diff --git a/connect/src/whscan-api.ts b/connect/src/whscan-api.ts
index 3cb13030e..8a86518c7 100644
--- a/connect/src/whscan-api.ts
+++ b/connect/src/whscan-api.ts
@@ -71,42 +71,51 @@ export interface TransactionStatus {
-export interface RelayData {
-  from: {
-    chain: string;
-    chainId: number;
-    txHash: string;
-    senderAddress: string;
-    symbol: string;
-    amountSent: number;
-    amountToSwap: number;
-    estimatedNativeAssetAmount: number;
-  };
-  vaa: string;
-  status: string;
-  fee: {
-    amount: number;
-    symbol: string;
-  };
-  error: any;
-  to: {
-    chain: string;
-    chainId: number;
-    recipientAddress: string;
-    txHash: string;
-    gasUsed: number;
-    nativeAssetSymbol: string;
-    nativeAssetReceived: number;
-  };
-  metrics: {
-    receivedAt: string;
-    completedAt: string;
-    failedAt: any;
-    attempts: number;
+export interface RelayStatus {
+  completedAt: string;
+  data: {
+    delivery: {
+      budget: string;
+      execution: {
+        detail: string;
+        gasUsed: string;
+        refundStatus: string;
+        revertString: string;
+        status: string;
+        transactionHash: string;
+      };
+      maxRefund: string;
+      relayGasUsed: number;
+      targetChainDecimals: number;
+    };
+    fromTxHash: string;
+    instructions: {
+      encodedExecutionInfo: string;
+      extraReceiverValue: {
+        _hex: string;
+        _isBigNumber: boolean;
+      };
+      refundAddress: string;
+      refundChainId: number;
+      refundDeliveryProvider: string;
+      requestedReceiverValue: {
+        _hex: string;
+        _isBigNumber: boolean;
+      };
+      senderAddress: string;
+      sourceDeliveryProvider: string;
+      targetAddress: string;
+      targetChainId: number;
+      vaaKeys: string[];
+    };
     maxAttempts: number;
-    waitingForTxInMs: number;
-    waitingForWalletInMs: number;
+    toTxHash: string;
+  failedAt: string;
+  id: string;
+  receivedAt: string;
+  relayer: string;
+  status: string;
 export interface ApiVaa {
@@ -235,11 +244,17 @@ export async function getTransactionStatusWithRetry(
-export async function getRelayStatus(rpcUrl: string, txid: TxHash): Promise<RelayData | null> {
-  const url = `${rpcUrl}/v1/relays?txHash=${txid}`;
+export async function getRelayStatus(
+  rpcUrl: string,
+  whm: WormholeMessageId,
+): Promise<RelayStatus | null> {
+  const { chain, emitter, sequence } = whm;
+  const chainId = toChainId(chain);
+  const emitterAddress = emitter.toUniversalAddress().toString();
+  const url = `${rpcUrl}/api/v1/relays/${chainId}/${emitterAddress}/${sequence}`;
   try {
-    const response = await axios.get<{ data: RelayData }>(url);
-    if (response.data.data.to.txHash) return response.data.data;
+    const response = await axios.get<RelayStatus>(url);
+    return response.data || null;
   } catch (error) {
     if (!error) return null;
     if (typeof error === "object") {
@@ -250,16 +265,15 @@ export async function getRelayStatus(rpcUrl: string, txid: TxHash): Promise<Rela
     throw error;
-  return null;
 export async function getRelayStatusWithRetry(
   rpcUrl: string,
-  txid: TxHash,
+  whm: WormholeMessageId,
   timeout: number,
-): Promise<RelayData | null> {
-  const task = () => getRelayStatus(rpcUrl, txid);
-  return retry<RelayData>(task, WHSCAN_RETRY_INTERVAL, timeout, "Wormholescan:GetRelayStatus");
+): Promise<RelayStatus | null> {
+  const task = () => getRelayStatus(rpcUrl, whm);
+  return retry<RelayStatus>(task, WHSCAN_RETRY_INTERVAL, timeout, "Wormholescan:GetRelayStatus");
 export async function getVaaByTxHash(rpcUrl: string, txid: string): Promise<ApiVaa | null> {
diff --git a/connect/src/wormhole.ts b/connect/src/wormhole.ts
index 630a3eed3..440bc444b 100644
--- a/connect/src/wormhole.ts
+++ b/connect/src/wormhole.ts
@@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ import { TokenTransfer } from "./protocols/tokenBridge/tokenTransfer.js";
 import type { RouteConstructor } from "./routes/index.js";
 import { RouteResolver } from "./routes/resolver.js";
 import { retry } from "./tasks.js";
-import type { TransactionStatus } from "./whscan-api.js";
+import type { RelayStatus, TransactionStatus } from "./whscan-api.js";
 import {
+  getRelayStatus,
@@ -333,6 +334,16 @@ export class Wormhole<N extends Network> {
     return await getVaaWithRetry(this.config.api, id, decodeAs, timeout);
+  /**
+   * Gets the RelayStatus for a given WormholeMessageId
+   *
+   * @param wormholeMessageId The WormholeMessageId corresponding to the relay status to be fetched
+   * @returns The RelayStatus if available otherwise null
+   */
+  async getRelayStatus(wormholeMessageId: WormholeMessageId): Promise<RelayStatus | null> {
+    return await getRelayStatus(this.config.api, wormholeMessageId);
+  }
    * Gets if the token bridge transfer VAA has been enqueued by the Governor.
    * @param id The WormholeMessageId corresponding to the token bridge transfer VAA to check