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@@ -21,9 +21,20 @@ Susanne's research reminds me of:
- 10-29-2020 (Oct, 29. 2020): Much earlier and maybe around the year 2005 or in that range, is when I would have first heard about the mythical Planet 9. Not having an indepth knowledge of how real-estate is actually discovered in and around the solar system (as in, the methods leveraged) and realizing that a fair bit of territory needs to be covered. I didn't know how to think about why the so called/mythical Planet 9 was not discovered. Next and many years later, when the news item of a blackhole the size of a grapefruit came to my attention. This, then lead me to think about the kinds of behaviors that were being exhibited by bodies in the trans-Neptunian region(s). For the further evoluion of this theory, one of being a mythical planet that no one could locate, to a blackhole of a certain size. And so, on 10-29-2020, I made the following post on Github on this very blog. [Grape Fruit Sized Black Hole In The Outer Solar System](
- 11-02-2020 (Nov 2nd, 2020): On this date, I made the following blogpost about [Sedna's orbital eccentricity]('s-orbital-eccentricity/). Which, just stands out as odd and makes you wonder why this rock is 'not' following the same path and does not have the same/similar kind of orbital eccentricity like it's neighbors in and around the inner-solar system.
- 02-12-2021 (Feb 12, 2021): After having read a particular article via SciAm (Scientific American), I made the following blogpost about [Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov](
- 05-01-2021 (May 1, 2021): I cannot recall if I made a blogpost about the following article via SciAm (link is below). I do recall highlighting this article in one of the posts. I just cannot recall which post it is. [Stars That Race through Space at Nearly the Speed of Light](
- 09-07-2022 (Sept 07, 2022): I am not sure how much, the following blogpost is on topic here. But in this blogpost, I was still pondering about the general shape/composition of the MilkyWay. [Starbust Region](
- Next, the following (below) may or may not be on topic. Particularly because I am not an astrophysicist. And I definitely do not share these links in a sensationalist sense. Nor in a sense that I seek to benefit from the projects whereby I have demonstrated the intention, by blowing the index (risk/opportunity) out of proportion. Pun was not intended, intentionally. With that disclosure:
- 11-08-2023 (Nov 8, 2023): [Meditations on why GRB230307A happened (GRB) and two Neptunian type worlds collided into each other]( Note: I didn't screenshare with the proper provisions while I was recording this video, so I had to do a re-take. [Link]( Like I said, extremely speculative. These events did not occur in or around the solar system. For me, I was once again curious if the bands around the MilkyWay had anything to do with these events. And/or the [preponderance]( of blackholes around the MilkyWay. On this note, I recall reading about a researcher of Indian Origin who was either born in the States or to parents in USA. I don't think it was Kanappan or Vishu (who passed away in the year 2017). But upon first glance, their research also sounds very intriguing. Specially, if I read this right and if Vishu was working with Kip Thorne. Source [google search string]( But this researcher, who I believe was mentioned in an article via SciAm, had figured out a new way to detect blackholes by triangulating them.
- 11-29-2023 (Nov 29, 2023): The meditations from November of the previous year were all over the place. [Link]( Note to self: To make sure that I write a description for the content that I create or help create.
- In part 02 of the meditations I start thinking about E.L.E and it looks like I am still trying to bridge this to meditations on the Drake's equation. But again, it is data that guides our reasoning and within reason. So, I haven't really looked at any data in order to be able to form any definitive conclusions. But, again, I would say that it will to be our advantage to learn more about how the wider reality is structured. What I do not know, again, are the tools and techniques leveraged in order to form this map. And the degree to which the map actually reflects the reality at large. I guess the metaphor could be akin to relying on maps and compass solely, whereby satellite communications can greatly help with endeavours of such nature. So, instruments like next-gen [LIGO detectors]( should be able to help us form a picture, a model of the wider reality that we previously could not access. It is not to suggest that the means via which [gravitional waves]( are detected will indeed be the only mechanism via which this picture/model could be formed. I wonder the kind of data that [LISA - Laser Inferometer Space Antennae]( will bring back. Slated to be launched in a earth-like heliocentric orbit in the year 2035.
- In part 03 of the meditations from 11-29-2023 (previous links above): This is a 5 hour plus meditation. [link]( Well, first of all, hearing about the 5% risk of extinction from A.I (Artificial Intelligence) lead me to rethink what I was thinking in my meditations. The meditations leverage simple probabilities, but as of right now there is no proof of the realms explored and particularly when it relates to further evolution of the Drake's equation. I mean, statistically, it would seem really weird if humans were the only tool-making species. But, I also am not aware of the proof of any such existence. Besides, my preliminary thinking on this topic as a non-biologist and as a non-physicist, lead me to think that intelligence is relative and that the scales are on gradients. And I leverage some simple examples in my meditations, whereby an earth-worm or ant intelligence (ant as an individual and ants as a colony, are relative to each other and then they are relative to other intelligences like us). Anyhow, the risk of extinction from A.I, again, I am not sure how this was determined. But I know of at-least two sources I could research off of and I reckon one of the resource is a particular episode via the FLI podcast. I think it was FLI (Future of Life Institute), I'd have to dig into this.
- At this point and relating to this blogpost, I am getting too involved into the details. As well, exploring realms that simply may not be associated. Plus, I could very well have my own conscious or unconscious biases present here.

Coming back to Susanne Pfalzner's and her students research one more time. I haven't personally had a chance to dive into this topic beyond the surface level. But again, to a non-astrophysicist like me, this seems like a very interesting and rich area of research. This is the kind of research that could open up a lot of other/different venues of research. This, I think, would be the kind of research that will help us understand not just the shape/composition and the history of our own solar system. But my intuitive guess is that it will also help us understand the set of dynamics in the wider MilkyWay.

After reading the article once (or twice), I had more questions. Including, but not limited to and in random order:
- The central question, in my mind, of 'bands' around the MilkyWay, how they travel, how many branches these bands would have and the direction in which they travel and why. The Milkyway's merger with dwarf galax(ies), is, what I think has lead to these bands in the first place. The reason for me, why particular images via APOD captured my attention.
- I am also thinking about the article via SciAm from 05-01-2021 (linked above about Stars zipping by at, I would think at or near relativistic speeds), Pfalzner's research, other thoughts related to trails of debris e.t.c and building up on that and if this is on topic the blogpost from 02-12-2021 about rocks like [Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov]( that have been observed to zip by the SolarSystem and Dr. Loeb's prediction, if I recall and at that time of an expectation of 1 such rock zipping by the solar system per month when new equipment goes online.

- Test of bullets
- Test of indentation

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