| 1 | +set -euo pipefail |
| 2 | +source integration_tests/cli/common.sh |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject="MIGYMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzERMA8GA1UECAwITmV3IFlvcmsxETAPBgNVBAcMCE5ldyBZb3JrMRgwFgYDVQQKDA9FeGFtcGxlIENvbXBhbnkxGTAXBgNVBAsMEFRlc3RpbmcgRGl2aXNpb24xGDAWBgNVBAMMD3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTEUMBIGCisGAQQBgqJ8AgEMBEZGRjE=" |
| 5 | +root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject_key_id="CE:A8:92:66:EA:E0:80:BD:2B:B5:68:E4:0B:07:C4:FA:2C:34:6D:31" |
| 6 | +root_cert_with_vid_65521_path="integration_tests/constants/root_cert_with_vid" |
| 7 | +root_cert_with_vid_65521_vid=65521 |
| 9 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_subject_key_id="0E:8C:E8:C8:B8:AA:50:BC:25:85:56:B9:B1:9C:C2:C7:D9:C5:2F:17" |
| 10 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_path="integration_tests/constants/intermediate_cert_with_vid_1" |
| 11 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_path="integration_tests/constants/intermediate_cert_with_vid_2" |
| 12 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_serial_number="3" |
| 13 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number="4" |
| 14 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_vid=65521 |
| 15 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_vid=65522 |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | +trustee_account="jack" |
| 18 | +second_trustee_account="alice" |
| 19 | + |
| 20 | +test_divider |
| 21 | + |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +vendor_vid_65521=$root_cert_with_vid_65521_vid |
| 25 | +vendor_account_65521=vendor_account_$vendor_vid_65521 |
| 26 | +echo "Create Vendor account - $vendor_account_65521" |
| 27 | +create_new_vendor_account $vendor_account_65521 $vendor_vid_65521 |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +echo "Propose and approve root certificate with vid=$root_cert_with_vid_65521_vid" |
| 30 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki propose-add-x509-root-cert --certificate="$root_cert_with_vid_65521_path" --vid "$root_cert_with_vid_65521_vid" --from $trustee_account --yes) |
| 31 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 32 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki approve-add-x509-root-cert --subject="$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject" --subject-key-id="$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject_key_id" --from $second_trustee_account --yes) |
| 33 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +echo "Add an intermediate certificate with vid=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_vid by $vendor_account_65521 with vid=$vendor_vid_65521" |
| 36 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki add-x509-cert --certificate="$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_path" --from $vendor_account_65521 --yes) |
| 37 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 38 | + |
| 39 | +echo "Request all approved root certificates." |
| 40 | +result=$(dcld query pki all-x509-certs) |
| 41 | +echo $result | jq |
| 42 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject\"" |
| 43 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject_key_id\"" |
| 44 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_subject\"" |
| 45 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_subject_key_id\"" |
| 46 | +check_response "$result" "\"serialNumber\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_serial_number\"" |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +echo "Try to add an intermediate certificate with vid=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_vid by $vendor_account_65521 with vid=$vendor_vid_65521" |
| 49 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki add-x509-cert --certificate="$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_path" --from $vendor_account_65521 --yes) |
| 50 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 440" |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +echo "Request all approved root certificates should not contain intermediate cert with serialNumber=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number" |
| 53 | +result=$(dcld query pki all-x509-certs) |
| 54 | +echo $result | jq |
| 55 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject\"" |
| 56 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_subject\"" |
| 57 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$root_cert_with_vid_65521_subject_key_id\"" |
| 58 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_subject_key_id\"" |
| 59 | +check_response "$result" "\"serialNumber\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65521_serial_number\"" |
| 60 | +response_does_not_contain "$result" "\"serialNumber\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number\"" |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +root_cert_with_no_vid_path="integration_tests/constants/paa_cert_no_vid" |
| 63 | +root_cert_with_no_vid_subject="MBoxGDAWBgNVBAMMD01hdHRlciBUZXN0IFBBQQ==" |
| 64 | +root_cert_with_no_vid_subject_key_id="78:5C:E7:05:B8:6B:8F:4E:6F:C7:93:AA:60:CB:43:EA:69:68:82:D5" |
| 65 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_path="integration_tests/constants/pai_cert_numeric_vid" |
| 66 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject="MDAxGDAWBgNVBAMMD01hdHRlciBUZXN0IFBBSTEUMBIGCisGAQQBgqJ8AgEMBEZGRjI=" |
| 67 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject_key_id="61:3D:D0:87:35:5E:F0:8B:AE:01:E4:C6:9A:8F:C7:3D:AC:8C:7D:FD" |
| 68 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_vid=65522 |
| 69 | +intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number="4428370313154203676" |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | +echo "Propose and approve non-vid root certificate" |
| 72 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki propose-add-x509-root-cert --certificate="$root_cert_with_no_vid_path" --vid "65522" --from $trustee_account --yes) |
| 73 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 74 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki approve-add-x509-root-cert --subject="$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject" --subject-key-id="$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject_key_id" --from $second_trustee_account --yes) |
| 75 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +vendor_vid_65523=65523 |
| 78 | +vendor_account_65523=vendor_account_$vendor_vid_65523 |
| 79 | +echo "Create Vendor account - $vendor_account_65523" |
| 80 | +create_new_vendor_account $vendor_account_65523 $vendor_vid_65523 |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | +echo "Try to add an intermediate certificate with vid=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_vid by $vendor_account_65523 with vid=$vendor_vid_65523" |
| 83 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki add-x509-cert --certificate="$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_path" --from $vendor_account_65523 --yes) |
| 84 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 439" |
| 85 | + |
| 86 | +echo "Request all approved root certificates should not contain intermediate cert with serialNumber=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number" |
| 87 | +result=$(dcld query pki all-x509-certs) |
| 88 | +echo $result | jq |
| 89 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject\"" |
| 90 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject_key_id\"" |
| 91 | +response_does_not_contain "$result" "\"subject\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject\"" |
| 92 | +response_does_not_contain "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject_key_id" |
| 93 | +response_does_not_contain "$result" "\"serialNumber\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number\"" |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +vendor_vid_65522=65522 |
| 96 | +vendor_account_65522=vendor_account_$vendor_vid_65522 |
| 97 | +echo "Create Vendor account - $vendor_account_65522" |
| 98 | +create_new_vendor_account $vendor_account_65522 $vendor_vid_65522 |
| 99 | + |
| 100 | +echo "Add an intermediate certificate with vid=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_vid by $vendor_account_65522 with vid=$vendor_vid_65522" |
| 101 | +result=$(echo "$passphrase" | dcld tx pki add-x509-cert --certificate="$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_path" --from $vendor_account_65522 --yes) |
| 102 | +check_response "$result" "\"code\": 0" |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | +echo "Request all approved root certificates should contain intermediate cert with serialNumber=$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number" |
| 105 | +result=$(dcld query pki all-x509-certs) |
| 106 | +echo $result | jq |
| 107 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject\"" |
| 108 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$root_cert_with_no_vid_subject_key_id\"" |
| 109 | +check_response "$result" "\"subject\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject\"" |
| 110 | +check_response "$result" "\"subjectKeyId\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_subject_key_id" |
| 111 | +check_response "$result" "\"serialNumber\": \"$intermediate_cert_with_vid_65522_serial_number\"" |
| 112 | + |
| 113 | +test_divider |
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