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531 lines (309 loc) · 22 KB

File metadata and controls

531 lines (309 loc) · 22 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Nothing.

[2.5.0] - 2025-02-24


  • Added support for Laravel 12 #104.


  • Dropped PHP <8.0 support.

[2.4.0] - 2024-05-15


  • Added the ability to send headers through repositories #103.

[2.3.2] - 2024-03-05


  • Added support for Laravel 11 #101.

[2.3.1] - 2023-09-04


  • Added support for psr/http-message v2 #100.

[2.3.0] - 2023-02-14


  • Added support for Laravel 10.


  • Dropped PHP <7.4 support.
  • Dropped Laravel <8 support.

[2.2.0] - 2022-09-08


  • Added getData method on relationships to get the relationship data #97.


  • Fix relationship data meta issue #97.

[2.1.0] - 2022-08-17


  • The Repository is split up into one trait per action #91. This allows you to build your own repository by extending the BaseRepository and including just the actions/traits you need. See the (updated) readme for usage instructions. The Repository now uses these new traits and should be fully backwards compatible.


  • Fix ParamNameMismatch issue #96.

[2.0.1] - 2022-02-08


  • Added support for Laravel 9.


  • Temporarily suppress PHP 8.1 notices about inconsistencies with interfaces.

[2.0.0] - 2022-01-04

Please also check the changes in 2.0.0-beta and see UPGRADING for details on how to upgrade.


  • All classes now use strict typing #93.
  • All JSON-actions (json_encode and json_decode) will throw JsonExceptions on error #94.


  • Dropped PHP <7.3 support.

[2.0.0-beta] - 2021-07-01

Please see UPGRADING for details on how to upgrade.


  • Added Item::mergeAppends, Item::mergeCasts, Item::mergeFillable and Item::mergeGuarded.


  • Renamed Item::addHidden to Item::makeHidden.
  • Merged Item::addVisible and Item::withHidden into Item::makeVisible.
  • Changed visibility of Item::getAttributeValue to public.
  • The item's toArray method will now cast any attributes that implement Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable to an array.
  • The item's newInstance method will now copy the type of the original item.


  • Dropped Laravel <6 and PHP <7.2 support.
  • Removed jenssegers/model dependency and added the classes into the package.
  • Removed unintended array access to internal properties on the item (e.g. $item['attributes']).
  • Extracted Laravel parts (config, service provider and facades) into swisnl/json-api-client-laravel.

[1.3.3] - 2021-01-18


  • Parse meta in resource identifier objects #89.

[1.3.2] - 2020-10-28


  • The service provider will not set the base uri if it's empty. This allows you to set it in a custom container binding without using the config file.

[1.3.1] - 2020-10-22


  • Do not prepend the base uri if the endpoint is already absolute #82.

[1.3.0] - 2020-09-25


  • Added factory methods to DocumentClient, ResponseParser and DocumentParser. This will make it easier to use these without an IOC container. See the (updated) readme for usage instructions. #79

[1.2.0] - 2020-09-16


  • Added support for Laravel 8 #81.

[1.1.1] - 2020-08-05


  • Document, Jsonapi, Links and Meta classes will be serialized as object when empty.
  • Properly handle relations without data #78.

[1.1.0] - 2020-03-06


  • Added support for Laravel 7 #75.

[1.0.2] - 2019-12-02


  • Do not break out of loop when hydrating relations #71.

[1.0.1] - 2019-11-21


  • Do not require error links object to contain an about member #69.

[1.0.0] - 2019-11-18


  • Reworded ValidationException messages to align them with the wordings used in the specification.
  • DocumentParser throws a ValidationException when it encounters duplicate resources #64.
  • TypeMapperInterface and TypeMapper are now registered as the same singleton #65.


  • ItemHydrator unsets a relation when null (singular) or empty array (plural) instead of hydrating a relation with id null #67.

[1.0.0-beta.3] - 2019-09-30


  • Fixed parsing of empty singular relationships #63.

[1.0.0-beta.2] - 2019-09-20

This release includes a small breaking change because we switched from PHP-HTTP to PSR-18, its successor. Almost all PHP-HTTP clients now implement PSR-18, so this should not be a big problem. This also means for example that PSR exceptions are thrown instead of PHP-HTTP exceptions. If you are relying on some PHP-HTTP classes yourself, make sure to review your code and change those to their PSR equivalent. If you are using this package within a Laravel application, it is important to note that we also changed the way how you can bind your own HTTP client. Please see the documentation and compare all code changes for more details!


  • Added support for Laravel 6 #61.


  • Switched from PHP-HTTP to PSR-18, its successor #60.
  • The \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Client now uses php-http/discovery itself instead of the service provider. This should make usage without Laravel easier #60.
  • Removed the $baseUri parameter from \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Client::__construct(), use \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Client::setBaseUri() instead #60.


  • Removed \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Providers\ServiceProvider::getHttpClient() and \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Providers\ServiceProvider::getMessageFactory() as the client now discovers these classes itself. Custom HTTP clients must now be registered within your own service provider using a custom container binding #60.


  • Self and related links can not be null #59.
  • Error links MUST have about link. Relationship links MUST have either self or related link #59.
  • Links has to be an object.

[1.0.0-beta] - 2019-07-22


  • Drop art4/json-api-client dependency and validate the JSON ourselves #58.
  • \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Exceptions\ValidationException is thrown instead of \Art4\JsonApiClient\Exception\ValidationException #58.
  • Added hasAttribute to ItemInterface.
  • All exceptions thrown by this package now implement \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Exceptions\Exception.


  • Empty (null) links are correctly parsed.
  • Empty (null) singular relationships are correctly parsed.

[0.20.0] - 2019-07-11


  • Change signature of RepositoryInterface::save(). It should now receive an ItemInterface instead of a ItemDocumentInterface.

[0.19.0] - 2019-07-10


  • Added DocumentFactory #52.
  • Added facades for DocumentFactory, DocumentParser, ItemHydrator, ResponseParser and TypeMapper.
  • Added DocumentParserInterface and ResponseParserInterface interfaces and implementations #54.


  • The TypeMapper now checks if the class exists in the setter instead of the getter.
  • The ItemHydrator now also hydrates the id if provided #53.
  • Added hasType, hasAttributes, hasRelationships and getRelations to ItemInterface #53.
  • Removed canBeIncluded and getIncluded from ItemInterface as the DocumentFactory is now responsible for gathering the included items #53.
  • Renamed getRelationship to getRelation, hasRelationship to hasRelation and removeRelationship to unsetRelation in Item #53.
  • Renamed/aligned some parameters in several relation methods in Item #53.
  • Renamed namespace Swis\JsonApi\Client\Traits to Swis\JsonApi\Client\Concerns #53.
  • Renamed namespace Swis\JsonApi\Client\JsonApi to Swis\JsonApi\Client\Parsers #54.
  • Renamed ServiceProvider::registerParser (singular) to ServiceProvider::registerParsers (plural) #54.


  • Removed CollectionDocumentBuilder and ItemDocumentBuilder in favor of DocumentFactory #52.
  • Removed ParserInterface in favor of DocumentParserInterface and ResponseParserInterface #54.

[0.18.0] - 2019-07-01


  • The id of an item can be set/get using magic accessors just like the attributes #51.


  • Added (optional) type hints to several interfaces. N.B. This is a breaking change if you implement some of the interfaces yourself.
  • Renamed deleteById method to simply delete and removed the 'old' implementation in RepositoryInterface. N.B. This is a breaking change and all calls to deleteById should simply be changed to delete as the signature is unchanged.

[0.17.0] - 2019-03-19


  • Added support for Laravel 5.8 #50.


  • Dropped Laravel <5.5 support #50.
  • Dropped PHP <7.1 support #50.

[0.16.0] - 2019-03-14


  • Added DocumentInterface::getResponse() so every document instance can have its corresponding response. This allows access to the underlying response to check headers or status codes etc #48.
  • Added ParserInterface::deserializeResponse($reponse) to deserialize a \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.


  • ClientInterface must now return a \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface for requests instead of our own (removed) ResponseInterface #48. N.B. This is a breaking change if you use the Client directly, the DocumentClient isn't affected.
  • Changed namespace of error classes:
\Swis\JsonApi\Client\Errors\Error -> \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Error
\Swis\JsonApi\Client\Errors\ErrorCollection -> \Swis\JsonApi\Client\ErrorCollection
\Swis\JsonApi\Client\Errors\ErrorSource -> \Swis\JsonApi\Client\ErrorSource


  • Removed ResponseInterface and Response classes #48.

[0.15.0] - 2019-02-21

This release includes changes to some interfaces #47. This is a breaking change if you use these interfaces in your own code.


  • Added take method to Repository to allow fetching resources without id.
  • Added links and meta to ItemInterface.
  • Added Jsonapi class.
  • Added links and meta to OneRelationInterface and ManyRelationInterface.
  • Added Link and Links classes.
  • Added links to Error.


  • Error::getMeta() now returns a Meta instance instead of an ErrorMeta instance. The Meta class does not have the has and get methods, but uses magic overloading methods (e.g. __get and __set) just like Item. N.B. This is a breaking change if you use meta on errors.
  • DocumentInterface::getLinks() now returns a Links instance instead of a plain array. If no links are present, it returns null. All implementations have been updated to reflect these changes. N.B. This is a minor breaking change if you use links on documents.
  • DocumentInterface::getMeta() now returns a Meta instance instead of a plain array. If no meta is present, it returns null. All implementations have been updated to reflect these changes. N.B. This is a minor breaking change if you use meta on documents.
  • DocumentInterface::getJsonapi() now returns a Jsonapi instance instead of a plain array. If no jsonapi is present, it returns null. All implementations have been updated to reflect these changes.
  • Parameters for ItemInterface::setRelation() have changed to include optional Links and Meta objects.
  • JsonApi\ErrorsParser, JsonApi\Hydrator and JsonApi\Parser have an extra dependency in their constructor. N.B. Make sure to add this dependency if you've overwritten ServiceProvider::registerParser or construct the JsonApi\Parser yourself.


  • Removed ErrorMeta class in favor of generic Meta class.


[0.14.0] - 2019-01-23

This release includes changes to some interfaces #45. This is a breaking change if you use these interfaces in your own code.


  • Added OneRelationInterface and ManyRelationInterface to differentiate between singular and plural relations.
  • Added documentation about ItemDocumentBuilder, ItemHydrator and Repository classes.


  • Moved setType and getType from RelationInterface to a separate interface; TypedRelationInterface.
  • Added type hints to ItemInterface::setRelation.
  • Added return type hint to Item::hasAttribute.


  • Removed RelationInterface in favor of OneRelationInterface and ManyRelationInterface.
  • Removed setId and getId from HasOneRelation and MorphToRelation. These operations should be performed on the included item.
  • Removed setType and getType from morph relations. Use regular relations if you want to set the type.

[0.13.0] - 2019-01-14


  • Omit item from included when it has no attributes or relationships (only type and id) N.B. This is a breaking change if you implement the ItemInterface yourself instead of using the supplied Item.
  • Make sure included is always a plain array so it is serialized as array

[0.12.1] - 2019-01-11


  • Fix hydrating of HasOne relations by id using ItemHydrator #44

[0.12.0] - 2019-01-11


  • Add isSuccess method to Document #40


  • Add headers to request methods in DocumentClientInterface. N.B. This is a breaking change if you implement the interface yourself or extend the DocumentClient. #34
  • Repository doesn't throw exceptions anymore. #41 N.B. This is a breaking change if you catch DocumentNotFoundException or DocumentTypeException. If you would like the old behaviour, you can simply extend the Repository and implement it yourself.
  • A HasOne or MorphTo relation do not set a [relationship]_id field on the parent when associating a related item. #42


  • Removed obsolete ItemDocumentSerializer in favor of JsonSerializable. N.B. This is a breaking change if you use this class directly, construct the DocumentClient yourself or have overwritten \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Providers\ServiceProvider::registerClients. The ItemDocument can now be serialized using json_encode.
  • Removed obsolete DocumentNotFoundException and DocumentTypeException. #41 N.B. This is a breaking change if you catch these exceptions.


  • Do not fail on, but skip relationships without data #38
  • Dissociating a related item now produces valid JSON #42

[0.11.0] - 2018-12-21


  • Implement JsonSerializable in Document #32
  • Add toArray to DocumentInterface and Document so CollectionDocument and ItemDocument now share the same toArray method #32

[0.10.3] - 2018-10-26


  • Omit 'type' attribute when filling attributes for a morph relationship #28

[0.10.2] - 2018-10-24


  • Allow '0' as id in ItemDocumentBuilder #27

[0.10.1] - 2018-09-25


  • Add the id when the item has one and not only when it is not new

[0.10.0] - 2018-09-10


  • Added Laravel 5.7 support

[0.9.0] - 2018-08-30


  • Added Laravel 5.6 support
  • Travis now runs tests on all supported versions of Laravel

[0.8.0] - 2018-08-14


  • Refactored name(space) of \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Items\JenssegersItem to \Swis\JsonApi\Client\Item as we only have one item now.


  • EloquentItem is removed because it had some limitations which could not be fixed without being too opinionated.
  • NullItem is removed in favor of simply null. This item was only used internally so this should not affect you.

[0.7.5] - 2018-07-04


  • Do not add attributes to item when empty #20

[0.7.4] - 2018-06-20


  • Reverted the behaviour of handling duplicate items back to what it was in <= 0.7.2. This change in behaviour was introduced in the last performance update (0.7.3). N.B. This change will only affect you if you parse documents with duplicate items, which violates the JSON API spec.

[0.7.3] - 2018-06-01


  • Improved performance of JsonApi\Hydrator #18

[0.7.2] - 2018-05-17


  • Fixed building the request with headers

[0.7.1] - 2018-05-16


  • Corrected the path to the config file

[0.7.0] - 2018-05-11


Update art4/json-api-client to latest version, this changes some of the returned classes.

The following classes are changed in some arguments and some method returns, if you extended or directly use \Swis\JsonApi\Client\JsonApi\Hydrator or \Swis\JsonApi\Client\JsonApi\Parser please check your code.

\Art4\JsonApiClient\Resource\CollectionInterface -> \Art4\JsonApiClient\ResourceCollectionInterface
\Art4\JsonApiClient\Resource\ItemInterface -> \Art4\JsonApiClient\ResourceItemInterface
\Art4\JsonApiClient\Resource\IdentifierCollection -> \Art4\JsonApiClient\ResourceIdentifierCollection
\Art4\JsonApiClient\Resource\Identifier -> \Art4\JsonApiClient\ResourceIdentifier
\Art4\JsonApiClient\Resource\Collection -> \Art4\JsonApiClient\ResourceCollection

[0.6.0] - 2018-03-06


  • Added


  • Changed package name in composer.json
  • Changed autodiscovery service provider in composer.json

[0.5.0] - 2018-03-06


  • Added a proper README with instructions.


  • Updated namespace to Swis\JsonApi\Client for consistency.
  • Split service provider binds so overwriting is easier.


[0.4.0] - 2018-01-16


Refactored to use php-http/httpplug instead of Guzzle so the library doesn't depend on a specific http client implementation.

This does change how you customize the ServiceProvider, just include an adapter for the client you want to use and the library uses autodiscovery to find the correct adapter/client. It also uses a MessageFactory for creating Requests and Response objects.

So for example, if you want to use Guzzle, just composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter, and all should be swell.

In order to have a working mock client for testing you now need to include php-http/mock-client. Which is an easy way to mock requests.