By: Yao Guan |
Miro Malebranche |
Tasneem Patrawala |
Chance Hemerda
Striide is a fullstack e-commerce website that specializes in selling trendy, in-season shoe collections. The website allows users to browse through a wide variety of shoes, filter their search results based on various criteria, and select specific shoes to purchase. The platform provides detailed information about each shoe, including its size, colorway, and other relevant information. Users have the option to browse the website as a guest or create a login account for more personalized shopping experiences. It incorporates a seamless cart and checkout process using Stripe for payment processing.
To ensure security, authentication is completed using JWTwebtoken and Bcrypt, which ensures that user accounts are kept safe and secure. The website also has an admin section where store owners can view sales history, manage inventory, and create, update, or delete user and product information.
Overall, Striide offers an easy-to-use platform for shoppers to browse and purchase stylish and trendy shoes, while also providing a comprehensive system for store owners to manage their inventory and sales.
- Users can browse, filter, and select shoes, view product details, and add their preferred size and quantity to the cart.
- Users can shop as a guest or log in to their account for a personalized experience, with the ability to merge shopping sessions.
- Users can securely check out using the integrated Stripe payment system.
To run this project, you will need to add and set the following environment variables to your .env file
git clone
npm install
npm run start:dev:seed or npm run start:dev