goLite is a strict subset of golang. Any goLite source code is valid golang code.
+ - * / % & | ^ << >> &^
+= -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= &^=
++ --
&& || !
== != < > <= >=
Note: comments are not transfered to the transpiled file
Line comments
// line comment
Block comments
Multiple line
Block comment
int // integer
float32 // float
bool // boolean
rune // rune (char)
string // string
[]T // slice
[n]T // array of size n
*T // pointer
struct {...} // struct
"Hello World!" // Regular string
`Hello World!` // Raw string
10 // decimal int
010 // octal int
0xF1 // hex int
0b1010011 // binary int
rune (Only regular runes are supported, no unicode)
'A' // rune
true // true
false // false
Slice and array literals are not supported, they need to be initialized line by line.
package declaration is needed at the start of the program
package pakage_name
After the package declarations, goLite files contain top level declarations
Top level declarations concists of Variable Declarations, Type Declarations and Function Declarations.
Import statements are not supported.
var x T // Var decl with type T and no initialisation
var x int = 4 // Var decl with type and initialization. (Types need to match)
var x = 4 // Var decl with no type specified (The type is infered from the expression)
x := 4 // Same as previous declaration (Not supported for top level declarations)
Declare multiple variables at once
var x, y, z T
var x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
var x, y, z int = 1, 2, 3
var ( // The var keyword can be distributed
x int
y, z int
a, b = 1, 2
Constant declarations are not supported.
type x T // Type x now has underlying type T
type ( // The type keyword can be distributed
x T1
y T2
Type aliasing not supported
Function with name "func_name"
inputs: x of type T1, y of type T1, z of type T2
output: type T3. This is optional and can be left blank if the function returns nothing
func func_name(x T1, y T1, z T2) T3 {
// Body sataements
// This declaration is a short hand equivalent
func func_name(x y T1, z T2) T3 {
// Body sataements
Slices are supported partially. Slice literals are not supported but they can be initialized like this
var x []int
x = append(x, 1)
x = append(x, 2)
x = append(x, 3)
The sliceing is however supported
var y = x[:2]
var z = x[1:3:2]
The len and cap functions are supported as well
var slice_length = len(x)
var slice_capacity = cap(x)
Array literals are not supported but they can be initialized line by line
var x [3]int
x[0] = 1
x[1] = 2
x[2] = 3
The length of the array can be obtaned using the len function
var array_length = len(x)
Struct literals are not supported, they must also be initialized line by line
type student struct {
id int
name string
var s student
s.name = "Example student"
s.id = 123456
exp1 + exp2 // Binary expressions (works with all binary operators as long as the types are compatible with the operator)
!exp // Unary expression (works with other unary operators such as * ! ^ as long as the types are compatible with the operator)
1 // int literal
1.2 // float literal
true // bool literal
"Hello World!" // string literal
'A' // rune literal
variable_name // variable expression
T(exp) // cast expression casts the expression to type T
exp1[exp2] // Indexes exp1 at index exp2. (exp1 must be of type array or slice, exp2 must be of type int)
exp1[exp2:exp3:exp4] // Slice expression. (exp1 must be a slice, the other exp must be of type int)
append(exp1, exp2) // Appends exp2 to slice exp1 and returns the new slice
method(exp, ...) // Method call expression (The input expressions depends on the method)
exp.field // Select expression. (exp must be of type struct and have a field called fleid)
len(exp) // Expression to get array or slice length
cap(exp) // Expression to get slice capacity
Simple statements
{ // The block statement
// more statements
var x T // Var decl statement (Other types of declarations work too)
type y T // Type declaration statement
return exp // Return expression, the type of the return expression must match the one of the method
continue // continue to the next iteration of the loop. (Must be in a for loop)
break // Break out of the for loop (must be in a for loop)
exp // Expression statement (such as method calls...)
exp1 = exp2 // Assign expression exp2 to exp1 (exp1 must be a variable, a field, an index, or dereference)
print(exp) // Print expression
println(exp) // Print and new line expression
// The statement (is optional) can be any short statement such as a short assign x := foo(), condition must be an expression of type bool
if statement; condition {
} else { // The else is potional
// Can also chain else if statements
if cond1 {
} else if cond2 {
} ... else {
// Infinite while loop
for {
// While loop with condition cond
for cond {
For loop:
The init is a statements such as a short assign x := 0
The cond expression is of type bool
The increment is a statement such as x++
for init; cond; increment {
Switch cases are not supported