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334 lines (298 loc) · 19.4 KB

Overview of Cluster_2000_A100 Traces

The released trace contains both training logs and cluster traffic traces with LLMs training tasks. It is collected from a production cluster with 2024 Nvidia A100 GPUs (on 253 servers) during May of 2024.

Cluster Architecture

The architecture of this cluster is illustrated as follows:

Architecture diagram of the cluster The cluster leverages a two-layer Leaf-Spine architecture to provide the 200Gbps no-congestion lossless network. The network contains 20 leaf switches downlinking the 253 servers, 10 spine switches and 4 switches connecting the storage servers.

Introduction of Trace Data

The traces include three parts of data as follows:

  • cluster_2000_A100.xlsx: this file contains information about the topology and linking relationships of this culster, specifically focusing on the network connections and configurations related to servers and GPUs. The dataset is organized into two sheets: "cluster topology" and "GPU NIC info," each containing relevant details about network ports, IP addresses, switches, and network interface cards (NICs).
  • trafficinfo
  • taskinfo

Cluster Architecture: cluster_2000_A100.xlsx


This file contains information about the topology and linking relationships of this culster, specifically focusing on the network connections and configurations related to servers and GPUs. The dataset is organized into two sheets: "cluster topology" and "GPU NIC info," each containing relevant details about network ports, IP addresses, switches, and network interface cards (NICs).

Sheet: cluster topology

A row of data in this sheet represents the connection of a specific NIC on the server to the leaf switch.

Field Description Example
accessport Specifies the port used for one Leaf switch to connecting a server. TwoHundredGigE1/0/1:2
nicname The name of a network interface card (NIC) on the server. ens11np0
switchIP The IP address of the switch.
switchname The name of the switch. Leaf-1
serverIP The IP address of the server.

Take the Example in the table as an example, which means the NIC named ens11np0 in server GPU-1 is connected to the TwoHundredGigE1/0/1:2 port of Leaf-1 switch.

Sheet: server NIC info

This sheet provides information about the network interface cards (NICs) associated with GPUs, including the GPU IP address and the primary and secondary NIC names.

Field Description Example
server IP The IP address of the server.
NIC name 1 the NIC name in the training log mlx5_2
NIC name 2 the NIC name in the traffic data ens10np0

traffic info: trafficinfo

This folder contains information about traffic in the cluster network, and each subfolder contains one hour of network data. Take folder 2024052400 as an example, this folder contains network data from 00:00 to 01:00 on May 24, 2024,its file tree is:

tree -L 2
└── 2024052400
    ├── 2024052400.xlsx
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-B03-ROCE-Leaf-1_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-B04-ROCE-Leaf-2_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-B05-ROCE-Leaf-3_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-B06-ROCE-Leaf-4_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-D03-ROCE-Leaf-5_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-D04-ROCE-Leaf-6_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-D05-ROCE-Leaf-7_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-D06-ROCE-Leaf-8_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-F02-ROCE-Leaf-9_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-F03-ROCE-Leaf-10_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-F04-ROCE-Leaf-11_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-F05-ROCE-Leaf-12_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-H03-ROCE-Leaf-13_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-H04-ROCE-Leaf-14_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-H05-ROCE-Leaf-15_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-H06-ROCE-Leaf-16_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-J01-ROCE-Leaf-17_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-J02-ROCE-Leaf-18_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-J03-ROCE-Leaf-19_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM129-J04-ROCE-Leaf-20_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM224-J05-ROCE-ST-leaf-1_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM224-J06-ROCE-ST-leaf-2_GPU_S9825
    ├── NH-DC-NM224-J07-ROCE-ST-leaf-3_GPU_S9825
    └── NH-DC-NM224-J08-ROCE-ST-leaf-4_GPU_S9825

The contents of the folder can be divided into two parts. The first part, i.e. 2024052400_flow|nic|link|port.csv contain information about all links and QPs in the cluster network, while the second part consists of 24 subfolders, e.g. NH-DC-NM129-B03-ROCE-Leaf-1_GPU_S9825, each corresponding to real-time traffic information for all ports of a switch.

Next, the network data information will be introduced using folder 2024052400 as an example.

Link and Queue Pair information in the network:

This part contains four csv files:

  • file 2024052400_flow.csv records data flow details between servers, including source and destination servers, switches, IP addresses, queue pairs, and various packet counts.
  • file 2024052400_nic.csv scaptures NIC metrics, such as bytes and packets received and transmitted, along with error counts and operational statuses.
  • file 2024052400_link.csv details all links' information, including device names, port names, packet counts, speeds, and usage ratios.
  • file 2024052400_port.csv provides all ports' statistics, focusing on bytes, speed, usage ratios, and packet losses. Each sheet contains timestamped records to track network performance and issues comprehensively.


Column Description Example Value
SourceServer The server from which data originates NH-DC-NM129-I04-20U-GPU-239
DestServer The server to which data is sent NH-DC-NM129-H10-28U-GPU-226
SourceSwitch The Leaf switch connected to the source server NH-DC-NM129-H04-ROCE-Leaf-14.GPU.S9825
DestSwitch The Leaf switch connected to the destination server NH-DC-NM129-H04-ROCE-Leaf-14.GPU.S9825
Time The time at which the current data is recorded 2024/5/24 上午12:00:00
SourceIp The IP address of the source server
DestIp The IP address of the destination server
SourceQp Source queue pair 15952
DestQp Destination queue pair 9662
Rtt Round-trip time (ns) 5887
ReadPkts Number of read packets 0
WritePkts Number of write packets 20
SendPkts Number of sent packets 0
NakPkts Number of negative acknowledgment packets 0


Column Description Example
SaveTime The timestamp when NIC metrics were saved 2024/5/24 上午00:00:04
DeviceName The name of the server NH-DC-NM129-A01-28U-GPU-1
Ip The IP address of the device
PortName The name of the port mlx5_3
ReceivedBytes Total bytes received 1.826184052268872e+16
TransmittedBytes Total bytes transmitted 1.825375677039005e+16
ReceivedPacketsByPort Packets received by this port 496472930239.0
ReceiveddPacketsByUnicast Unicast packets received 496472930239.0
TransmittedPacketsByPort Packets transmitted by this port 390430116240.0
TransmitteddPacketsByUnicast Unicast packets transmitted 390430116240.0


Column Description Example Value
DeviceName The name of the device NH-DC-NM129-E09-ROCE-spine-9.GPU.S9825
IfAbbreviatedName Abbreviated port name 400GE1/0/8
DstDevice Destination device NH-DC-NM129-B05-ROCE-Leaf-3.GPU.S9825
DstPort Destination port FourHundredGigE1/0/58
StartTime The timestamp when link metrics were saved 2024/5/24 上午00:00:04
InUcastPkts Incoming unicast packets 22422882
Ip IP address of the device
IfOperStatus Whether the port is activated up
InOctets Amount of incoming data (Bytes) 93553320477
InPkts The number of incoming packets 24459395
InMuticastPkts Incoming multicast packets 90
InBrdcastPkts Incoming broadcast packets 0
InSpeed Incoming data amount per second 435554397
InPktSpeed Incoming packet number per second 175947
InUseRatio The percentage of incoming link utilization 0.87
InErrorRatio The percentage of incoming error packets 0.0
OutOctets Amount of outgoingdata (Bytes) 79529075414
OutPkts The number of incoming packets 21247872
OutMuticastPkts Outgoing multicast packets 90
OutBrdcastPkts Outgoing broadcast packets 21701613
OutSpeed Outgoing data amount per second 272457691
OutPktSpeed Outgoing packet number per second 60614
OutUseRatio The percentage of incoming link utilization 0.54
EcnMarkedCount ECN marked count 0
OutBrdcastPkts Outgoing broadcast packets 0

If the value of the dstport column is empty, it means that the link is connected to a server's NIC.


Column Description Example Value
DeviceName The name of the switch NH-DC-NM129-F05-ROCE-Leaf-12.GPU.S9825
PortName The name of the port FourHundredGigE1/0/48
Time The timestamp when port metrics were saved 2024/5/24 上午00:00:00
InBytes Amount of incoming data (Bytes) 99356705029
InUseRatio The percentage of link utilization of incoming traffic in the past minute 3.33
InSpeed Average incoming data volume per second in the past minute 1667114752
InPktsLoss Amount of incoming packet loss in the past minute 38
OutBytes Amount of incoming data (Bytes) 99479968333
OutUseRatio The percentage of link utilization of outgoing traffic in the past minute 3.34
OutSpeed Average outgoing data volume per second in the past minute 1669182998
OutPktsLoss Amount of outgoing loss packet loss in the past minute 0

Real-time information on switch ports: NH-DC-NM129-B03-ROCE-Leaf-1_GPU_S9825

This dictory's file tree is as follows:

tree -L 2
├── Leaf-1_0.csv
├── Leaf-1_10_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_10_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_11_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_11_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_12_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_12_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_13_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_13_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_14_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_14_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_15_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_15_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_16_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_16_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_17_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_17_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_18_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_18_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_19_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_19_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_1_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_1_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_20_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_20_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_21_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_21_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_22_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_22_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_23_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_23_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_24_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_24_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_25_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_25_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_26_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_26_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_27_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_27_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_28_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_28_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_29_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_29_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_2_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_2_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_30_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_30_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_31.csv
├── Leaf-1_32.csv
├── Leaf-1_33.csv
├── Leaf-1_34.csv
├── Leaf-1_35.csv
├── Leaf-1_36.csv
├── Leaf-1_37.csv
├── Leaf-1_38.csv
├── Leaf-1_39.csv
├── Leaf-1_3_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_3_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_40.csv
├── Leaf-1_41.csv
├── Leaf-1_42.csv
├── Leaf-1_43.csv
├── Leaf-1_44.csv
├── Leaf-1_45.csv
├── Leaf-1_46.csv
├── Leaf-1_47.csv
├── Leaf-1_48.csv
├── Leaf-1_49.csv
├── Leaf-1_4_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_4_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_50.csv
├── Leaf-1_51.csv
├── Leaf-1_52.csv
├── Leaf-1_53.csv
├── Leaf-1_54.csv
├── Leaf-1_55.csv
├── Leaf-1_56.csv
├── Leaf-1_57.csv
├── Leaf-1_58.csv
├── Leaf-1_59.csv
├── Leaf-1_5_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_5_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_60.csv
├── Leaf-1_61.csv
├── Leaf-1_62.csv
├── Leaf-1_63.csv
├── Leaf-1_64.csv
├── Leaf-1_6_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_6_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_7_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_7_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_8_1.csv
├── Leaf-1_8_2.csv
├── Leaf-1_9_1.csv
└── Leaf-1_9_2.csv

The ports of each Leaf switch can be divided into two categories, one connecting to the server and the other to the spine switch. For example, the file Leaf-1_1_1.csv corresponds to port 1_1 of switch Leaf-1, which is also port TwoHundredGigE1/0/1:1 of the same switch in file cluster_2000_A100.xlsx. The file Leaf-1_31.csv corresponds to port 31 of switch Leaf-1, which is also port TwoHundredGigE1/0/31 of the same switch in file cluster_2000_A100.xlsx. It contains the real-time traffic information sent and received by the port. The statistical time interval is 0.5s. The column Descriptions are as follows:

Column Type Description Example Value
SaveTime String The local timestamp when the data was saved. The format includes the date, time, and milliseconds. 2024/05/24 星期五 00:00:00.914
SaveTimeUTC Integer The UTC timestamp when the data was saved. 1716480000914
DeviceName String The name of the Leaf switch. NH-DC-NM129-B03-ROCE-Leaf-1.GPU.S9825
PortName String The name of the port. TwoHundredGigE1/0/1:1
InPkts Integer The number of incoming packets between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 126246
InOctets Integer The number of incoming Bytes through the specified port between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 403381104
OutPkts Integer The number of outgoing packets between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 125929
OutOctets Integer The number of outgoing Bytes through the specified port between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 402525902
InRatio Float The percentage of link utilization of incoming traffic between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 2.74
OutRatio Float The percentage of link utilization of outgoing traffic between the current timestamp and the previous timestamp. 2.74

task info: taskinfo

Each subfolder under this folder corresponds to a training log of an LLM training task. The directory tree is as follows:

tree -L 1
├── 20240426-0239-64
├── 20240429-0613-4
├── 20240513-0944-64
├── 20240514-1957-4
├── 20240515-0114-32
├── 20240515-0546-32
├── 20240521-1934-8
├── 20240524-0232-32
└── 20240524-0836-2

Take subfolder 20240429-0613-4 as an example, the name means this training task started at 6:13 on April 29, 2024, using 4 servers. The directory tree is as follows:

tree -L 1
├── llama2-7b-new-5b-2b1ef-master.log
├── llama2-7b-new-5b-2b1ef-worker-1.log
├── llama2-7b-new-5b-2b1ef-worker-2.log
├── llama2-7b-new-5b-2b1ef-worker-3.log
└── pod-node-starttime.log

1 directory, 5 files

Log files like \(master|worker-\d+)\.log contain the task training information, mainly including the following types of information:

  • LLM task configuration: model structure, distributed parallel strategy
  • collective communication behavior: NCCL logs contain the connection relationship between GPUs (ranks)
  • task execution performance: time consumed for a single iteration


This version of cluster trace would not have been well prepared without help from these colleagues in Zhejiang Lab, Alibaba and H3C: Yingnan Qi, Linlin Yan, Ruiqi Luo, Xiaohui Si, Song Lv, Xiongbiao Tang,Weipeng Zhu, etc.