The MouseSIS dataset consists of 33 sequences with an approximate duration of 20s each. Each sequences contains pixel-aligned frames and events with accurate time-alignment (hardware-triggered). Additionally, we provide mask-accurate tracking labels for all mice in the sequences (a task we term spatio-temporal instance segmentation (SIS)).
The data itself can be found here. Each sequence is saved as a .hdf5 file in it's respective split folder. The annotations are provided as .json files in a format similar to the YouTubeVIS format (one per split).
You can comprehend the dataset structure using this visualization script:
python scripts/ --h5_path data/MouseSIS/top/val/seq25.h5 --annotation_path data/MouseSIS/val_annotations.json
If you download the whole dataset, the structure of the dataset looks like this.
├── top/
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── seq_02.hdf5
│ │ ├── seq_05.hdf5
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── seq_33.hdf5
| ├── val
│ │ ├── seq_03.hdf5
│ │ ├── seq_04.hdf5
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── seq_25.hdf5
│ └── test
│ ├── seq_01.hdf5
│ ├── seq_07.hdf5
│ ├── ...
│ └── seq_32.hdf5
├── dataset_info.csv
├── val_annotations.json
└── train_annotations.json
The .hdf5 files have the following fields ():
images: (num_images, height, width, 3) uint8
img2event: (num_images,) int64
img_ts: (num_images,) float64 # timestamps in microseconds
p: (num_events,) uint8
t: (num_events,) uint32 # timestamps in microseconds
x: (num_events,) float64
y: (num_events,) float64
The field img2event
is the index of the last event occuring before the start of exposure of an image.
The annotations files have this format:
"info": {
"description": "string", // Dataset description
"version": "string", // Version identifier
"date_created": "string" // Creation timestamp
"videos": [
"id": "string", // Video identifier (range: "01" to "33")
"width": integer, // Frame width in pixels (1280)
"height": integer, // Frame height in pixels (720)
"length": integer // Total number of frames
"annotations": [
"id": integer, // Unique instance identifier
"video_id": "string", // Reference to parent video
"category_id": integer, // Object category (1 = mouse)
"segmentations": [
"size": [height: integer, width: integer], // Mask dimensions
"counts": "string" // RLE-encoded segmentation mask
"areas": [float], // Object area in pixels
"bboxes": [ // Bounding box coordinates
[x_min: float, y_min: float, width: float, height: float]
"iscrowd": integer // Crowd annotation flag (0 or 1)
"categories": [
"id": integer, // Category identifier
"name": "string", // Category name
"supercategory": "string" // Parent category