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Detailed installation guide for Mac OS X

This is a step-by-step guide intended for those unfamiliar with Python or the command-line (a.k.a. the “shell”).

A shell can be opened by opening a new tab in the Terminal app (located in Utilities). Text that is formatted like code is meant to be copied and pasted into the terminal (hit the Enter key to run the command).

The fist step is to install the versions of Python that we need. The most convenient way of doing this is to use the OS X package manager Homebrew. Install Homebrew by running this command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Now you should have access to the brew command. First, we need to install Python 2 and 3. Using these so-called “brewed” Python versions, rather than the version of Python that comes with your computer, will protect your computer's Python version from unwanted changes that could interfere with other applications.

brew install python python3

Then we need to ensure that the terminal “knows about” the newly-installed Python versions:

brew link --overwrite python
brew link --overwrite python3

Now that we're using our shiny new Python versions, it is highly recommended to set up a virtual environment in which to install PyPhi. Virtual environments allow different projects to isolate their dependencies from one another, so that they don't interact in unexpected ways. Please see this guide for more information.

To do this, you must install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper, a tool for manipulating virtual environments. Both of those tools are available on PyPI, the Python package index, and can be installed with pip, the command-line utility for installing and managing Python packages (pip was installed automatically with the brewed Python):

pip install virtualenvwrapper

Now we need to edit your shell startup file. This is a file that runs automatically every time you open a new shell (a new window or tab in the Terminal app). This file should be in your home directory, though it will be invisible in the Finder because the filename is preceded by a period. On most Macs it is called .bash_profile. You can open this in a text editor by running this command:

open -a TextEdit ~/.bash_profile

If this doesn't work because the file doesn't exist, then run touch ~/.bash_profile first.

Now, you'll add three lines to the shell startup file. These lines will set the location where the virtual environments will live, the location of your development project directories, and the location of the script installed with this package, respectively. Note: The location of the script can be found by running which

The filepath after the equals sign on second line will different for everyone, but here is an example:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

After editing the startup file and saving it, open a new terminal shell by opening a new tab or window (or just reload the startup file by running source ~/.bash_profile).

Now that virtualenvwrapper is fully installed, use it to create a Python 3 virtual environment, like so:

mkvirtualenv -p `which python3` <name_of_your_project>

The -p `which python3` option ensures that when the virtual environment is activated, the commands python and pip will refer to their Python 3 counterparts.

The virtual environment should have been activated automatically after creating it. It can be manually activated with workon <name_of_your_project>, and deactivated with deactivate.

Important: Remember to activate the virtual environment every time you begin working on your project. Also, note that the currently active virtual environment is not associated with any particular folder; it is associated with a terminal shell.

Finally, you can install PyPhi into your new virtual environment:

pip install pyphi

Congratulations, you've just installed PyPhi!

To play around with the software, ensure that you've activated the virtual environment with workon <name_of_your_project>. Then run python to start a Python 3 interpreter. Then, in the interpreter's command-line (which is preceded by the >>> prompt), run

import pyphi

Please see the documentation for some examples and information on how to configure it.

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