Check CircleCI success on latest master. When this is in failed state there is a chance that the release build will hit the same error.
Login to Jenkins. In case you are not registered yet create a new account and open an issue @github asking for permissions to edit and start jobs.
Run the Major release build with version parameter (e.g. 1.7.0)
Pushes to master should be avoided while the build is running. This is because those changes will not be included in the release and have to be backported to the release branch manually after the release.
The release build runs for ~2h
Actions performed in the release build:
Run full build (all tests, all checks enabled) on a clean local Maven repository
Create staging repository on Maven central nexus
Push all Syndesis artifacts to Maven staging repository
Release staging repository
Push Syndesis images to DockerHub
Run the Minor release (bugfix) build with version parameter (e.g. 1.7.1).
You should see a build job that is suitable for your minor release (e.g. syndesis-release-1.7.x)
The build performs the very same steps on the respective bugfix branch instead of master.
When there is a problem with the Jenkins release build or you need to perform something special you can also run the release from a local machine.
When doing a major release we need to create a new bugfix branch for this major release.
Clone Syndesis upstream repo to a local folder:
> git clone git@github.com:syndesisio/syndesis.git syndesis-upstream > cd syndesis-upstream
For instance when working on a major release 1.7.0
> git checkout -b 1.7.x > git push -u origin 1.7.x
We don’t allow commiting directly to the bugfix branch so branch protection rule needs to be added in the GitHub repository settings. The rule should be defined as:
Require status checks to pass before merging, with the following required checks:
On Jenkins we need a new job for further bugfix releases on that major version. You can copy an existing bugfix release job and adjust the version numbers in the job configuration.
For instance if you are doing a release 1.7.0
copy the job
syndesis-release-1.6.x and replace 1.6.x
with 1.7.x
The new job should point to the new bugfix branch 1.7.x
and should be named syndesis-release-1.7.x
Update master with new SNAPSHOT version
Once we have the new bugfix branch in place we can upgrade master to a new SNAPSHOT version.
You should do this in your forked Syndesis repo and open a PR to upstream master.
Make sure your fork is up to date with latest master and no changes are pending in your local codebase.
> git pull upstream master > git checkout -b pr/version-1-8-SNAPSHOT
Search for all occurrences of 1.7-SNAPSHOT and replace with 1.8-SNAPSHOT.
> git commit -m ’chore: upgrade version to 1.8-SNAPSHOT’ > git push -u origin pr/version-1-8-SNAPSHOT
Now you can open a new PR to upstream master. Wait for the Circle CI checks to be done and merge to master.
We have some special labels for backport bot and PRs dedicated to a bugfix branch. Create those labels for the new major release.
In particular we need
backport 1.7.x
Make sure release build is successful
Check availability of latest Syndesis artifacts on Maven central (Synchronization can take ~2-4h)
Check Syndesis images on DockerHub
When the release build fails for some reason we probably need to revert some things manually. Especially when the release was partially done (e.g. some artifacts already have been uploaded to Maven central staging)
In particular we may need to
clean up Maven staging repositories
clean up DockerHub
You can check the Maven staging repository state for the group id io.syndesis on Maven central nexus.
A user login is required and permission to access the io.syndesis staging repositories. Both can be done by opening a new issue at OSSRH.
Also read the OSSRH guide to get used to the process.