- Fixed bug with version
- Removed setup old PyQt5 versions
- Change inittime in .glparchis files to played seconds.
- There is not 10 moves threat if there is no pieces to enter final square with a throw.
- Improving delays.
- Fixed lots of bugs.
- Fixed pip dependencies.
- Created glparchis_shortcuts.exe in Windows to create Desktop shortcut
- Fixed update detection system
- Created a pypi project from glparchis-20181020 with package structure
- Migrated to github
- Added action to hide/show left panel
- Added automatism to the dice
- Added automatism to pawns when only one can move
- Added 3 players mode
- Now you can report a bug from glParchis
- Windows: Solved annoying bug. User needed to do several clicks to move a piece
- Improved OpenGL code and it's documentation
- Added Doxygen document system for developers
- Windows: Solved bug showing objcts in About menu
- Linux: Fixed bug loading translation files
- Now you can throw the dice pressing ENTER
- Added Zoom IN / Zoom OUT actions to the menu
- Added delay between movements as a settings option
- Added difficult level as a settings option
- Added board zoom with keys + and -
- Installation statistics added to the game
- Windows distribution file has been upgraded to a msi file. Please uninstall the old glparchis before installing the new one
- Fullscreen state is saved in settings file
- Added statistics system in Sourceforge database
- Added option to do not contribute to world statistics
- Splitter game configuration is saved with fullscreen and normal data
- project_i18n script added to translate project documentation
- Board rotates pressing m key
- Improved performance
- Fullscreen icon error fixed
- Sound configuration is saved now in settings
- Makefile have been changed to compile with make and to install with make install
- Windows sources are not going to be released
- 32 bits and 64 bits windows versions are going to be released
- Phonon support have been droped. Now we use QMultimedia
- We have migrated to PyQt5
- We have added full screen support
- When you eat a piece in the first spacem, this piece is the last in arrive, when both pieces are of different color.
- Change color pink by fuchsia, cyan by darturquise and orange by darkorange
- Compatibility added with old highscores
- Added autosave support
- Improved user interface
- Solved bug when closing app
- Added option to follow the current player in the user panel
- When saving the current game, it saves now inittime and the number of eaten pieces
- App has been migrated to python3. I have test it with python 3.3
- About menu shows a dice
- cmdDado improved
- Double click on the board to roll the dice
- Solved bug when there's a new game version
- Added support to highscores
- Added 6 and 8 players game
- Bug solved looking for game updates
- Numerical textures added to places
- A sound plays after rolling 3 sixes, if you go home.
- You can save the game even when all the players are IA
- Game sounds updated
- Dice double click bug solved
- The dice is now in 3D
- Bug solved when pressing ESCAPE. Now it exists the game
- Switch off / on sound added
- Screen hyperlinks are now clickable.
- New menu option to look for update manually or each 7 days
- The splitter now shows the board by default
- English is the default language. You can change the language at Settings. Settings will be saved for the next execution
- A game handbook have been added To read press F1
- All popups are now inside the screen
- Windows and Linux binary distribution
- Solved bug when pressing cancel at initial dialog
- Solved several bugs
- Solved bug with saved games directory
- Dice text changes color to the current player color
- Score system added. It uses the number of moved places.
- A crown is added in statistics table to show the player is winning the game.
- IA first movements are now showed
- Solved several bugs
- IA improved using probabilities.
- A game timer has been added
- User panel logs have been improved
- Initial support to the application
- The app has all the funcionality. We need to improve the virtual players