SoftMax operation applies the following formula on every element of \src tensor (the variable names follow the standard @ref dev_guide_conventions):
\f[ dst_i = \frac{exp(src_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^{C} exp(src_j)} \f] where \f$ C \f$ is a size of tensor along axis dimension.
Attribute Name | Description | Value Type | Supported Values | Required or Optional |
[axis](@ref dnnl::graph::op::attr::axis) | Represents the axis from which the SoftMax is calculated. | s64 | Arbitrary s64 value (1 in default) |
Optional |
The inputs and outputs must be provided according to below index order when constructing an operation.
Index | Argument Name | Required or Optional |
0 | src |
Required |
Index | Argument Name | Required or Optional |
0 | dst |
Required |
SoftMax operation supports the following data type combinations.
Src | Dst |
f32 | f32, bf16, f16 |
bf16 | bf16 |
f16 | f16 |