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Version: 1.4.2 Type: application AppVersion: 0.12.0

A Helm chart for deploying the matrix authentication service on Kubernetes


Name Email Url


Repository Name Version
oci:// postgresql 16.4.5


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
configVolume.existingClaim string "" name of an existing persistent volume claim to use for matrix-authentication-service config. If provided, ignores mas parameter map string "500Mi" storage capacity for creating a persistent volume
configVolume.storageClassName string "default" name of storage class for the persistent volume
existingMasConfigSecret string "" Existing Kubernetes Secret for entire matrix authentication service config.yaml file. If set, everything under the mas section of the values.yaml is ignored.
externalDatabase.database string "mas" name of the database to try and connect to
externalDatabase.enabled bool false enable using an external database instead of the Bitnami PostgreSQL sub-chart if externalDatabase.enabled is set to true, postgresql.enabled must be set to false
externalDatabase.existingSecret string "" Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials
externalDatabase.hostname string "" hostname of db server. Can be left blank if using postgres subchart
externalDatabase.password string "changeme" password of matrix-authentication-service postgres user - ignored using exsitingSecret
externalDatabase.port string "5432" which port to use to connect to your database server
externalDatabase.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey string "postgresPassword" key in existingSecret with the admin postgresql password
externalDatabase.secretKeys.database string "database" key in existingSecret with name of the database
externalDatabase.secretKeys.databaseHostname string "hostname" key in existingSecret with hostname of the database
externalDatabase.secretKeys.databaseUsername string "username" key in existingSecret with username for matrix to connect to db
externalDatabase.secretKeys.userPasswordKey string "password" key in existingSecret with password for matrix to connect to db
externalDatabase.sslcert string "" optional: tls/ssl cert for postgresql connections
externalDatabase.sslkey string "" optional: tls/ssl key for postgresql connections
externalDatabase.sslmode string "" sslmode to use, example: verify-full NOTE: SSL not yet supported due to matrix-org/matrix-authentication-service#2799
externalDatabase.sslrootcert string "" optional: tls/ssl root cert for postgresql connections
externalDatabase.username string "mas" username of matrix-authentication-service postgres user
extraVolumeMounts list []
extravolumes list []
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy. if image.tag is set to "latest", set to "Always"
image.repository string ""
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {} annotations for ingress resource
ingress.className string "" className for ingress. Most people set this to "nginx"
ingress.enabled bool false enable ingress to reach the matrix authentication service outside the cluster
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific"
ingress.tls list []
livenessProbe.enabled bool false enable a liveness probe on the deployment
livenessProbe.httpGet.path string "/"
livenessProbe.httpGet.port string "http"
mas.captcha.secret_key string "" ignored if mas.captcha.service is ~ or null
mas.captcha.service string nil Which service to use for CAPTCHA protection. Set to null (or ~) to disable CAPTCHA protection. options are: ~, null, recaptcha_v2 (google), cloudflare_turnstile, or hcaptcha. see:
mas.captcha.site_key string "" ignored if mas.captcha.service is ~ or null
mas.clients[0] object {"client_auth_method":"client_secret_basic","client_id":"0000000000000000000SYNAPSE","client_secret":"exampletest"} a unique identifier for the client. It must be a valid ULID, and it happens that 0000000000000000000SYNAPSE is a valid ULID.
mas.clients[0].client_auth_method string "client_secret_basic" set to client_secret_basic. Other methods are possible, such as client_secret_post, but this is the easiest to set up.
mas.clients[0].client_secret string "exampletest" a shared secret used for the homeserver to authenticate
mas.database.uri string "" specify a specific database uri to connect with string "/usr/sbin/sendmail" Send emails by calling a local sendmail binary, only used if transport is sendmail string "\"The almighty auth service\" <>" email.from string "localhost" SMTP hostname. only used if transport is smtp string "plain" SMTP mode. options are plan, tls, or starttls. only used if transport is smtp string "password" SMTP password. only used if transport is smtp int 587 SMTP port. only used if transport is smtp string "\"No reply\" <>" email.reply_to string "blackhole" Default transport: don't send any emails, options: blackhole, smtp, sendmail, aws_ses (use AWS SESv2 API, via the AWS SDK, so the usual AWS environment variables are supported) string "username" SMTP username. only used if transport is smtp
mas.http.issuer string "" OIDC issuer advertised by the service. Defaults to public_base
mas.http.listeners list [{"binds":[{"host":"localhost","port":8080}],"name":"web","proxy_protocol":false,"resources":[{"name":"discovery"},{"name":"human"},{"name":"oauth"},{"name":"compat"}],"tls":{}}] List of HTTP listeners
mas.http.listeners[0].tls object {} If set, makes the listener use TLS with the provided certificate and key. more info:
mas.http.public_base string "" Public URL base used when building absolute public URLs
mas.masClientSecret.existingSecret string "" use an existing secret for clients section of config.yaml for: mas.clients[0].client_id, mas.clients[0].client_secret if set, ignores mas.clients[0].client_id, mas.clients[0].client_secret
mas.masClientSecret.secretKeys.client_id string "client_id" key in secret with the client_id
mas.masClientSecret.secretKeys.client_secret string "client_secret" key in secret with the client_secret
mas.matrix.endpoint string "https://localhost:8008" endpoint of your matrix home server (synapse or dendrite) with port if needed
mas.matrix.existingSecret string "" grab the above secret from an existing k8s secret. if set, ignores mas.matrix.secret
mas.matrix.homeserver string "localhost:8008" name of your matrix home server (synapse or dendrite) with port if needed
mas.matrix.secret string "test" a shared secret the service will use to call the homeserver admin API
mas.matrix.secretKey string "secret" name of the key in existing secret to grab matrix.secret from
mas.passwords.enabled bool false Whether to enable the password database. If disabled, users will only be able to log in using upstream OIDC providers list [] Client IDs which are allowed to ask for admin access with a client_credentials grant list [] Users which are allowed to ask for admin access. If possible, use the can_request_admin flag on users instead. object {} object {}
mas.upstream_oauth2.existingSecret string "" use an existing k8s secret for upstream oauth2 client_id and client_secret
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0] object {"authorization_endpoint":"","brand_name":"","claims_imports":{"displayname":{"action":"suggest","template":"{{ }}"},"email":{"action":"suggest","set_email_verification":"always","template":"{{ }}"},"localpart":{"action":"require","template":"{{ user.preferred_username }}"},"subject":{"template":"{{ user.sub }}"}},"client_id":"","client_secret":"","discovery_mode":"oidc","human_name":"","id":"","issuer":"","jwks_uri":"","pkce_method":"auto","scope":"openid email profile","token_endpoint":"","token_endpoint_auth_method":"client_secret_basic"} A unique identifier for the provider Must be a valid ULID, and can be generated using online tools like:
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].authorization_endpoint string "" The provider authorization endpoint, takes precedence over the discovery mechanism
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].brand_name string "" A brand identifier for the provider, which will be used to display a logo on the login page. Values supported by the default template are: - apple - google - facebook - github - gitlab - twitter
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].claims_imports.displayname object {"action":"suggest","template":"{{ }}"} The display name is the user's display name.
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0] object {"action":"suggest","set_email_verification":"always","template":"{{ }}"} An email address to import.
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0] string "always" Whether the email address must be marked as verified. Possible values are: - import: mark the email address as verified if the upstream provider has marked it as verified, using the email_verified claim. This is the default. - always: mark the email address as verified - never: mark the email address as not verified
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].claims_imports.localpart object {"action":"require","template":"{{ user.preferred_username }}"} The localpart is the local part of the user's Matrix ID. For example, on the server, if the localpart is alice, the user's Matrix ID will be
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].claims_imports.subject object {"template":"{{ user.sub }}"} The subject is an internal identifier used to link the user's provider identity to local accounts. By default it uses the sub claim as per the OIDC spec, which should fit most use cases.
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].client_id string "" The client ID to use to authenticate to the provider
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].client_secret string "" The client secret to use to authenticate to the provider This is only used by the client_secret_post, client_secret_basic and client_secret_jwk authentication methods
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].discovery_mode string "oidc" How the provider configuration and endpoints should be discovered
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].human_name string "" A human-readable name for the provider, which will be displayed on the login page
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].issuer string "" The issuer URL, which will be used to discover the provider's configuration. If discovery is enabled, this must exactly match the issuer field advertised in <issuer>/.well-known/openid-configuration.
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].jwks_uri string "" The provider JWKS URI. takes precedence over the discovery mechanism
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].pkce_method string "auto" Whether PKCE should be used during the authorization code flow. Possible values are: - auto: use PKCE if the provider supports it (default) Determined through discovery, and disabled if discovery is disabled - always: always use PKCE (with the S256 method) - never: never use PKCE
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].scope string "openid email profile" The scopes to request from the provider In most cases, it should always include openid scope
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].token_endpoint string "" The provider token endpoint. takes precedence over the discovery mechanism
mas.upstream_oauth2.providers[0].token_endpoint_auth_method string "client_secret_basic" Which authentication method to use to authenticate to the provider Supported methods are: - none - client_secret_basic - client_secret_post - client_secret_jwt - private_key_jwt (using the keys defined in the secrets.keys section)
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.authorization_endpoint string "" key in secret with the authorization_endpoint if discovery is disabled
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.client_id string "client_id" key in secret with the client_id
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.client_secret string "client_secret" key in secret with the client_secret string "" key in secret with the provider id
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.issuer string "issuer" key in secret with the issuer
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.token_endpoint string "" key in secret with the token_endpoint if discovery is disabled
mas.upstream_oauth2.secretKeys.userinfo_endpoint string "" key in secret with the userinfo_endpoint if discovery is disabled
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicies.enabled bool true
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podLabels object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
postgresql.enabled bool false Whether to deploy the Bitnami Postgresql sub chart If postgresql.enabled is set to true, externalDatabase.enabled must be set to false else if externalDatabase.enabled is set to true, postgresql.enabled must be set to false string "mas" name of the database string "" Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials string "changeme" password of matrix-authentication-service postgres user - ignored using exsitingSecret string "5432" which port to use to connect to your database server string "postgresPassword" key in existingSecret with the admin postgresql password string "database" key in existingSecret with name of the database string "hostname" key in existingSecret with hostname of the database string "username" key in existingSecret with username for matrix-authentication-service to connect to db string "password" key in existingSecret with password for matrix-authentication-service to connect to db string "mas" username of matrix-authentication-service postgres user
postgresql.primary.initdb object {"scriptsConfigMap":"{{ template \"postgresql.fullname\" . }}-postgresql-initdb"} run the scripts in templates/postgresql/initdb-configmap.yaml If using an external Postgres server, make sure to configure the database ref:
postgresql.primary.podSecurityContext.enabled bool true
postgresql.primary.podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1000
postgresql.primary.podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 1000
postgresql.tls.autoGenerated bool false Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates
postgresql.tls.certCAFilename string "" CA Certificate filename
postgresql.tls.certFilename string "" Certificate filename
postgresql.tls.certKeyFilename string "" Certificate key filename
postgresql.tls.certificatesSecret string "" Name of an existing secret that contains the certificates
postgresql.tls.crlFilename string "" File containing a Certificate Revocation List
postgresql.tls.enabled bool false Enable TLS traffic support for postgresql, see bitnami/charts/postgresql#securing-traffic-using-tls
postgresql.tls.preferServerCiphers bool true Whether to use the server's TLS cipher preferences rather than the client's
postgresql.volumePermissions.enabled bool true Enable init container that changes the owner and group of the PVC
readinessProbe.enabled bool false enable a readiness probe on the deployment
readinessProbe.httpGet.path string "/"
readinessProbe.httpGet.port string "http"
replicaCount int 1
resources object {} resources allocated to the kubernetes pod
securityContext object {}
service.annotations object {} annotations for your service
service.port int 80 Port of service
service.targetPort int 8080 targetPort of service. should be the same as port for bindaddr
service.type string "ClusterIP" type of service
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.automount bool true Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0