- Resolve issues with nginx configuration
- Fix spelling mistake in Dockerfile when enabling Zip extension
- Fix upstream issue with mysql command not being found due to changes in MariaDB client library
- Rework writing cron scheduler
- Fix for Admin name size check
- Show errors on installation
- Fix for unterminated sed command
- Revert 3.5.2 and start doing 5 character checks on ADMIN_USER
- Fix a problem with CRON_INTERVAL not being used
- Add check for ADMIN_PASS size. Fail if <5 characters
- Modernize Image
- OsTicket 1.17.3
- Support tiredofit/nginx:6.0.0 and tiredofit/nginx-php-fpm:7.0.0 changes
- OSTIcket 1.15.4
- Debian Bullseye base
- Fix spelling mistake in Dockerfile for archiver plugin
- Clean NGINX_WEBROOT extra /www/ prefix from crontab
- Cleanup composer cache
- Cleanup Debian package cache to reduce image size
- Switch from Alpine to Debian base due to musl not supporting some functions OSTicket requires
- Upgrade OSTicket to 1.15.3
- PHP 7.4
- Removed erroneous argument in cron job
- Update to support tiredofit/alpine 5.x.x base images
- Switch to php7-pecl-memcached
- Additional Changes to support new tiredofit/alpine base image
- Support new tiredofit/nginx and tireofit/alpine base images
- OSTicket 1.14.1
- Refactored to support new tiredofit/nginx-php-fpm base image
- Modernize Image
- Added many plugins
- OSTicket 1.14rc1
- PHP 7.3
- Alpine 3.10
- Pull sources from Github instead of mainwebsite
- Compile auth-ldap plugin
- Fix Broken Detection of new install
- Build PHP7 Memcached Extension
- Sanity Checks in init scripts
- Rebase with nginx-php-fpm:7.0 with s6
- Production Stable
- Memcached Capable for Sessions
- Reset Admin Password if ENV Set upon Bootup
- Initial Release
- OSTicket 1.10
- Alpine:3.5
- PHP7
- Zabbix