helm repo add traefik https://helm.traefik.io/traefik
helm repo update
helm install traefik traefik/traefik
Traefik will be installed in the current namespace based on the Kubernetes context settings.
Check Helm Releases, please note the chart and the Traefik version.
helm ls
Check what pods have been created:
kubectl get pods
Check what services have been added by Traefik:
kubectl get svc/traefik
Check what other objects have been created:
kubectl get all -l"app.kubernetes.io/instance=traefik"
Describe the Traefik pod to see CLI arguments and other depoyment specific parameters:
kubectl describe pod <TRAEFIK-POD-NAME>
Get the IP address that has been assigned - EXTERNAL-IP - field and update your DNS by creating wild card entry: *.example.com
pointing to the EXTERNAL-IP.