This site is available at
Pull requests for typos, examples, and other improvements are welcome. To file an issue, please use the libraries repository.
To run a local Jekyll server, see the instructions in the docker-tools README.
Configure the build as follows:
cmake --preset=hyde-build-docs
Login to GitHub Packages registry
echo $CR_PAT | docker login --password-stdin -u USERNAME
Fetch the latest image and run it:
docker pull$HYDE_VERSION
docker run --platform linux/x86_64 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/..",target=/mnt/host \
--tty --interactive \$HYDE_VERSION bash
From the docker prompt
cd /mnt/host/libraries/docs
[ this is from the old docs - need to update the docs and script.
(or, simply
) to generate the boilerplate for it. Then, fill in any fields marked as__MISSING__
. Fields marked as__OPTIONAL__
may be omitted. ]