Welcome to JRandomDrawing's readme.txt, where anything is possible, as long as your idea of "anything" is picking names out of a hat.
Great question.
Ensure your computer has java installed. (It probably does, and it is probably out of date. Yes, you should let it update.)
Export the entire project folder as "RandomDrawing.jar"
Create a file called "names.csv" that contains only the names you wish to draw from, separated line by line. See the included "names.csv" for example. (This file can be created by deleting all other cells from a spreadsheet besides the names you wish to draw from, and "Save As" a .csv file.)
Put "names.csv" in the same folder as "RandomDrawing.jar" SUPER IMPORTANT
Double click "RandomDrawing.jar". A GUI box should open within a few seconds.
Click the big button
Distribute iPad
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-Liam Sargent