Releases: sidestream-tech/unified-auctions-ui
Release v0.9.0
Release name: Phillips
Release in a nutshell:
Hitting larger milestones always feels good. We had this feeling during the last sprint, watching our keeper take some auctions on goerli and kovan for the first time. Today we are releasing the first version of our collateral keeper. Besides that, we made some good progress to support the Dai bidding flow in our UI. Our plan is to release this feature at the end of the next sprint. And lastly, not having any information on a finished auction was a thorn in our side; we changed it.
Feature epic overview:
- ✔️ Keeper support for collateral auctions
- ⚒️ Info on finished auctions
- 💡 Dai bidding flow
Link to extensive release notes:
Legend of feature lifecycle:
💡 = Conceptualisation
🚧 = Implementation
✔️ = Rollout
⚒️ = Improvement
Release v0.8.0
Release name: Heritage Auctions
Release in a nutshell:
We hope those of you who attended ETHDenver had some enlightening, fun and delightful moments and conversations. Our last sprint we focused on doing planning and conceptual work to pave the way for features to come, rather than shipping new features. So besides an overhaul of our T&C statement and consent flow, we put work into conceptualizing the feature to bid with Dai on collateral auctions. Additionally, we further pushed our keeper implementation and plan to release its first version in the next sprint.
Feature epic overview:
- 💡 Dai bidding
- ⚒️ Add T&C consent flow for the user
- 🚧 Keeper support for collateral auctions
Link to extensive release notes:
Legend of feature lifecycle:
💡 = Conceptualisation
🚧 = Implementation
✔️ = Rollout
⚒️ = Improvement
Release v0.7.0
Release name: Christie’s
Release in a nutshell:
As already teased in our last release notes, streamlining the onboarding process of new collateral types dominates this sprint again. For that, we re-structured our code base in a way that makes it easier to support new callee contracts. Other than that, we introduced minor UX improvements and further automated our CD pipelines.
Feature epic overview:
- ⚒️ Callee refactoring
- ⚒️ Indicate when auction turns profitable
- ⚒️ New production environment
Link to extensive release notes:
Legend of feature lifecycle:
💡 = Conceptualisation
🚧 = Implementation
✔️ = Rollout
⚒️ = Improvement
Test-Release v0.6.2
Release to test continuous production deployment
Release v0.6.1
- banner fix
Release v0.6.0
Release name: Bonhams
Release in a nutshell:
During the market crash, we came to the realization that the current state of cluttered UIs for different use cases is a mess for the auction user and causes confusion. We are working hard to unify all functionality with one UI.
Feature epic overview:
- ⚒️ Remove
- ⚒️ Add landing page
- ⚒️ Secure repository for open-sourcing
Link to extensive release notes:
Legend of feature lifecycle:
💡 = Conceptualisation
🚧 = Implementation
✔️ = Rollout
⚒️ = Improvement