- What is the question behind your analysis or model and what practical impact will your work have?
- What were Americans tweeting about coronavirus and COVID-19 in April 2020?
- Who is your client and how will that client benefits from exploring this question or building this model/system?
- To better inform future pandemic communication strategy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention want to understand what type of information spread via Twitter early on in the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
- What dataset(s) do you plan to use, and how will you obtain the data?
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Tweets:
- What is an individual sample/unit of analysis in this project?
- One tweet
- What characteristics/features do you expect to work with?
- Tweet characteristics:
- Filtered for:
= USlang(uage)
= English
- Tweet characteristics:
- If modeling, what will you predict as your target?
- N/A
- How do you intend to meet the tools requirement of the project?
- Python, numpy, pandas, sklearn,
- NLTK, VaderSentiment
- Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Are you planning in advance to need or use additional tools beyond those required?
- None at this time.
- What would a minimum viable product (MVP) look like for this project?
- Exploratory data analysis
- Preprocess text data
- Define corpus-specific stop words
- Remove punctuation, digits, special characters, convert to lowercase
- Stemming/lemmatization, parts of speech, named entity recognition
- Vectorize
- Dimension reduction/topic modeling
- VADER Sentiment Analysis
- Latent Semantic Analysis
- Non-Negative Matrix Factorization