- Overrides xemu settings prior to starting XEMU.
- Settings are only updated if the associated environment variable is defined.
- Settings you want changed should be defined in the calling environment.
XEMU_DIR: - The directory where xemu is located" (REQUIRED)
XEMU_CFG: - The XEMU toml file to use" (REQUIRED)
XEMU_MCPX - The path to the mcpx .bin
XEMU_BIOS - The path to the bios .bin
XEMU_EEPROM - The path to the eeprom .bin
XEMU_HDD - The path to the hdd file ( .qcow2, .img )
XEMU_DVD - The path to the iso .img. (force xemu to boot with a disk)
XEMU_MEM: - memory limit, ( 64, 128 )
XEMU_VIDEO: - video output; ( hdtv, composite, vga, scart, svideo, rfu, none )
XEMU_SIZE: - startup size; ( 640x480, 1280x720, etc )
XEMU_POS: - position; ( 0=CENTER, 1=TOPL, 2=TOPR, 3=BOTL, 4=BOTR )
XEMU_SKIP_ANI: - skip the boot animation; ( 0=false, 1=true )
-? - Display help message
-ls - List all toml entries in the config file.
-ls {section} - List all toml entries for a specific section.
-cmd {command} - Open a command prompt with the specified command while XEMU is running.
-qemu_cli - Output the QEMU command line to the console");