1, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    0, // isCombined
+    format
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias depthcube = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __ShapeCube,
+    0, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    0, // isCombined
+    format
+__generic<T : ITexelElement, let sampleCount:int=0, let format:int=0>
+typealias depthcube_array = _Texture<
+    T,
+    __ShapeCube,
+    1, // isArray
+    0, // isMS
+    sampleCount,
+    0, // access
+    1, // isShadow
+    0, // isCombined
+    format
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = zero):name d2D
+depth2d<float> d2D;
+//TEST_INPUT: Texture2D(size=4, content = zero, arrayLength=2):name d2DArray
+depth2d_array<float> d2DArray;
+uint getNotMapped()
+    // We want to return a status uint that causes `CheckAccessFullyMapped` to return false.
+    // These are just educated guesses - actual implementation differ between platforms and drivers.
+#if defined(VK)
+    return 0xFFFFFFFFU;
+    return 0;
+bool TEST_depthTexture()
+    float u = 0.0;
+    int offset = 0;
+    float clamp = 0.0;
+    float slice = 0.0;
+    float level = 0.0;
+    float compareValue = 0.0;
+    uint status;
+    return true
+        // =================
+        // float SampleCmp()
+        // =================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2D.SampleCmp(samplerCmpState, float2(u), compareValue, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2DArray.SampleCmp(samplerCmpState, float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==========================
+        // float SampleCmpLevelZero()
+        // ==========================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2D.SampleCmpLevelZero(samplerCmpState, float2(u), compareValue, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2DArray.SampleCmpLevelZero(samplerCmpState, float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ======================
+        // float SampleCmpLevel()
+        // ======================
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2D.SampleCmpLevel(samplerCmpState, float2(u), compareValue, level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(0.0 == d2DArray.SampleCmpLevel(samplerCmpState, float3(u, u, slice), compareValue, level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        ;
 bool TEST_texture<T>(
+    Texture1D<T> t1D,
+    Texture2D<T> t2D,
+    Texture3D<T> t3D,
+    TextureCube<T> tCube,
+    Texture1DArray<T> t1DArray,
+    Texture2DArray<T> t2DArray,
+    TextureCubeArray<T> tCubeArray,
+    )
+    where T : ITexelElement, IArithmetic
+    typealias TN = T;
+    float u = 0.0;
+    int offset = 0;
+    float clamp = 0.0;
+    float slice = 0.0;
+    float bias = 0.0;
+    float grad = 0.0;
+    float level = 0.0;
+    constexpr const float ddx = 0.0f;
+    constexpr const float ddy = 0.0f;
+    uint status;
+    return true
+        // ==========
+        // T Sample()
+        // ==========
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.Sample(samplerState, u, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.Sample(samplerState, float2(u), int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.Sample(samplerState, float3(u), int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.Sample(samplerState, float2(u, slice), offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.Sample(samplerState, float3(u, u, slice), offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleBias()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleBias(samplerState, u, bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleBias(samplerState, float2(u), bias, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleBias(samplerState, float3(u), bias, int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleBias(samplerState, float2(u, slice), bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleBias(samplerState, float3(u, u, slice), bias, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleGrad()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleGrad(samplerState, u, ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleGrad(samplerState, float2(u), ddx, ddy, int2(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleGrad(samplerState, float3(u), ddx, ddy, int3(offset), clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleGrad(samplerState, float2(u, slice), ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleGrad(samplerState, float3(u, u, slice), ddx, ddy, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // ==============
+        // T SampleLevel()
+        // ==============
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1D.SampleLevel(samplerState, u, level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.SampleLevel(samplerState, float2(u), level, int2(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t3D.SampleLevel(samplerState, float3(u), level, int3(offset), status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t1DArray.SampleLevel(samplerState, float2(u, slice), level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DArray.SampleLevel(samplerState, float3(u, u, slice), level, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        ;
+bool TEST_load<T>(
     Texture2D<T> t2D,
     Texture2DMS<T> t2DMS)
     where T : ITexelElement, IArithmetic
@@ -32,20 +235,16 @@ bool TEST_texture<T>(
     int3 iuvs = int3(iuv, sampleIndex);
     return true
-        // Make sure CheckAccessFullyMapped can return false
-        && (status = 0, !CheckAccessFullyMapped(status))
-        // Sample
-        && (status = 0, all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.Sample(samplerState, uv, offset, clamp, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        // Load
-        && (status = 0, all(TN(T(1)) == t2DMS.Load(iuv, sampleIndex, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.Load(iuvs, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, 2 == outputBuffer.Load(0, status)) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, 1 == iBuf.Load(0, status)) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, all(int2(1) == iBuf.Load2(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, all(int3(1) == iBuf.Load3(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
-        && (status = 0, all(int4(1) == iBuf.Load4(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        // Currently not supported by Slang on VK.
+#if !defined(VK)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2DMS.Load(iuv, sampleIndex, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(TN(T(1)) == t2D.Load(iuvs, offset, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), 2 == outputBuffer.Load(0, status)) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), 1 == iBuf.Load(0, status)) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(int2(1) == iBuf.Load2(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(int3(1) == iBuf.Load3(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
+        && (status = getNotMapped(), all(int4(1) == iBuf.Load4(0, status))) && CheckAccessFullyMapped(status)
@@ -53,7 +252,28 @@ bool TEST_texture<T>(
 void computeMain(int3 dispatchThreadID: SV_DispatchThreadID)
     bool result = true
-        && TEST_texture(t2D_f32, t2DMS_f32)
+        // Make sure CheckAccessFullyMapped can return false
+        && (!CheckAccessFullyMapped(getNotMapped()))
+        && TEST_texture(
+            t1D_f32v3,
+            t2D_f32v3,
+            t3D_f32v3,
+            tCube_f32v3,
+            t1DArray_f32v3,
+            t2DArray_f32v3,
+            tCubeArray_f32v3,
+            )
+        &&  TEST_texture(
+            t1D_f32v4,
+            t2D_f32v4,
+            t3D_f32v4,
+            tCube_f32v4,
+            t1DArray_f32v4,
+            t2DArray_f32v4,
+            tCubeArray_f32v4,
+            )
+        && TEST_depthTexture()
+        && TEST_load(t2D_f32v4, t2DMS_f32v4)