installing nodejs
Nodejs is required for npm and for running the backend.
1. Download nodejs from: Please install the latest v22.5.12. Depending on your machine, you can download the any package that suits your needs.
Installing The all of the backend packages and dependencies
All our packages and dependencies is really simple.
1. Run the command: npm installRunning the server
After downloading nodejs, it's time to run the server.
1. go into the backend directory.2. type the command > node index.js
3. After the command is run, the server should be running on host: http://localhost:3000
First of all. You need to install DaisyUI and Tailwind before installing angular
Installing Tailwind
Please refer to the following YouTube video for instructions on how to install Tailwind:
Installing DaisyUI
DaisyUI is a Tailwind plugin. Meaning to need Tailwind installed to install DaisyUI.
1. Go into the folder "frontend\master-oop" 2. run the command: npm i -D daisyui@latestInstalling Angular
Angular is needed for the front end
1. In the command prompt, run the command npm: install -g @angular/cli@latestInstalling The rest of the frontend packages and dependencies
Installing all our packages and dependencies is straightforward. Go into the "frontend\master-oop" directory
1. Run the command: npm installRunning the Frontend
change directories to the "master-oop" subdirectory within the frontend subdirectory. This can be done using the command cd frontend/master-oop
Once inside master-oop, run the command ng serve --open. This runs the app
Generating a component in Angular
- Go into the directory "frontend\master"
- run the command: ng generate component <component_name>