The Transceiver is intended to offer a protocol-agnostic interface for sending and receiving cross-chain messages. For Native Token Transfers, this entails initiating attestation generation on the source chain, verifying the resulting attestation on the destination chain, and delivering the message to the associated NttManager
In the provided implementations (EVM/SVM), Transceiver are intended to have a many-to-one relationship with Managers.
NttManager message emitted by a Transceiver implementation. Each message includes a Transceiver-specified 4-byte prefix. This should be a constant value, set by a protocol-specific Transceiver implementation, that identifies the payload as an NTT Transceiver emitted payload.
[4]byte prefix
[32]byte source_ntt_manager_address
[32]byte recipient_ntt_manager_address
uint16 ntt_manager_payload_length
[]byte ntt_manager_payload
uint16 transceiver_payload_length
[]byte transceiver_payload
prefix = 0x9945FF10
[4]byte prefix = 0x9c23bd3b // bytes4(keccak256("WormholeTransceiverInit"))
[32]byte ntt_manager_address // address of the associated manager
uint8 ntt_manager_mode // the locking/burning mode of the associated manager
[32]byte token_address // address of the associated manager's token
uint8 token_decimals // the number of decimals for that token
Mode is an enum.
Locking = 0
Burning = 1
[4]byte prefix = 0x18fc67c2 // bytes4(keccak256("WormholePeerRegistration"))
uint16 peer_chain_id // Wormhole Chain ID of the foreign peer transceiver
[32]byte peer_address // the address of the foreign peer transceiver