This example uses the Profile for IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services to provision an instance of the base OCP VPC module in a compliant manner.
The following resources are provisioned by this example:
- A new resource group, if an existing one is not passed in.
- A Cloud Object Storage instance.
- An Object Storage bucket (for VPC Flow logs).
- A secure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
- A context-based restriction (CBR) rule to only allow COS Instance to be accessible from within the VPC.
- A Context-based restriction (CBR) network zone containing the VPC.
- A Context-based restriction network zone containing the schematics service.
- CBR rules that allow only the VPC and schematics to access the OCP cluster over the private endpoint.
- An OCP cluster in a VPC with the default worker pool deployed across 3 availability zones with cluster and boot volume encrypted with the given Hyper Protect Crypto Service root key.
❗ Important: OCP provisions a COS bucket, but you cannot use your own encryption keys. This will fail the requirement for Cloud Object Storage to be enabled with customer-managed encryption and Keep Your Own Key (KYOK). In OCP 4.14, COS will become optional to provision a cluster.
- You need a Hyper Protect Crypto Services instance and keys for the worker and master encryption available in the region that you want to deploy your OCP Cluster instance to.