gitlab-dynamic-pipelines Public
Forked from onlywei/gitlab-dynamic-pipelinesTypeScript definitions for creating dynamic Gitlab CI/CD pipelines
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2024 -
nyc_building_monitor_client Public
The frontend client for the NYC Building Monitor
nyc_building_monitor_api Public
The backend API and database manager for the NYC Building Monitor
lwotc Public
Forked from long-war-2/lwotcPort of Long War 2 to XCOM 2's War of the Chosen expansion
UnrealScript UpdatedAug 29, 2021 -
CircularNatalHoroscopeJS Public
An ES6 library for many astrological chart calculations.
chainlink-gcp Public
Forked from Pega88/chainlink-gcpHosting a Chainlink node on Kubernetes using Terraform
HCL UpdatedApr 4, 2021 -
Moshier-Ephemeris-JS Public
Forked from mivion/ephemerisES6 "re-implementation" of ephemeris calculations for sun, planets, comets, asteroids and stars.
ephemeris_c_plus_plus Public
Forked from MarScaper/ephemerisSimple C++ library allowing to compute planet coordinates (equatorial and horizontal) with an Arduino Mega.
react-leaflet-marker-stack Public
Meet-Halfway Public
Forked from CEG-Codes/Meet-HalfwayFinds meet-up points halfway between you and a friend.
Ruby UpdatedSep 20, 2016