Trouble with advanced Shiny app used in crew examples #118
In the high-throughput coin flip example from the documentation of It doesn't happen every time, but sometimes the app hangs with not all tasks completed: App code: library(mirai)
flip_coin <- function() {
rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = 0.501)
ui <- fluidPage(
div("Is the coin fair?"),
actionButton("task", "Flip 1000 coins"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# mirai setup
daemons(n = 10)
onStop(function() daemons(n = 0))
# Keep running totals of heads, tails, and task errors.
flips <- reactiveValues(heads = 0, tails = 0, flips = 0)
# Create an extended task to invalidate
cue <- ExtendedTask$new(func = identity)
# List of mirai tasks
tasks <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
tasks$tasks <- list()
# Button to submit a batch of coin flips.
observeEvent(input$task, {
flips$flips <- flips$flips + 1000
for (task in seq_len(1000)) {
task <- mirai(flip_coin(), flip_coin = flip_coin)
tasks$tasks <- c(tasks$tasks, task)
# Print time and task status.
output$status <- renderText({
invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
sprintf("%s %s flips submitted", time, flips$flips)
# Print number of heads and tails.
output$outcomes <- renderText(
sprintf("%s heads %s tails", flips$heads, flips$tails)
# Observe new flips.
cue$result() # invalidates the observe()
new_flip <- NULL
for (index in seq_along(tasks$tasks)) {
task <- tasks$tasks[[index]]
if (!unresolved(task)) {
new_flip <- task$data
tasks$tasks[[index]] <- NULL
flips$heads <- flips$heads + new_flip
flips$tails <- flips$tails + (1 - new_flip)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) |
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This is an ordinary number of workers, and the throughput is quite low due to the delay you've put in. I know that the promises/later integration is rock solid due to the million promises challenge, which is real high throughput. If you also encounter an issue there let me know: (actually increase the number in the example to 1e6 + you'll need to ensure enough RAM to run it). I've tested on multiple machines, and no matter if I increase the flips per click to 10,000 and/or reduce the sleep time to zero, this isn't reproducible for me. This example also doesn't use Shiny ExtendedTask in the usual way - I wonder if it's because the mirai is launched independently of the promise creation. When you say 'hang', what do you mean exactly, does the clock still tick, but the counter stops increasing? Also when you encounter this, is it always on the first click after starting the app? If it works on the first click, can you get this to occur on subsequent clicks? This is an important point as to whether it is some sort of state / initialization issue. Also does this occur with versions 1.0.0 of nanoext/mirai or only more recent builds? |
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@wlandau would you try your original reprex on the current build of mirai ( I could never get the issue to reproduce in the first place, but recent updates may have fixed usage in this context. EDIT: to be clear I've not made any changes specifically for this. |
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The above works perfectly for me as well, both the text in the app as well as the print statements to the console.
The below is an alternative I quickly hacked together using
that doesn't use ExtendedTask (note: I don't think it's an issue with ExtendedTask, but possibly the non-standard way it is being used, with the additional observe). It may not be the best way to do things, but minimally modifies your original example.