Releases: trivago/gollum
This is a patch / minor features release.
All vendor dependencies have been updated to the latest version and binaries have been compiled with go 1.8.
- producer.Kafka will discard messages returned as "too large" to avoid spooling
- consumer.Http does not truncate messages with WithHeaders:false anymore (thanks @mhils)
- producer.Websocket now uses gorilla websockets (thanks @glaslos)
- Dockerfile is now working again
- It is now possible to (optionally) send nil messages with producer.kafka again
- Consumer.Kinesis will renew the iterator object when hitting a timeout
- Consumer.Kinesis now runs with an offset file set that does not exist
- Consumer.Kinesis offset file is now written less often (after each batch)
- Consumer.Kafka does now retry with an "oldest" offset after encountering an OutOfRange exception.
- Fixed a crash when using producer.ElasticSearch with date based indexes (thanks @relud)
- format.Base64Decode now uses data from previous formatters as intended
- format.JSON arr and obj will now auto create a key if necessary
- format.JSON now checks for valid state references upon startup
- format.JSON now properly encodes strings when using "enc"
- format.SplitToJSON may now keep JSON payload and is better at escaping string
- "gollum -tc" will exit with error code 1 upon error
- "gollum -tc" will now properly display errors during config checking
- Added producer for writing data to Amazon S3 (thanks @relud)
- Added authentication support to consumer.Http (thanks @glaslos)
- Added authentication support to native.KafkaProducer (thanks @relud)
- Added authentication support to producer.Kafka (thanks @relud)
- Added authentication support to consumer.Kafka (thanks @relud)
- Added consumer group support to consumer.Kafka (thanks @relud)
- Added a native SystemD consumer (thanks @relud)
- Added a Statsd producer for counting messages (thanks @relud)
- Added an option to flatten JSON arrays into single values with format.ProcessJSON (thanks @relud)
- Added filter.Any to allow "or" style combinations of filters (thanks @relud)
- Added support for unix timestamp parsing to format.ProcessJSON (thanks @relud)
- Added filter.Sample to allow processing of every n'th message only (thanks @relud)
- Added format.TemplateJSON to apply golang templates to JSON payloads (thanks @relud)
- Added named pipe support to consumer.Console
- Added "pick" option to format.ProcessJSON to get a single value from an arrays
- Extended "remove" option pf format.ProcessJSON to remove values from arrays
- Added "geoip" option to format.ProcessJSON to get GeoIP data from an IP
- Added index configuration options to producer.ElasticSearch
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.
Contribution notice
From this release on v0.5.0 will be developed from the master branch.
As the new version will contain a lot of breaking changes, 0.4.x will remain as a branch to allow bugfixes and pull requests.
This is a patch / minor features release.
All vendor dependencies have been updated to their latest version and all binaries have been compiled with go 1.7.
- Fixed file offset handling in consumer.Kinesis (thanks @relud)
- Fixed producer.File RotatePruneAfterHours setting
- Producer.File symlink switch is now atomic
- Fixed panic in producer.Redis when Formatter was not set
- Fixed producer.Spooling being stuck for a long time during shutdown
- Fixed native.KafkaProducer to map all topics to "default" if no topic mapping was set
- Fixed a concurrent map write during initialization in native.KafkaProducer
- Fixed consumer.Kafka OffsetFile setting stopping gollum when the offset file was not present
- consumer.Kafka will retry to connect to a not (yet) existing topic every PersistTimeoutMs
- Consumer.Kafka now tries to connect every ServerTimeoutSec if initial connect fails
- Consumer.Kafka MessageBufferCount default value increased to 8192
- Producer.Kafka and native.KafkaProducer now discard messages with 0-Byte content
- Producer.Kafka SendRetries set to 1 by default to circumvent a reconnect issue within sarama
- Fixed panic in producer.Kafka when shutting down
- Added manual heartbeat to check a valid broker connection with producer.Kafka
- Format.Base64Encode now returns the original message if decoding failed
- socket.producer TCP can be used without ACK
- Consumer.Syslogd message handling differences between RFC3164 and RFC5424 / RFC6587 fixed
- New AWS Firehose producer (thanks @relud)
- New format.ProcessTSV for modifying TSV encoded messages (thanks @relud)
- Added user agent parsing to format.ProcessJSON (thanks @relud)
- Added support for unix timestamp parsing to format.ProcessJSON (thanks @relud)
- Added support for new shard detection to consumer.Kinesis (thanks @relud)
- Added support for mulitple messages per record to producer.Kinesis and consumer.Kinesis (thanks @relud)
- Added "remove" directive for format.ProcessJSON
- Added key Formatter support for producer.Redis
- Added RateLimited- metrics for filter.Rate
- Added format.Clear to remove message content (e.g. useful for key formatters)
- Added "KeyFormatterFirst" for producer.Kafka and native.KafkaProducer
- Added Version support for producer.Kafka and consumer.Kafka
- Added ClientID support for consumer.Kafka
- Added folder creation capatibilites to consumer.File when creating offset files
- Added gollum log messages metrics
- Added wildcard topic mapping to producer.Kafka and native.KafkaProducer
- Added FilterAfterFormat to producer.Kafka and native.KafkaProducer
- Producer.Spooling now continuously looks for new streams to read
- Producer.Spooling now reacts on SIGHUP to trigger a respooling
- Seperated version information to -r (version, go runtime, modules) and -v (just version) command line flag
- Added trace commandline flag
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.
This is a patch / minor features release.
This release makes gollum fully compatible with the Go 1.6 runtime. It includes concurrent map access fixes as well as go vendoring support. All builds provided with this version are built with Go 1.6.2.
In addition to this, several configuration defaults have been adjusted.
Please check your configuration files.
- Fixed several race conditions reported by Go 1.6 and go build -race
- Fixed the scribe producer to drop unformatted message in case of error
- Fixed file.consumer rotation to work on regular files, too
- Fixed file.consumer rotation to reset the offset file after a SIGHUP
- Dockerfiles updated
- Producer.Kafka now sends messages directly to avoid sarama performance bottlenecks
- consumer.Kafka offset file is properly read on startup if DefaultOffset "oldest" or "newest" is
- Exisiting unix domain socket detection changed to use create instead of stat (better error handling)
- Kafka and Scribe specific metrics are now updated if there are no messages, too
- Scribe producer is now reacting better to server connection errors
- Filters and Formatters are now covered with unittests
- Support for Go1.5 vendor experiment
- New producer for librdkafka (not included in standard builds)
- Metrics added to show memory consumption
- New kafka metrics added to show "roundtrip" times for messages
- producer.Benchmark added to get more meaningful core system profiling results
- New filter filter.Rate added to allow limiting streams to a certain number of messages per second
- Added key support to consumer.Kafka and producer.Kafka
- Added an "ordered read" config option to consumer.Kafka (round robin reading)
- Added a new formater format.ExtractJSON to extract a single value from a JSON object
- Go version is now printed with gollum -v
- Scribe producer now queries scribe server status in regular intervals
- format.Sequence separator character can now be configured
- format.Runlength separator character can now be configured
Other changes
- Renamed producer.Kafka BatchTimeoutSec to BatchTimeoutMs to allow millisecond based values
- producer.Kafka retry count set to 0
- producer.Kafka default producer set to RoundRobin
- producer.Kafka GracePeriodMs default set to 100
- producer.Kafka MetadataRefreshMs default set to 600000 (10 minutes)
- producer.Kafka TimeoutMs default set to 10000 (10 seconds)
- filter.RegExp FilterExpressionNot is evaluated before FilterExpression
- filter.RegExp FilterExpression is evaluated if FilterExpressionNot passed
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.
Release notes
This is a patch / minor features release.
New features in this release include improved JSON processing and AWS Kinesis support.
There are a lot of critical bugfixes in the Kafka and spooling pipelines.
If you are running on v0.4.1 and are using these an update is strongly recommended.
- consumer.SysLogD now has more meaningful errormessages
- consumer.File now properly supports file rotation if the file to read is a symlink
- Scribe and Kafka metrics are now only updated upon successful send
- Fixed an out of bounds panic when producer.File was rotating logfiles without an extension
- Compression of files after rotation by produer.File now works (again)
- producer.Kafka now only reconnects if all topics report an error
- producer.Spool now properly respools long messages
- producer.Spool will not delete a file if a message in it could not be processed
- producer.Spool will try to automatically respool files after a restart
- producer.Spool will rotate non-empty files even if no new messages come in
- producer.Spool will recreate folders when removed during runtime
- producer.Spool will drop messages if rotation failes (not reroute)
- Messages that are spooled twice now retain their original stream
- Better handling of situations where Sarama (Kafka) writes become blocking
- Plugins now start up as "initializing" not as "dead" preventing dropped messages during startup
- New formatter format.SplitToJSON to convert CSV data to JSON
- New formatter format.ProcessJSON to modify JSON data
- producer.File can now set permissions for any folders created
- RPM spec file added
- producer.File can now add zero padding to rotated file numbering
- producer.File can now prune logfiles by file age
- producer.Spool can now be rate limited
- Dev version ( is now part of the metrics
- New AWS Kinesis producer and consumer
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.
Release notes
This is a patch / minor features release.
One major new feature is the circuit breaker pattern. This allows e.g. the socket consumer to close the socket if a producer working on the data from that socket reports a downtime.
InfluxDB 0.9 support has also been improved.
- InfluxDB JSON and line protocol fixed
- shared.WaitGroup.WaitFor with duration 0 falls back to shared.WaitGroup.Wait
- proper io.EOF handling for shared.BufferedReader and shared.ByteStream
- HTTP consumer now responds with 200 instead of 203
- HTTP consumer properly handles EOF
- Increased test coverage
- Introduction of "fuses" (circuit breaker pattern)
- Support for InfluxDB line protocol
- New setting to enable/disable InfluxDB time based database names
- Added HTTPs support for HTTP consumer
- Added POST data support to HTTPRequest producer
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.
Release notes
This release includes several reliability fixes that prevent messages from being lost during shutdown.
During this process the startup/shutdown mechanics were changed which introduced a lot of breaking changes.
Also included are improvements on the file, socket and scribe producers.
Write performance may show a minor increase for some producers.
This release contains breaking changes over version 0.3.x.
Custom producers and config files may have to be adjusted.
All binaries for this release have been compiled with Go 1.5
Breaking changes
- shared.RuntimeType renamed to TypeRegistry
- core.StreamTypes renamed to StreamRegistry
- ?ControlLoop callback parameters for command handling moved to callback members
- ?ControlLoop renamed to ?Loop, where ? can be a combination of Control (handling of control messages), Message (handling of messages) or Ticker (handling of regular callbacks)
- PluginControlStop is now splitted into PluginControlStopConsumer and PluginControlStopProducer to allow plugins that are producer and consumers.
- Producer.Enqueue now takes care of dropping messages and accepts a timeout overwrite value
- MessageBatch has been refactored to store messages instead of preformatted strings. This allows dropping messages from a batch.
- Message.Drop has been removed, Message.Route can be used instead
- The LoopBack consumer has been removed. Producers can now drop messages to any stream using DropToStream.
- Stream plugins are now allowed to only bind to one stream
- Renamed producer.HttpReq to producer.HTTPRequest
- Renamed format.StreamMod to format.StreamRoute
- For format.Envelope postfix and prefix configuration keys have been renamed to EnvelopePostifx and EnvelopePrefix
- Base64Encode and Base64Decode formatter parameters have been renamed to "Base64*"
- Removed the MessagesPerSecAvg metric
- Two functions were added to the MessageSource interface to allow blocked/active state query
- The low resolution timer has been removed
- Messages stored in channels or MessageBatches can now be flushed properly during shutdown
- Several producers now properly block when their queue is full (messages could be lost before)
- Producer control commands now have priority over processing messages
- Switched to sarama trunk version to get the latest broker connection fixes
- Fixed various message loss scenarios in file, kafka and http request producer
- Kafka producer is now reconnecting upon every error (intermediate fix)
- StreamRoute formatter now properly works when the separator is a space
- File, Kafka and HTTPRequest plugins don't hava mandatory values anymore
- Socket consumer can now reopen a dropped connection
- Socket consumer can now change access rights on unix domain sockets
- Socket consumer now closes non-udp connections upon any error
- Socket consumer can now remove an existing UDS file with the same name if necessary
- Socket consumer now uses proper connection timeouts
- Socket consumer now sends special acks on error
- All net.Dial commands were replaced with net.DialTimeout
- The makfile now correctly includes the config folder
- Thie file producer now behaves correctly when directory creation fails
- Spinning loops are now more CPU friendly
- Plugins can now be addressed by longer paths, too, e.g. ""
- Log messages that appear during startup are now written to the set log producer, too
- Fixed a problem where control messages could cause shutdown to get stucked
- The Kafka producer has been rewritten for better error handling
- The scribe producer now dynamically modifies the batch size on error
- The metric server tries to reopen connection every 5 seconds
- Float metrics are now properly rounded
- Ticker functions are now restarted after the function is done, preventing double calls
- No empty messages will be sent during shutdown
- Added a new stream plugin to route messages to one or more other streams
- The file producer can now delete old files upon rotate (pruning)
- The file producer can now overwrite files and set file permissions
- Added metrics for dropped, discarded, filtered and unroutable messages
- Streams can now overwrite a producer's ChannelTimeoutMs setting (only for this stream)
- Producers are now shut down in order based on DropStream dependencies
- Messages now keep a one-step history of their StreamID
- Added format.StreamRevert to go back to the last used stream (e.g. after a drop)
- Added producer.Spooling that temporary stores messages to disk before trying them again (e.g. useful for disconnect scenarios)
- Added a new formatter to prepend stream names
- Added a new formatter to serialize messages
- Added a new formatter to convert collectd to InfluxDB (0.8.x and 0.9.x)
- It is now possible to add a custom string after the version number
- Plugins compiled from the contrib folder are now listed in the version string
- All producers can now define a filter applied before formatting
- Added unittests to check all bundled producer, consumer, format, filter and stream for interface compatibility
- Plugins can now be registered and queried by a string based ID via core.PluginRegistry
- Added producer for InfluxDB data (0.8.x and 0.9.x)
- Kafka, scribe and elastic search producers now have distinct metrics per topic/category/index
- Version number is now added to the metrics as in "MMmmpp" (M)ajor (m)inor (p)atch
Getting started
Building instruction can be found in the readme.
Documentation is available at read the docs and godoc.