Problem Statement: Implement a program in C/C++/Java to list all frequent path-traversal patterns with increasing size given a minimum support threshold s and a steam of web-click data. Each web server logs all activities into a stream (or a log file in batch mode) in the format of tuples, each containing an integer i (as user ID), and a reference string r (as web URL). A web-click sequence WCS for a user i can be extract from the web-click data as wcsi = [r1, r2, …, rk]. A maximal forward reference MFR is a forward reference path without any backward reference. So, each wcsi can be converted into several MFRs, i.e., wcsi = [mfr1, mfr2, …, mfrj]. The frequent pathtraversal patterns are MFRs with support ≥ s. Your program should support multiple web-click streams via sockets (each socket contains an IP address or the hostname, and a port number) and support ad-hoc queries with support threshold s. Both input and output follow CSV format.
- The host sockets (address,port) from where the streaming data is coming continuously,
- Support number
Here is the format of input and output, 9999, 33333
3, 55555
100, http://<>
100, http://<>
200, http://<>
400, http://<>
- Whenever an input from a socket, it is output to stdout immediately.
- The Web click sequence, and MFRs