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Releases: 222ryan/Discord-Economy-Bot


25 Jan 19:52
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Modern Economy // 1.4.2

[+] The databaseregister command now has a warning message and awaits confirmation before proceeding
[+] Jobs are now force quit when the databaseregister command has been used and confirmed
[+] EXPERIMENTAL - Improved the RNG chances for robbing, begging and crimes. These values are subject to change

[+] Fixed databaseregister command repeating the completed message for the amount of guilds the bot is in
[+] Leaderboards should now work as intended after doing databaseregister
[+] Users could be robbed if the had a negative balance
[+] Removed debug messages from crime command
[+] Fixed 'name' in the database being re-applied incorrectly when using the databaseregister command


25 Jan 18:10
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[+] Added a new owner only command that lets you register every user in every server into the database. Note: This will reset everyone's balance, only do this if this is your first time setting up or if you encountered an error!. Command = !databaseregister
[+] CRIMES - High risk, high reward.. but is the risk worth it? When running the crimes command, the user will be selected with a prompt to select from 3 random choices, lets hope they don't get caught.
[+] FUNCTIONS - Functions have been added to easily communicate with MongoDB (getting balances, adding money, removing money, etc). Note: Not all functions have been released yet, and most of the current code does not use it, but this will slowly change throughout updates.
[+] ROBBING - Robbing users will no longer use a set range value, it will now set a range value based off of the victims balance.
[+] Fixed a bug that allowed users to pay negative amounts to other users
[+] Fixed a bug that caused users to not earn money from jobs
[+] Fixed a bug that caused buying multiple of the same items to cost the amount of 1
[+] Fixed a bug where buying an item wouldn't deduct money
[+] Fixed a bug that caused users who failed to rob another user with the message ..but the ended up robbing you of.. didn't grant the other user money
[+] Fixed a bug that caused guilds to not be registered when the bot was invited if a config option was set to false.


21 Nov 14:23
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This update contains fixes for the latest Modern Economy update

[+] Fixed a bug that caused Shop Owners & Fishers to be spammed with payment messages due to their last payment not being updated


21 Nov 11:22
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This update contains fixes for the latest Modern Economy update

[+] Fixed a bug that allowed users to buy and sell items in a quantity lower than 1


21 Nov 10:52
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The Jobs & Shopping update is now available!

[+] NEW JOB: PROGRAMMER! - Requires x1 Computer, x1 Server, x1 Ide License and $10,000!
[+] NEW JOB: FISHER! - Requires x1 Fishing Rod and $600
[+] NEW JOB: DOG WALKER! - Requires x1 Leash and $50
[+] STORE SYSTEM - A new store has been added to allow members to buy and sell items with their currency
[+] INVENTORY SYSTEM - Members can view their purchased items from the store by using the inventory command
[+] NEW CONFIG OPTIONS - Added config options to change how much money a job requires and how well it pays

[+] Last pay is now handled through the database, meaning the payment timer no longer gets reset when the bot goes offline
[+] The jobs command now displays if your job has the specific item required to be paid
[+] Reworked all the Job commands for the new systems
[+] Updated help command to add the new shopping commands
[+] Users can now only be paid if they have the job specific item in their inventory
[+] Inventory and Inventory amount have been added to the database, existing users will have their fields updated when the bot comes online

[+] Potentially fixed a bug that caused the Modern Levels integration to generate another member field when they join the server


07 Nov 23:06
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[+] SLOT MACHINES! - Test your luck by spinning a slots machine to earn high rewards!
[+] HIGH/LOW - Guess if the chosen word is higher or lower than the number displayed for a money reward!
[+] Paginated Leaderboards! - The Server and Global leaderboards have now been updated to support pagination, meaning you can now view all users!
[+] HIGH/LOW - Added a 💣 reaction - The BOMB will be used as a guess if the number shown is the same as the real number! Members will receive 2x their money if correct, but they will also lose 2x money if they lose!
[+] CAPS - Added caps to betting command to prevent easy money making

[+] Users can no longer be robbed if the victim doesn't have enough money to be robbed
[+] Most embeds now use the hex colours in the config, all embeds will have this next update!
[+] The field name will now be generated in the database. Existing users will have this updated automatically
[+] SLOTS MACHINE now has buffed rewards and a few more emojis added!
[+] Updated the config to allow you to change each of the gambling caps

[+] Fixed a bug that caused users to earn infinite money when betting negative integers
[+] Fixed a bug that caused users to be able to remove money from users if they payed them a negative integer
[+] Help command is no longer missing commands
[+] Fixed an error being sent to the console if an amount wasn't set
[+] Fixed a bug with the new Paginated Leaderboards where if the type was global and you tried going to the previous page, it would break
[+] Fixed a bug that allowed users to bet negative numbers on the High/Low Game
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the role unlocked embed to not be updated
[+] Fixed a bug that prevented roles from being unlocked
[+] Fixed a bug that prevented the previous role to be removed when levelling up