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Common Options

Benchdnn drivers support a set of options that are available for every driver. Some of them represent global state settings which modify the execution behavior. Options may be supported in any mode or be specific to correctness or performance validation.

Any mode settings


--allow-enum-tags-only=BOOL instructs the driver to validate format tags against the documented tags from dnnl_format_tag_t enumeration only when BOOL is true (the default). When BOOL is false, any valid format tag is accepted when creating a testing object.


--batch=FILE instructs the driver to take options and problem descriptors from a FILE. If several --batch options are specified, the driver reads input files consecutively. Nested inclusion of the --batch option is supported. The driver searches for a file by extracting a directory where FILE is located and tries to open dirname(FILE)/FILE. If the file is not found, it tries to find the file in a default path /path_to_benchdnn_binary/inputs/DRIVER/FILE. If the file is still not found, an error is reported. Note that --batch option doesn't change the previous state.


--canonical=BOOL instructs the driver to print a canonical form of a reproducer line. When BOOL is false (the default), the driver prints the minimal reproducer line, omitting options and problem descriptor entries with default values.


--cpu-isa-hints=HINTS specifies the ISA specific hints to the CPU engine. HINTS values can be none (the default), no_hints or prefer_ymm. None value respects the DNNL_CPU_ISA_HINTS environment variable setting, while others override it with a chosen value. Settings other than none take place immediately after the parsing and subsequent attempts to set the hints result in a runtime error.


--ctx-init=MAX_CONCURENCY[:CORE_TYPE[:THREADS_PER_CORE]] specifies the threading context for a testing object creation.

  • MAX_CONCURRENCY is a positive integer value or auto (default) and specifies the maximum number of threads in the context.
  • CORE_TYPE is a non-negative integer value or auto (default) that specifies the type of cores used in the context for hybrid CPU systems, 0 being the largest cores available on the system (TBB runtime only).
  • THREADS_PER_CORE is a positive integer value or auto that allows users to enable (value 2) or disable (value 1) hyper-threading (TBB runtime only).


--ctx-exe=MAX_CONCURENCY[:CORE_TYPE[:THREADS_PER_CORE]] specifies the threading context for a testing object execution. The setting values follow ones from the ctx-init option.


--engine=KIND[:INDEX] specifies an engine kind KIND to be used for benchmarking. KIND values can be cpu (the default) or gpu. An optional non-negative integer value of INDEX may be specified followed by a colon :, such as --engine=gpu:1, which means to use a second GPU device. Enumeration follows the library enumeration identification. It may be checked up with ONEDNN_VERBOSE output. By default, INDEX is 0. If the index is greater or equal to the number of devices of requested kind discovered on a system, a runtime error occurs.


--impl=STRING_NAME[,STRING_NAME...] option is used to search for an implementation containing one of the names provided. Refer to implementation filtering for details.


--mem-check=BOOL instructs the driver to perform a device RAM capability check if the problem fits the device including all service memory allocations. The check is enabled when BOOL is true (the default) and disabled otherwise.


--memory-kind=KIND specifies the memory kind to test with DPC++ and OpenCL runtimes. KIND values can be usm (default), buffer, usm_device (to use malloc_device) or usm_shared (to use malloc_shared).


--mode=MODE specifies benchdnn mode to be used for benchmarking. MODE values can be:

  • C or c for correctness testing (the default)
  • P or p for performance testing
  • F or f for fast performance testing, an alias for --mode=P --mode-modifier=PM --max-ms-per-prb=10
  • CP or cp for both correctness and performance testing
  • B or b for bitwise (numerical determinism) testing
  • R or r for run mode, enables --mode-modifier=M
  • I or i for initialization mode
  • L or l for listing mode

Refer to modes for details.


--mode-modifier=MODIFIER specifies a modifier to a selected benchmarking mode. MODIFIER values can be:

  • empty for no modifiers (the default)
  • P or p for parallel backend object creation
  • M or m for disabling usage of reference memory (GPU only)

Refer to mode modifiers for details.

Note: The P modifier sets the default value of scratchpad mode to user. For the benchdnn functionality to work properly, the recommendation is to pass this option before the driver name so that the modifier is processed before the execution flow starts and can propagate a new scratchpad value. The flow is affected when the user passes descriptors directly. When using batch files, no difference is observed since a batch file starts a new parsing cycle underneath, and a scratchpad value is propagated.


--stream-kind=KIND specifies the stream kind to test with DPC++ and OpenCL runtimes by providing flags to the stream. The queue object is managed inside the library. KIND values can be def (default), in_order, or out_of_order. Refer to dnnl_stream_flags_t for more information.


--repeats-per-prb=N specifies the N number of times to run a given problem. The default N is 1. When several problems are provided, each of them will be executed N times. The option is designed to help reproduce sporadic failures when effects like race condition or garbage values in a memory may not be triggered from a single run but from several runs.


--reset instructs the driver to reset DRIVER-OPTIONS (not COMMON-OPTIONS!) to their default values. The only exception is --perf-template option which will not be reset. COMMON-OPTIONS describe a global state and, thus, are not affected by this option.


--skip-impl=STRING_NAME[,STRING_NAME...] option is used to search for an implementation that doesn't contain any of the names provided. Refer to implementation filtering for details.


--start=N specifies the test index N to start testing from. All tests before the index N will be skipped.


--summary=VALUE provides additional specific statistics output. Refer to summary documentation for details.


--verbose=N, or a short form -vN, specifies the driver verbosity level. Additional information is printed to the stdout depending on a level N. N is a non-negative integer value. The default value is 0. Refer to verbose for details.


--execution-mode=MODE specifies the execution mode to be used. When MODE is set to direct (the default), the driver will execute normally. When MODE is set to graph it instructs the driver to execute on a graph backend. Currently this feature is limited to the experimental SYCL Graph feature on DPC++ runtime with Level Zero backend.

Correctness mode settings


--attr-same-pd-check=BOOL instructs the driver to compare two primitive descriptors - the one with user requested attributes and the one without any attributes. When BOOL is true, the check returns an error if implementation names mismatch for two descriptors. It indicates that appending an attribute changes the implementation dispatching which is an undesired behavior. When BOOL is false (the default), the check is disabled.


--check-ref-impl=BOOL instructs the driver to compare the implementation name string against the ref string pattern. When BOOL is set to true, the check returns an error if the name matches the reference pattern. By default, the check is disabled. It's useful to catch unexpected fallbacks to slow reference implementations from a big batch of problems. This option is always disabled on NVIDIA, AMD, and Generic vendors.


--fast-ref=BOOL instructs the driver to use an optimized implementation from the library as a reference path for correctness comparison when BOOL is true (the default). Refer to additional documentation for more information.

Performance mode settings


--cold-cache=MODE instructs the driver to enable a cold cache measurement mode. When MODE is set to none (the default), cold cache is disabled. When MODE is set to wei, cold cache is enabled for weights argument only. This mode targets forward and backward by data propagation kinds. When MODE is set to all, cold cache is enabled for each execution argument. This targets any propagation kind but mostly bandwidth-limited functionality to emulate first access to data or branching cases. When MODE is set to custom, cold cache is enabled for specified arguments, but it requires source code adjustments. Refer to cold cache for more information.


--fix-times-per-prb=N specifies the N number of rounds per problem to run, where N is a non-negative integer value. When N is set to 0 (the default), the number of rounds will be established by the time criterion instead. For N greater than 0, the number of runs will be overridden by this setting. The option makes performance profiling easier when a certain number of cycles is desired or when a specific number of runs is expected.


--max-ms-per-prb=N specifies the N time limit in milliseconds per problem to run. N is a positive integer value in a [1e1, 6e4] range. When a provided value is out of the range, it is saturated to the board values. The default is 3e3, or 3 seconds. The option is useful, for example, to stabilize the performance numbers reported for small problems on CPU.


--num-streams=N specifies the number N of streams used for performance benchmarking. The option takes place for GPU only and uses a single stream by default.


--perf-template=STR specifies the format of a performance report. STR values can be def (the default), csv or a custom set of supported flags. Refer to performance report for details.