The WEAS package is a JavaScript library designed to visualize and edit atomic structures (molecule, crystal, nanoparticle) in the web environments.
- Model: space-filling, ball-stick, polyhedral.
- Supported File types: cif, xyz, cube, xsf, POSCAR.
- Edit structure: move, rotate, delete, and replace atoms.
- Support periodic boundary conditions.
- Animation (view and edit).
- Volumetric data (isosurface).
- Vector fields, e.g., magnetic moment.
Here are some demo pages:
- Codepen Demo
- ...
Please visit: WEAS Documentation
Clone the repository,
npm install
npm start
Then go to the demo
npm install
npm test
Use playwright for the e2e test.
For the first time, one needs to install the dependence.
npx playwright install
Then run
npm run build
npx playwright test
Run the test with the title
npx playwright test -g "Animation"
If the snapshots need to be updated:
npx playwright test --update-snapshots
- Xing Wang