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321 lines (225 loc) · 6.5 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (225 loc) · 6.5 KB


goLite is a strict subset of golang. Any goLite source code is valid golang code.



+ - * / % & | ^ << >> &^ 
+= -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= &^=
++ --


&& || !


== != < > <= >=


Note: comments are not transfered to the transpiled file

Line comments

// line comment

Block comments

Multiple line
Block comment


int             // integer
float32         // float
bool            // boolean
rune            // rune (char)
string          // string
[]T             // slice
[n]T            // array of size n
*T              // pointer
struct {...}    // struct



"Hello World!"    // Regular string
`Hello World!`    // Raw string


10                // decimal int
010               // octal int
0xF1              // hex int
0b1010011         // binary int

rune (Only regular runes are supported, no unicode)

'A'               // rune


true              // true
false             // false

Slice and array literals are not supported, they need to be initialized line by line.

Package declaration

package declaration is needed at the start of the program

package pakage_name

Top level declarations

After the package declarations, goLite files contain top level declarations

Top level declarations concists of Variable Declarations, Type Declarations and Function Declarations.

Import statements are not supported.

Variable declarations

var x T           // Var decl with type T and no initialisation
var x int = 4     // Var decl with type and initialization. (Types need to match)
var x = 4         // Var decl with no type specified (The type is infered from the expression)
x := 4            // Same as previous declaration (Not supported for top level declarations)

Declare multiple variables at once

var x, y, z T
var x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
var x, y, z int = 1, 2, 3

var (                     // The var keyword can be distributed
  x int
  y, z int
  a, b = 1, 2

Constant declarations are not supported.

Type declarations

type x T          // Type x now has underlying type T

type (            // The type keyword can be distributed
  x T1
  y T2

Type aliasing not supported

Function declarations

Function with name "func_name"
inputs: x of type T1, y of type T1, z of type T2
output: type T3. This is optional and can be left blank if the function returns nothing
func func_name(x T1, y T1, z T2) T3 {
  // Body sataements

// This declaration is a short hand equivalent
func func_name(x y T1, z T2) T3 {
  // Body sataements


Slices are supported partially. Slice literals are not supported but they can be initialized like this

var x []int
x = append(x, 1)
x = append(x, 2)
x = append(x, 3)

The sliceing is however supported

var y = x[:2]
var z = x[1:3:2]

The len and cap functions are supported as well

var slice_length = len(x)
var slice_capacity = cap(x)


Array literals are not supported but they can be initialized line by line

var x [3]int
x[0] = 1
x[1] = 2
x[2] = 3

The length of the array can be obtaned using the len function

var array_length = len(x)


Struct literals are not supported, they must also be initialized line by line

type student struct {
  id int
  name string
var s student = "Example student" = 123456


exp1 + exp2                     // Binary expressions (works with all binary operators as long as the types are compatible with the operator)
!exp                            // Unary expression (works with other unary operators such as * ! ^ as long as the types are compatible with the operator)

1                               // int literal
1.2                             // float literal
true                            // bool literal
"Hello World!"                  // string literal
'A'                             // rune literal

variable_name                   // variable expression

T(exp)                          // cast expression casts the expression to type T

exp1[exp2]                      // Indexes exp1 at index exp2. (exp1 must be of type array or slice, exp2 must be of type int)

exp1[exp2:exp3:exp4]            // Slice expression. (exp1 must be a slice, the other exp must be of type int)

append(exp1, exp2)              // Appends exp2 to slice exp1 and returns the new slice

method(exp, ...)                // Method call expression (The input expressions depends on the method)

exp.field                       // Select expression. (exp must be of type struct and have a field called fleid)

len(exp)                        // Expression to get array or slice length
cap(exp)                        // Expression to get slice capacity


Simple statements

{                         // The block statement
  // more statements
var x T                   // Var decl statement (Other types of declarations work too)
type y T                  // Type declaration statement
return exp                // Return expression, the type of the return expression must match the one of the method
continue                  // continue to the next iteration of the loop. (Must be in a for loop)
break                     // Break out of the for loop (must be in a for loop)
exp                       // Expression statement (such as method calls...)
exp1 = exp2               // Assign expression exp2 to exp1 (exp1 must be a variable, a field, an index, or dereference)
print(exp)                // Print expression
println(exp)              // Print and new line expression

If statements

// The statement (is optional) can be any short statement such as a short assign x := foo(), condition must be an expression of type bool
if statement; condition {

} else { // The else is potional


// Can also chain else if statements
if cond1 {

} else if cond2 {

} ... else {


For and while loops

// Infinite while loop
for {


// While loop with condition cond
for cond {


For loop:
The init is a statements such as a short assign x := 0
The cond expression is of type bool
The increment is a statement such as x++
for init; cond; increment {


Switch cases

Switch cases are not supported