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77 lines (60 loc) · 5.18 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (60 loc) · 5.18 KB


Version 3.6

Version 3.5

  • (Experimental) Rhost support is in! There's probably a plethora of bugs, but much of the code is working. I'm still hammering out the kinks but feel welcome to try it.

Version 3.1


  • +scene/edit now properly documented. it uses ^^^ to split before/after, just like +bbedit.
  • +scene/joins are now timestamped. Timestamps older than 8h are invalidated. This is to prevent posing to the wrong scene two days later by accident.
  • +scene/start and +scene/continue now link the room to the scene. To log a scene you must be in said room. This means only one scene can ever be active in a location at a time. Again, to prevent accidental cross-scene logging.
  • +scene/upcoming aka +events, +Scenes, etc, now shows an empty day for today if there are no scenes today. This should make it easier to not mistake tomorrow for today, etc.
  • +scene/old now displays the scene's creation date instead of its finish date, as the latter might be wildly inaccurate.
  • Several fixes to the way scene data is created and handled.


  • +account/options MAIL option now works properly.


  • The Mandatory board alert system now functions properly.
  • +bbadmin/create now gives output on a success.
  • +bbadmin/create works properly for setting default permissions now.
  • +help bbs/admin is now accurate.
  • +bbread/# now works for pagifying properly.


  • GBADMIN permission in default rank data renamed to BBADMIN. It was already supposed to be this, I just forgot.
  • +help Groups/Membership now explains Group Titles.
  • Group RADIO setting now processes kicks properly.
  • Added +group/options with the ability to make +group change focus.


  • Guests are no longer automatically added to 'CHANNELS_PLAYERS' list by the Account System.
  • Guest creation now works properly.


  • +district/subcreate no longer gives display errors.
  • +shelp +district now displays properly. Pesky commas!


+job/newbucket now sets default permissions properly.


  • Displays now use the proper character (target, not enactor!) for figuring out width/color/formatting.


  • Now respects @lock/speech properly.


  • +Theme/status now works properly.


  • Removed the vol_game_config legacy function.
  • SQL Schema no longer uses nested Stored Procedures due to incompatability with PennMUSH's sql connection. Simply re-run the Schema.sql file to fix.

Version 3.0:

  • GROUP TIERS: Now Groups can be arranged into custom-named Tiers 0-255, not just Minor and Major.
  • GROUP COMMANDS: Have been aggregated and streamlined into a new arrangement with much clearer meanings: +gmember, +gadmin, +grank, +gperm, etc, each with their own switches.
  • PRIVATE GROUPS: Groups can be 'private', visible to only staff and members of such a private group.
  • LOCKGEN: The Group System is at the heart of a new way to generate @lock keys for flexible permissions control. This replaces the old +key commands.
  • BBS: Group Boards now exist in the 'global' namespace and can be locked the same way as any other board. They are distinguished from the main BBS by having a prefix before their order number. Posts no longer timeout because storage space is no longer a concern: enjoy thousands of posts per board!
  • DYNAMIC DATA: For softcoder enthusiasts, the API for constructing your own room formatters, +who lists, and other displays using information from the game code has been exposed and documented.
  • NESTED DISTRICTS: Districts can now be nested so you can have sub-districts, sub-sub-sub-districts, and so on. This will hopefully help those few games with truly massive and sprawling grids.
  • OPTIONS: Most commands now support an /options switch that works just like the global +options command that replaces +config. The new menu is more helpful and explains the available options better.
  • CONFIG: Admin can now use /config with many commands just like player use /options to configure the specifics of individual systems. +gameconfig has been drastically simplified.
  • COLOR SYSTEM: The +Color system has been massively simplified but remains just as powerful.
  • FRIENDS: The Watch System has evolved into the Friends system and now has the ability to keep an Account-based list of friends that's separate from the current character you're using.
  • SCENE SLOTS: Now you can set the max slots you'd like to see for your scheduled scenes!


  • INCREASED MODULARITY: Many code systems have been split into their own code objects with fewer interdependencies. Install only the features you want on a streamlined CORE platform.
  • SQL STORAGE: MySQL or MariaDB is now REQUIRED. Much of the code has been streamlined and now uses SQL Storage, Views, and Stored Procedures on a new and better-optimized SQL Schema. There should be fewer delays on loading data for over-stuffed databases with commands like +scene/old.
  • CLEANED UP CODE: 3.0 has been massively refactored and streamlined to run cleaner and hopefully be easier to debug, extend, and maintain for the future.
  • THE FUTURE: 3.0 has been written with future web integration futures and/or migration to my Python-based MU* Project Athanor (using the Evennia engine from ) in mind.