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Wormhole Integration in Solana

These programs are enumerated the same as the other smart contract subdirectories (e.g. evm).

Design Documents

Read the design documents for each example project:

  1. hello-world
  2. hello-token
  3. nft-burn-bridging

Getting Started

Warning These programs are written assuming you are building with Solana 1.14. Any higher versions are untested.

First, you will need cargo and anchor CLI tools. If you need these tools, please visit the Anchor book for more details.

Once you have the above CLI tools, you can build the programs by simply running make that runs the Makefile and install subdirectory's dependencies, such as node_modules and the Wormhole programs from the solana directory of the Wormhole repo.


Set the NETWORK environment variable to either "devnet", "testnet" or "mainnet" prior to using the make build command. For example:

NETWORK=testnet make build



Some users reported issues with make --version < 4.x. If you get a make error like *** missing separator, try updating to a later make version with 'brew reinstall make'

To run both unit and integration tests, run make test. If you want to isolate your testing, use either of these commands:

  • make unit-test - Runs cargo clippy and cargo test
  • make integration-test - Spawns a solana local validator and uses ts-mocha with @solana/web3.js to interact with the example programs.

Code Changes

If you are pushing code to a branch and there is a PR associated with it, we recommend running make clean to make sure the environment does not have any old artifacts. Then run the tests above afterwards to ensure that all of the tests run as you expect.