Releases: springdoc/springdoc-openapi
Releases · springdoc/springdoc-openapi
springdoc-openapi v1.3.8 released!
springdoc-openapi v1.3.7 released!
- Make use of @deprecated annotations for parameters and model fields
- #624 - Revert changes on MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
- #568 - Improve visibility of configuration classes
springdoc-openapi v1.3.6 released!
- Revert @ParameterObject annotation from Pageable
springdoc-openapi v1.3.5 released!
- Get fields of superclass for parameter objects
- #606 - Added MonetaryAmount support, out of the box.
- #605 - Support nested parameter objects.
- #603 - Request Body can be configured as optional.
- #588 - Support of assignableTypes attribute in @ControllerAdvice.
- Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.25.1
- Improve Pageable support
- #608 - Improve override OpenApiResource
- #591 - Changing oauth2RedirectUrl to respect relaxed binding.
- #624 - Change Return type of api-docs to
- #622 - Missing extension to schema property.
- #609 - ( self ref) for HAL hypermedia types.
- #610, #611 - ApiResponse DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION Improvement.
- #601 - components schema not generated.
- #592 - springdoc.cache is not part of additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json.
- #597 - Request Body for Maps not available in Swagger-UI.
springdoc-openapi v1.3.4 released!
- #583 - Crash on startup with 1.3.3 for kotlin app not using kotlinx-coroutines-reactor.
springdoc-openapi v1.3.3 released!
springdoc-openapi v1.3.2 released!
- #541 - Add support for none required fields on @ParameterObject
- Support headers without value (headers = "X-API-VERSION")
- #544 - Improve @parameter annotation support for header
- #156 - Added test for required param object is not marked as required
- #553 - Ignore Map type with @RequestParam(required = false) in method
- #549 - Imrpove Spring HATEOAS support
springdoc-openapi v1.3.1 released!
- #344 - Support for dynamic groups from application.yml
- #509 - Support for Groovy metaclass/metadata
- #120 #268 #162 #119 - Support to extract parameters from parameter object using Springdoc annotation @ParameterObject
- #502 - Support for Subtypes to be also ignored from Controller class
- #461 - Rename some packages to improve Java 9 Modules support
- #536 #424 - Workaround for swagger-ui, to enable layout and filter properties
- #531 - Added encoding section iswagger-apin multipart request
- Upgrade to spring-boot to 2.2.6
- Upgrade swagger-api to 2.1.2
springdoc-openapi v1.3.0 released!
- Feature to support for property resolver on @Schema (name, title and description)
- #501 - Introduced new property springdoc.api-docs.resolve-schema-properties for property resolver on @Schema
- #453 - Being able to see the class within an EntityModel as a Schema.
- Introduce new property springdoc.remove-broken-reference-definitions
- #498 - Property resolver on @ApiResponse.description
- Support of @QuerydslPredicate in Rest controllers
- Change the interface of ParameterCustomizer
- Improve isAnnotationToIgnore and isParamToIgnore
- Use MethodParameter#isOptional() instead of checking for Optional type
- #496 - Improve the support of Pageable.
- Improve compatibility with spring-boot 1, even there is EOL announced:
springdoc-openapi v1.2.34 released!
- Property resolver on @operation.summary, @parameter.description and
- #468 - Use required attribute from spring RequestBody annotation
- #481 - Review configuration via springdoc.swagger-ui.urls
- #333 - Support for auto fill clientId and clientSecret for webflux
- Support to ignore annotations on parameter level
- #469 - Update spring-boot-starter-parent to 2.2.5.RELEASE
- #477 - Improve compatibility of springdoc-openapi-data-rest with Spring Webflux
- #480 - Improve support of Swagger UI to use provided spec.yml
- Delegate primitive type generation to swagger-core
- #489 - Wrong schema mapping with inheritance. Fixes