Starting in Q3 2022, the snowplow/iglu
repository will be serving as a gateway for the Snowplow Iglu ecosystem's components.
We will continue to release our components individually in their respective repositories. These releases will be reflected in snowplow/iglu
automatically as the respective submodules update.
Below you can find the CHANGELOG of past releases.
- Common: extend Travis timeout to 30 minutes (#471)
- Common: add logging messages to deploy scripts (#464)
- Common: add Bintray Docker registry credentials to .travis.yml (#423)
- Server: bump SBT to 1.2.8 (#468)
- Server: add read-only keys (#429)
- Server: change datetime format to ISO 8601 (#460)
- Server: bump to 0.5.0 (#459)
- Server: dockerize (#399)
- Server: harmonise returned data struct for GET schemas (#407)
- Server: delete public/schema endpoints (#398)
- Server: add Schema DDL as validation backend (#406)
- igluctl: bump SBT to 1.2.8 (#467)
- igluctl: replace scopt with decline (#462)
- igluctl: omit "no maxLength" warning if hostname format is present (#341)
- igluctl: factor out AWScala (#283)
- igluctl: bump Schema DDL to 0.9.0 (#458)
- igluctl: bump to 0.6.0 (#457)
- Schema DDL: bump sbt-bintray to 0.5.4 (#470)
- Schema DDL: bump SBT to 1.2.8 (#466)
- Schema DDL: fix nullable array casting into string in BigQuery AST (#461)
- Schema DDL: bump iglu-core to 0.4.0 (#456)
- Schema DDL: rename Product type to Union in jsonschema (#387)
- Schema DDL: add support for BigQuery numeric type (#426)
- Schema DDL: add JSON Pointers to linter messages (#330)
- Schema DDL: add circe support (#455)
- Schema DDL: port to cats (#454)
- Schema DDL: bump Scala to 2.12.8 (#453)
- Schema DDL: bump to 0.9.0 (#452)
- Scala Core: bump sbt-bintray to 0.5.4 (#469)
- Scala Core: bump SBT to 1.2.8 (#465)
- Scala Core: add ParseError type (#369)
- Scala Core: unify SchemaKey and SchemaMap (#450)
- Scala Core: remove syntax extensions (#449)
- Scala Core: add circe Decoder instance for SelfDescribingData (#448)
- Scala Core: swap SelfDescribingData member names (#394)
- Scala Core: bump circe to 0.10.1 (#447)
- Scala Core: bump to 0.4.0 (#451)
- igluctl: bump to 0.5.0 (#402)
- igluctl: make Redshift maxLength check skippable (#408)
- igluctl: add static deploy command (#375)
- igluctl: bump Schema DDL to 0.8.0 (#413)
- igluctl: bump SBT to 1.2.1 (#415)
- Common: short-circuit on failed deploy scripts (#412)
- Schema DDL: bump to 0.8.0 (#397)
- Schema DDL: bump iglu-core-json4s to 0.3.0 (#384)
- Schema DDL: bump SBT to 1.1.6 (#334)
- Schema DDL: add BigQuery table Schema AST (#169)
- Schema DDL: add quickstart guide to (#393)
- Server: bump to 0.4.0 (#379)
- Server: change method of validation endpoints (#405)
- Server: add possibility to mark schemas as draft (#403)
- Server: remove mandatory authorization for public schemas (#378)
- Server: exit in case of db connection failure (#400)
- Scala Core: bump to 0.3.0 (#386)
- Scala Core: add separate SchemaKey with explicit version (#364)
- Scala Core: bump Scala versions to 2.11.12 and 2.12.6 (#414)
- Scala Core: drop 2.10 (#389)
- Scala Core: bump SBT to 1.2.1 (#385)
- Scala Core: add Encoder and Decoder instances (#361)
- Scala Core: bump circe to 0.9.3 (#411)
- Common: add Gitter badge (#358)
- Documentation: fix incorrect hyphen underlining for R7 and R8 (#335)
- Server: add HTTPS scheme to Swagger UI (#363)
- Server: add baseURL to configuration (#362)
- Server: rename from Scala Repo Server (#131)
- Server: use scopt for CLI parameters (#356)
- Server: migrate CI/CD to release-manager (#355)
- Server: extend copyright notice to 2018 (#352)
- Server: only add metadata to schema JSON if ?metadata=1 (#86)
- Server: port to Akka HTTP (#318)
- Server: allow super user to upload schemas (#83)
- Server: bump SBT to 1.1.1 (#322)
- Server: bump Scala to 2.11.12 (#321)
- Server: bump to 0.3.0 (#338)
- igluctl: add support for Java 9 (#300)
- igluctl: fix interpreting SchemaVer warnings as failures (#340)
- igluctl: bump to 0.4.1 (#345)
- igluctl: fix false failure message in push command (#313)
- igluctl: switch severity level to skip checks (#232)
- Schema DDL: add linter for missing schema versions (#307)
- igluctl: table ownership setup as part of DDL (#225)
- igluctl: warn user if he tries to generate DDL not for 1-0-0 (#221)
- igluctl: drop version and extension from executable filename (#308)
- Schema DDL: add support for ZSTD encoding (#237)
- igluctl: add linter for "description" fields of properties (#264)
- igluctl: use UTC in header generation of Redshift DDL files (#223)
- igluctl: bump to 0.4.0 (#332)
- igluctl: bump Schema DDL to 0.7.0 (#333)
- Schema DDL: bump to 0.7.0 (#331)
- Common: bump OracleJDK to 8 in .travis.yml (#281)
- Common: add Ruby client (#230)
- Common: update READMEs markdown in according with CommonMark (#267)
- Common: migrate CI/CD to release-manager (#306)
- Scala Core: bump to 0.2.0 (#292)
- Scala Core: downgrade json4s to 3.2.11 (#268)
- Scala Core: add support for Unversioned Schema (#147)
- Scala Core: bump sbt-bintray to 0.5.1 (#285)
- Scala Core: add Scala 2.12 support (#276)
- Scala Core: bump SBT to 1.0.4 (#180)
- Scala Core: add json4s to test scope (#236)
- Schema DDL: bump to 0.6.0 (#293)
- Schema DDL: add linter for upper maxLength (#220)
- Schema DDL: add check that root of JSON Schema has type object (#224)
- Schema DDL: add linter for optional fields (#252)
- Schema DDL: bump iglu-core-json4s to 0.2.0 (#297)
- Schema DDL: generate fixed length for 'email' fields (#257)
- Schema DDL: add support for 'date' format (#256)
- Schema DDL: add uuid format #305
- Schema DDL: add Scala 2.12 support (#288)
- igluctl: bump to 0.3.0 (#294)
- igluctl: bump Schema DDL to 0.6.0 (#295)
- igluctl: switch to Scala 2.12 (#287)
- igluctl: add lint check of unknown formats (#227)
- igluctl: bump AWS SDK S3 to 1.11.250 (#279)
- igluctl: fix incorrect generation of Redshift and JSON Path filenames (#271)
- Scala Repo Server: bump Scala to 2.10.6 (#289)
- Documentation: break out Igluctl quick-start into Windows, macOS, Linux (#209)
- Documentation: fix broken links in clients README (#109)
- Schema DDL: add severity levels to linter (#215)
- igluctl: escape Windows-separator character (#208)
- igluctl: add iglu lint severity levels (#175)
- igluctl: add s3cp subcommand (#201)
- igluctl: add option to upload schemas publicly (#202)
- igluctl: add ability to provide full URL as registry root (#199)
- igluctl: make error messages more explicit (#198)
- igluctl: fix build with absent Bintray credentials (#200)
- igluctl: rename schema option to dbschema (#197)
- igluctl: make output of static generate more consistent (#171)
- igluctl: make static generate --force more explicit (#166)
- Common: add snowplow-generic Bintray credentials to .travis.yml (#178)
- Common: refactor CI/CD (#177)
- Documentation: fix r4 CHANGELOG (#174)
- igluctl: use exit status 1 for static generate (#184)
- igluctl: add linting for nonsense schemas (#164)
- igluctl: add igluctl lint command (#145)
- igluctl: port Repo Syncer into igluctl static push (#144)
- igluctl: port schema-guru ddl to igluctl static generate (#143)
- Schema DDL: change Redshift encoding for boolean to runlength (#173)
- Schema DDL: add JSON Schema AST (#172)
- Schema DDL: move schema-ddl into Iglu (#158)
- Registry Syncer: delete (#179)
- Common: added Sonatype credentials to .travis.yml (#159)
- Common: added Bintray credentials to .travis.yml (#157)
- Common: fixed publishing date for Penny Black in CHANGELOG (#160)
- Scala Core: added (#135)
- Registry Syncer: added counter and auto-generation of keys (#140)
- Registry Syncer: added --fail into curl command (#133)
- Registry Syncer: changed hash-bang interpreter to bash (#152)
- Registry Syncer: renamed from Repo Syncer (#141)
- Registry Syncer: fixed assumption that any string with "jsonschema" contains JSON Schema (#137)
- Registry Syncer: change HTTP method from POST to PUT (#134)
- Static Schema Registry: renamed from Static Schema Repo (#132)
- Common: added dedicated Vagrant setup (#96)
- Common: added VERSION file (#118)
- Common: added .travis.yml file to repo (#113)
- Common: added Vagrant push script to publish Scala Repo Server (#112)
- Scala Repo Server: added ability to delete schemas (#87)
- Scala Repo Server: added ability to load configuration from environment variables (#95)
- Scala Repo Server: added startup and teardown scripts to run before and after tests (#119)
- Scala Repo Server: added support for CORS (#117)
- Scala Repo Server: bootstrapped with embedded schemas (#80)
- Scala Repo Server: bumped version to 0.2.0
- Scala Repo Server: bump SBT to 0.13.9 (#114)
- Scala Repo Server: changed header name from api_key to apikey so it survives ELB (#94)
- Scala Repo Server: ensured that createdat and updatedat are the same when a schema is first uploaded (#92)
- Scala Repo Server: ensured that the self-describing schema gets created on startup (#65)
- Scala Repo Server: fixed schema vendor/name/format/version regexen (#81)
- Scala Repo Server: fix setup process for test suite (#79)
- Scala Repo Server: made attributes of self-describing schema consistent with Iglu Central (#98)
- Scala Repo Server: made it possible to read public schemas without an API key (#100)
- Scala Repo Server: make app crash instead of hanging when run with no arguments (#106)
- Scala Repo Server: make it possible to create * auth keys (#72)
- Scala Repo Server: removed quadruple quotes in SchemaSpec (#120)
- Scala Repo Server: removed .test from test class packages (#89)
- Scala Repo Server: started returning 200 when multiple schemas are deleted (#99)
- Scala Repo Server: stopped throwing exception when attempting to delete a nonexistent schema (#90)
- Scala Repo Server: updated json4s dependency to 3.2.11 (#78)
- Scala Repo Server: reverted to non-executable jarfile (#129)
- Repo Syncer: added (#77)
- Objective-C Client: added git submodule (#102)
- Documentation: added Objective-C client to 1-clients/ (#101)
- Documentation: added Travis, release and license buttons to README (#104)
- Scala Repo Server: added. Version 0.1.0
- Initial release