0.4.24-RC2 (2019-01-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Pushing the CASS button in the top left corner should take you home. #112
Fixed bugs:
- Username does not stay attached to Person #117
- Scrolling in pages that iframe other pages is a bit wonky. #113
- Case - CFAssociations TypeError #89
- Case - CFItems TypeError #87
- Case - CFDocuments Endpoint gives error message #86
Closed issues:
- Searching for assertions does not always return them all. #116
- Update Readme.MD for all projects. #111
0.4.23-RC1 (2018-12-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Install script should prompt for a URL for the final endpoint of the server. #103
Fixed bugs:
- Error with CASE Harvest #101
- Prerequisites to external competencies/frameworks are not published as part of CTDL+ASN export. #62
Closed issues:
- CASS UI Verify All Sub Modules are Running correct EC/CASS version #110
- CASS UI Alter Window Redirects to Open in a New Tab #108
- Generate xAPI configuration file on startup if it doesn't exist. #105
- CFPackages URI gives error when exporting a CASE framework #104
- Export individual CTDL-ASN competencies. #82
0.4.22-UNSTABLE (2018-11-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move configuration files to etc directory. #100
- Create docker cluster arrangement. #99
- Optimize CaSS. #98
Closed issues:
- CSV upload doesn't prepopulate IDs with http data if none exists. #102
0.4.20-UNSTABLE (2018-10-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- "None" Field #94
- Registered objects are still accessible by direct URL after they have been deleted. #75
- In export of a competency, the same URI is used for isChildOf, and isPartOf both reference a framework Uri #54
Closed issues:
- CASS UI Normalize instances of "CASS" Text to "CaSS" #97
- CASS UI - Modify D3 packing to react to text clicks as well as circle clicks #93
- data with a 'id' subobject were not returning from search. #88
- Create reference iFrame container for new CASS UI Compenents #85
- Support decomposition of langstrings. #81
- Ceasn:category missing from json and should be part of left-hand display before ceasn:listID #73
- Missing equivalent relation #72
- ResultType not documented #71
0.4.18-UNSTABLE (2018-10-15)
0.4.17-UNSTABLE (2018-10-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- AMQP Adapter for send/receive of notification of changes. #60
- Move versioning away from MapDB and into ElasticSearch #39
Closed issues:
- CTDL ASN Export isChildOf and hasChild needs to export as @list #80
- CEASN configuration runs out of memory periodically. #74
- Blockchain or other distributed document adapter. #38
- Profile Registration with Server and Profile Lookup #37
- Explore Public Key Publishing & Authentication #36
0.4.16-UNSTABLE (2018-09-06)
0.4.15-UNSTABLE (2018-09-05)
0.4.14-UNSTABLE (2018-08-15)
0.4.13-UNSTABLE (2018-08-01)
0.4.12-UNSTABLE (2018-07-13)
0.4.11-UNSTABLE (2018-06-26)
0.4.10-UNSTABLE (2018-06-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Cass Example Create Account doesn't work on IE 11. #18
Closed issues:
- Develop nodejs microservice for fetching/decrypting/returning assertions. #79
- xAPI adapter searches for old style @type #48
- Explore credential assertions. #46
0.4.6-UNSTABLE (2018-05-03)
Closed issues:
- Issue in example about levels #70
0.4.4-UNSTABLE (2018-05-02)
0.4.3-UNSTABLE (2018-04-27)
Closed issues:
- Error saving competency #69
- Toolbar/Sidebar for framework modifications vs data editing. #68
- Clean up lines/alignment area of editor. #67
- alert does not work in nodejs environment #66
- JS libraries not installed with nodejs 8.11.x #64
0.4.2-UNSTABLE (2018-04-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Competencies exported from CASS are using ceasn:exactMatch, but should be ceasn:exactAlignment #53
Closed issues:
- Create docker deployable CASS. #65
- Competency: Selecting a concept term added to the wrong section #57
- CTDL ASN Export: isChildOf framework -> isTopChildOf #51
- Custom URL prefixes. #47
- Single-js version of CASS Libraries. #41
- CASS Adapter syncing should sync only saved object afterSave and sync only the desired object beforeGet (Overhaul adapter rs2s) #40
- Consider alternatives to the URL versioning scheme #34
- Backup / Restore revives all deleted content. #31
- CASS Example App - Download Icons for JSON/Turtle #27
0.3.0-RC1 (2017-12-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Relation map in CASS Manager when mapping between frameworks. #25
- Get me all the competencies in this framework organized into a tree. #21
Fixed bugs:
- Search Screen URL Param #4
Closed issues:
- Multigetting, if one item doesn't exist, errors. #33
- Installer needs to grant access to the working directory to tomcat. #30
- 'Find' queries with signature sheets fail. #29
- CASS upgrade script - Oracle Java #28
- Simplify ASN URLs #26
- Link Cass Viewer off of landing page #24
- Import named graphs of objects #23
- After a significant import, the progress ticks to 0 but execution is still ongoing. #22
- Bad search phrase returns empty object instead of empty array. #20
- Expanding the scope of assertion processing. #17
- Difficult to select part of URL text in CASS Manager. #16
- Content-Type for JSON is application/json, not application/ld+json #15
- When not on the framework view screen, turn off the physics simulations taking place in springy.js #14
- Bug: when using the assertion processor - if the browser window is maximized when it previously wasn't, the graphic is cut off. #13
- Bug: when using the assertion processor - the graphic is never created (stuck on processing assertions) when selecting certain competencies #12
- Bug: when accepting contact invitations, all contacts from the user sending the invitation are copied into the newly invited contact's list. #11
- Bug: invites are not copied to the clipboard when using CASS in Ubuntu. #10
- Bug: when creating a new framework from scratch - filling out the description section doesn't work. Putting in any character will automatically create the framework. If you manage to plug in multiple characters it will create multiple frameworks. #9
- Bug: when logging out of the profile manager and logging back in as a different user, the previous account's contacts are copied and added to the new user's list of contacts. #7
- Improve/Fix RepoEdit #6
- Remove 'privateEncrypted' field from CASS Libraries #5
- Licensing Issues #1
0.2.0-RC1 (2016-10-28)
Closed issues:
- Node.js support for CASS js library #3
- Debian install script does not upgrade LEVR component correctly #2
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator