This tutorial will guide you through the steps to build, run, and use the [smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin
This container is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and includes various development tools, libraries, and configurations for working with Kerberos and LDAP.
- Docker installed on your machine.
- Internet connection to pull base images and clone repositories.
First, clone the repository containing the Dockerfile and related scripts.
git clone
cd smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin
Build the Docker image using the provided Dockerfile. This step will install all necessary packages and configure the environment.
docker build -t smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin:master .
Run the container in the background. This command will start the container and keep it running.
docker run --name smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin-dev -d smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin:master sleep infinity
Open a shell inside the running container to start using it.
docker exec -it smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin-dev /bin/bash
Once inside the container, you can verify that the environment is set up correctly.
Check Installed Packages:
dpkg -l | grep -E 'ruby|automake|autoconf|gcc|make|libkrb5-dev|libldap2-dev|libsasl2-dev|adcli|krb5-user|ldap-utils|dnsutils|git'
Check DNS Configuration:
cat /etc/resolv.conf
Check Oh-My-Bash Installation:
echo $OSH
If you have tests to run inside the container, you can execute them as follows:
docker exec smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin-dev /bin/bash -c "cd /path/to/tests && ./"
When you are done, you can stop and remove the container, and optionally remove the image.
Stop the Container:
docker stop smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin-dev
Remove the Container:
docker rm smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin-dev
Remove the Image (optional):
docker rmi smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin:master
You have successfully built and run the [smart_proxy_realm_ad_plugin
] container. You can now use this container for development and testing purposes, with all necessary tools and configurations pre-installed.