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Cookie notice with a lot of customization features



Using jsDelivr CDN:

<script src=""></script>


const CC = window.CookieConsent
const cc = new CC({
Prop Type Description Values
theme string Name of preset theme "CodGrayWhite" (default), "BigStoneTurquoise", "SeaweedAtlantis", "CharadeJaffa", "RhinoShakespeare", "CloudBurstGorse", "SanJuanGold", "BlueChillCanary", "AffairBrightSun", "PorcelainMalibu", "AliceBlueCornflowerBlue", "LinkWaterChathamsBlue", "SazeracTuscany", "CatskillWhiteAquaForest", "WhiteMineShaft"
cookieName string Name of a cookie stored in a browser. "cookie-banner"(default)
type string Type of a banner. confirm: Two buttons(let visitors accept/decline cookies). alert: One button(inform visitors) "confirm" (default), "alert"
blockType string Display banner as block or line "line" (default), "block"
blockPosition string Banner position on the screen "bottom" (default), "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "top-left", "top-right", "center", "top", "top-scroll", "bottom-scroll"
buttonType string Button styles "round-fill" (default), "round", "rectangle", "rectangle-fill", "rectangle-round", "rectangle-round-fill"
buttonDirection string Display buttons in a row or one after another "row" (default), "column"
showPoweredBy boolean Display credentials true (default), false
blind.visible boolean Display screen overlay to force banner interaction false (default), true
blind.bgColor string Overlay color "black" (default)
blind.opacity string Overlay opacity ".5" (default)
animation.type string Render a banner with animation. "no" (default), "slide-top", "slide-bottom", "slide-left", "slide-right", "fade"
animation.delay string Animation delay in milliseconds. "5000" (default)
animation.duration string Animation duration in milliseconds. "500" (default)
link.html string Text in the link positioned after the banner message. "Learn more" (default)
link.href string Learn more link href "" (default)
message.html string Message displayed inside the banner. "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website." (default)
accept.byScroll string Auto accept and hide banner after user scrolls for x amount of pixels. Provide a number of pixels. "none" (default)
accept.byTime number Auto accept and hide banner after x amount of milliseconds. Provide a number of milliseconds. "-1" (default)
accept.byClick boolean Auto accept and hide banner after a user clicks anywhere on the screen false (default), true
refreshonallow boolean Refresh a page after user accepts cookies. false (default),true
cookieName string Cookie name. "cookie-banner" (default)
ignoreAllow boolean Ignores a previous choice of a user and display the banner anyway. Use for testing purposes only. false (default), true
popupStyles object Change popup CSS Accepted parameters: {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "border", "box-shadow", "width"}
messageStyles object Change message CSS Accepted parameters: {"color", "font-size", "font-family", "margin"}
linkStyle object Change link CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "box-shadow", "background", "font-size", "font-family", "border", "text-decoration", "margin", "display"}
linkStyleHover object Change link hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "box-shadow", "background", "font-size", "font-family", "border", "text-decoration", "margin", "display"}
allowHtml string Accept button HTML "Accept" (default)
allowStyle object Accept button CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
allowStyleHover object Accept button hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
dismissHtml string Dismiss button HTML "Dismiss" (default)
dismissStyle object Dismiss button hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
dismissStyleHover object Dismiss button hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
declineHtml string Decline button HTML "Decline" (default)
declineStyle object Decline button hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
declineStyleHover object Decline button hover CSS {"background-color", "color", "padding", "border-radius", "border-color", "border-width", "border-style", "font-size", "font-family", "box-shadow", "background", "border"}
onAllow function Function to call after a user clicks on the allow button Example: function() { console.log("clicked allow button"); }
onDecline function Function to call after a user clicks on the decline button Example: function() {console.log("clicked decline button");}
onDismiss function Function to call after a user clicks on the dismiss button Example: function() {console.log("clicked dismiss button");}
onRestore function Function to call after the banner is shown again Example: function() {console.log("restores");}
onInit function(onAllow) Function to call on banner initizalization Example: function(isAllow) {console.log("plugin has been initialzed", isAllow);}
onUpdate function(onAllow) Function to call on banner update Example: function(isAllow) {console.log("updated", isAllow);}