Cairo 1 is now enough mature to create and test smart-contracts in a Starknet network.
Take advantage to use Starknet.js to deploy and use your new Cairo 1 smart-contracts.
The Cairo 1 compiler provides an abi in the .sierra file. Today, this abi isn't fully mature, and many things are missing to have an handling similar to Cairo 0 contracts. Nevertheless, Starknet.js proposes a temporary solution for the early adopters of Cairo 1 smart-contracts.
It's realistic to hope to have a Cairo 1 compiler providing a complete abi somewhere in May/2023.
You need to have :
- Starknet-devnet ^0.5.0.a1 here.
- Cairo 1 installed, from Starkware repo, branch
here. - Starknet.js ^5.5.0 here.
We will use a small Cairo 1 smart-contract, available here .
Go in your cairo directory, launch the compiler (adapt the path to your config):
cd cairo
cargo run --bin starknet-compile -- ../contracts/test_type1.cairo ../out/test_type1.sierra
cargo run --bin starknet-sierra-compile -- ../out/test_type1.sierra ../out/test_type1.casm
Launch starknet-devnet with this option :
starknet-devnet --seed 0
You can find 2 little scripts to deploy a contract :
This script can be launched with :
npx ts-node src/scripts/cairo11-devnet/4.declareThenDeployHello.ts
You can easily change the network to use :
- Testnet :
const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_GOERLI } });
- Testnet-2 :
const provider = new Provider({ sequencer: { network: constants.NetworkName.SN_GOERLI2 } });
And adapt in consequence the address and the private key to one of your account present in this network.
You can find this contract already deployed in testnet and testnet 2 :
- Testnet address : 0x697d3bc2e38d57752c28be0432771f4312d070174ae54eef67dd29e4afb174
- Testnet-2 address : 0x299d68d537a860025749248411d69eff49d7b4b121ef7ec69e7fc470851b4ae
You can find a little script to interact with a contract : here
Use CallData.compile() to prepare the parameters to send to the smart-contract. Mandatory for Cairo 1.
Use only meta-class to interact with your contract (ex :
For a @view function, do not forget these options for Cairo 1 :
parseRequest: false,
parseResponse: false,
The answer is in an array of Hex numbers. ex :
for the first value.
Debug.print() is not allowed in Starknet network.
Do not hesitate to report your feedback and your questions in Discord.