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Disassembling classfiles
First you have to get your soot installation running. An explanation can be found here.
Soot has two fundamental uses; it can be used as a stand-alone command line tool or as a Java compiler framework. As a command line tool, Soot can:
- dissassemble classfiles
- assemble classfiles
- optimize classfiles
As a Java compiler framework, soot can be used as a testbed for developing new optimizations. These new optimizations can then be added to the base set of optimizations invoked by the command line soot tool. The optimizations that can be added can either be applied to single classfiles or entire applications.
Soot accomplishes these myriad tasks by being able to process classfiles in a variety of different forms. Currently soot accepts code from the following sources:
- Java (bytecode and source code up to Java 7), including other languages that compile to Java bytecode, e.g. Scala
- Android bytecode
- Jimple intermediate representation
- Jasmin, a low-level intermediate representation.
and outputs any of its intermediate representations. By invoking Soot with the -help option, you can see the output formats:
java soot.Main --help
Output Options:
-d DIR -output-dir DIR Store output files in DIR
-f FORMAT -output-format FORMAT
Set output format for Soot
J jimple Produce .jimple Files
j jimp Produce .jimp (abbreviated Jimple) files
S shimple Produce .shimple files
s shimp Produce .shimp (abbreviated Shimple) files
B baf Produce .baf files
b Produce .b (abbreviated Baf) files
G grimple Produce .grimple files
g grimp Produce .grimp (abbreviated Grimp) files
X xml Produce .xml Files
dex Produce Dalvik Virtual Machine files
force-dex Produce Dalvik DEX files
n none Produce no output
jasmin Produce .jasmin files
c class (default) Produce .class Files
d dava Produce dava-decompiled .java files
t template Produce .java files with Jimple templates.
There are six intermediate representations currently being used in Soot: baf, jimple, shimple, grimp, jasmin, and classfiles. A brief explanation of each form follows:
a streamlined representation of bytecode. Used to inspect Java bytecode as stack code, but in a much nicer form. Has two textual representations (one abbreviated (.b files), one full (.baf files).) -
typed 3-address code. A very convenient representation for performing optimizations and inspecting bytecode. Has two textual representations (.jimp files, and .jimple files.) -
an SSA variation of jimple. Has two textual representations (.shimp files, and .shimple files.) -
aggregated (with respect to expression trees) jimple. The best intermediate representation for inspecting dissassembled code. Has two textual representations (.grimp files, and .grimple files.) -
a messy assembler format. Used mainly for debugging Soot. Jasmin files end with ".jasmin". -
the original Java bytecode format. A binary (non-textual) representation. The usual .class files.
For this tutorial we examine a simple class
public class Hello
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello world!");
Simply compile the class (using javac or other compilers), and try the following command in the directory where Hello.class is located.
java soot.Main -cp CLASSPATH -f jimple Hello
with your CLASSPATH set correctly according to this tutorial.
is set up properly, you should get:
java soot.Main -f jimple Hello
Transforming Hello...
The file called Hello.jimple should contain:
public class Hello extends java.lang.Object
public void <init>()
Hello r0;
r0 := @this: Hello;
specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();
public static void main(java.lang.String[])
java.lang.String[] r0;
java.io.PrintStream $r1;
r0 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
$r1 = <java.lang.System: java.io.PrintStream out>;
virtualinvoke $r1.<java.io.PrintStream: void println(java.lang.String)>("Hello world!");
By simple extrapolation, you should be able to now generate .b, .baf, .jimp, .jimple, .grimp, and .grimple files for any of your favorite classfiles. A particularly good test is a classfile from the JDK library. So a command like:
java soot.Main -f baf java.lang.String
should yield a file java.lang.String.baf containing text of the form:
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[], int, int)
word r0, i0, i1;
r0 := @parameter0: char[];
i0 := @parameter1: int;
i1 := @parameter2: int;
new java.lang.String;
load.r r0;
load.i i0;
load.i i1;
specialinvoke <java.lang.String: void <init>(char[],int,int)>;
Soot cannot only produce .class
files, it can also produce .jimple
and .java
files and others. You can select the output format using the –f
option. If you use –f dava
to decompile to Java please make sure that the file <jre>/lib/jce.jar
is on Soot’s classpath.
Also check out Soot's webpage.
NOTE: If you find any bugs in those tutorials (or other parts of Soot) please help us out by reporting them in our issue tracker.
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- General Notions
- Getting Started
- A Few Uses of Soot
- Using Soot as a Command-Line Tool
- Using the Soot Eclipse Plugin
- Using Soot as a Compiler Framework
- Building Soot
- Coding Conventions
- Contributing to Soot
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- Reporting Bugs
- Preparing a New Soot Release