- "vouch": "I started this course back in October, and I was really excited to explore this new aspect of Minecraft having played the game for almost 10 years beforehand. At the time, it had everything I wanted to learn: Commands, Events, Bungeecord Integration, Minigame Creation, Particle Effects, Custom GUI's, Holographic Displays and it was perfect. Without hesitation I bought the course and began my learning. **It was a slow start**. The majority of people who did not have a good experience with this course did not understand and follow the paradigm of learning. Especially with programming, everything takes time and patience. Learning Java is essential to what you do with the rest of the course, and Stephen covers this beautifully in the first few sections of the Course. You have to be willing to have a good mindset, and to rewatch lectures 3-4 times before fully understanding the concept. You have to be willing to take risks and to START making something, so you can see where you go wrong, correct, learn and expand. Many of the 1 Star âï¸ reviews seen below are from students who never reached out for support, who never asked a single Q in the Q&A section, or barely even started the course. In order to be successful in any learning process, you need to take action for yourself. The course WILL do the rest for you. Stephen puts blood sweat and tears into creating high quality 25+ hour lectures and is extremely extensive to any aspiring Bukkit/Spigot developer. The course includes everything you could possibly need, and it's JAM packed with pure knowledge. After 6 months of dedication towards covering the course (even at times where I wanted to quit, or just stop learning) I INSTANTLY saw the change in my learning, I started understanding and fully applying the concepts taught in the lectures, to my real world programming. It could take less or more than 6 months, but with 100% guarantee this course IS WORTH THE TIME. It is a robbery that this course is available for around $15, dropping even lower at certain points in time. In return I have made hundreds of dollars just from the content of this course, and that is purely magical. If you put hard work, you will get stunning results. Stephen does a remarkable job at making sure that the course stays fully up to date, with the highest quality videos available. A recent course remake was implemented, where he **rerecorded** ALL his lectures and adjusted them based off fined tuned feedback from students, and the remake was excellent. It's high quality, it's detailed, and most importantly, its packed with knowledge and understanding. 

The partnered discord server also deserves a huge amount of appreciation. The discord server that accompanies this course is for all students who wish to have their questions and programming doubts clarified in an instant. The staff members who help support and guide students are affable, talented, extremely hardworking and dedicated and are always looking at ways to improve. Stephen runs polls with students to gain better insight on what YOU want, and implements them without hesitation, students come feeling lost, and in a matter of 10 minutes, they are fully equipped with the knowledge to continue what they are doing, and that will not, should not, and cannot be taken for granted. It is a stunning learning tool and if you make the effort to seek support, your efforts will be rewarded. Do NOT hesitate to purchase this course, you will feel frustrated, lost, and confused during portions of your development journey, but there are over 30+ people to help you with your problems, and 3000+ students who are all in your exact position. So? What are you waiting for?"
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