IT-services provided by the University of Turku
- Horizon provides browser-based access to remote tools, including:
- Windows 10 remote desktop
- Office 2016
- Personec HR
- SAP portal
- Datastorage
- Seafile provides 100 Gb of cloud-based storage. Can be also accessed via mobile abplications.
- Network folder (up to 25 Gb), accessed mostly from cable-conencted Windows machines.
- IDA by CSC
- Password management at
- Wireless network services
- Eduroam (also available at other facilities and in other countries)
- UTU-Guest
- VPN access to internal network - the only way to connect to Tuorla work machine remotely
- Cisco AnyConnect
- Software
- Office 365
- F-Secure
- Private WordPress webpage
- UTU shop handles all hardware requests (should be approved by the director)
- GitLab available for university staff members and students
- Cloud-based national file sharing system
- Pasi Nurmi (handles Windows-based systems)
- Kaj Wiik (handles *nix systems & Tuorla's own computing resources)
- Helpdesk (general IT-related issues that cannot be resolved by Pasi or Kaj)
- Help request webform
- Internal phone service 6000 (available 8-16)
Founded in 1971 as a technical support unit for Univac 1108
CSC connected Finland to the Internet in 1988
Datacenter in Kajaani started in 2012
- home of supercomputers Sisu and Taito
Services require a CSC account
- available free of charge for researchers at higher education institutions in Finland
- ~1.5 weeks of intensive learning for students (5 ECTS):
- intro to modern Fortran/C
- MPI + openMP
- hybrid programming
- tools for analyzing and visualizing large datasets
- ~1.5 weeks of intensive learning for students (5 ECTS):
- Upcoming: Quantum programming, Linux, GPU programming, Python in HPC....
- Supercomputer with 40k cores
- Large-scale parallel computations which require exceptionally powerful supercomputing resources
- From several hundreds to up to thousands of cores
- Supercluster (CPUs + GPUs)
- General-purpose technical and scientific computing
- Single core jobs to parallel jobs of several hundred cores
Grid computing enables applying the resources of many computers or computing clusters in a network to a single problem at the same time
Finnish Grid Infrastructure:
- Titan (@Turku) 260 cores (10 nodes + 1 largemem node)
- Pleione (@Turku) 793 cores (18 nodes + 16 largemem nodes)
Access HPC platforms directly using virtual machines
Can be run on browser ( )
- Virtual environments comes with libraries preinstalled
Perfect for running courses for students (can be accessed with HAKA account)
For more see