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Game Flow

Moritz Riede edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 7 revisions


1. Initializing


  • Set up the hexagonal grid based on the options and the size of the GeoTIFF and place mine locations accordingly.
  • Initialize counters for mines, uncovered cells, total cells and other stats.
  • Render game board.

Player Action

  • Wait for the player to begin the game by clicking any cell.
  • (The first click might be a mine due to fixed mine locations. Provide suggestions or hints for the first click?)
  • Start timer and move to next phase.

2. Playing


  • Uncover cells as per the standard Minesweeper rules, with the exception that cells are hexagonal and mine locations are fixed based on GeoTIFF data.
  • Update any counters.

Player Decisions

  • Players can mark suspected mine locations. (TODO)
  • Include a feature to highlight GeoTIFF data points as hints if desired? (TODO)


  • Transition to ending state and show different modal contents depending on if the user has lost or won the game.

3. Game-Over State


  • Show a gameover message.
  • Reveal all mines.
  • Display stats: Percentage completed, total uncovered area, total number of cells, and total mines.

Player Options

  • Restart with a new game or the same GeoTIFF data.
  • View leaderboard or share score, if relevant.

3. Finished State


  • Congratulate the player for completing the game.
  • Reveal all mines.
  • Display stats: Time taken, total number of cells, and total mines.

Player Options

  • Restart with a new game or the same GeoTIFF data.
  • View leaderboard or share score, if relevant.
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