Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is organized as an outline so the ability to collapse and expand sections really helps with figuring out what's going on.
This is the Ogden translation, with formulas typeset in LaTeX and images from the Project Gutenberg version of this text.
Aside from being in Markdown as opposed to Org Mode syntax, this differs from upstream in that it includes images and a makefile to allow easy generation of a PDF if, for some reason, you don't want to get the nicer-looking version from Project Gutenberg.
Building a PDF with make pdf
requires Pandoc and LaTeX.
- The Tractatus as a tree structure.
- The Tractatus as an Org-Mode file.
- The Tractatus at Project Gutenberg is the source for the images in this version, and is also very nicely typseset indeed.