I created this web application to help aspiring data analysts understand how data analysis works. This platform is currently in the testing phase under the name Dvan.ai. I kindly request you to explore its features and share any challenges or issues you encounter. Your feedback will help me enhance the project further.
Excitingly, my next project is already in the pipeline, though it remains a secret for now. Stay tuned!
Thank you for taking the time to read my message.
Best regards,
Krishna Shyambahadur Yadav
URL: https://dvan-ai.vercel.app/
If you download this file and try to run it on your desktop or anywhere else, it will not work because it is just a demo file. The full version of the file is private. If you need access to the complete code, please email me personally, and I will provide it to you.
- Only upload a CSV file in the drop section. If you encounter any errors, please check and correct the data for analysis. Additionally, ensure you are using a desktop device, such as a laptop or computer, as it may not work on mobile phones. I am working to resolve this issue. For any queries, feel free to email me or message me on WhatsApp.
Follow these steps:
# Step 1: Clone the repository using the project's Git URL.
git clone <YOUR_GIT_URL>
# Step 2: Navigate to the project directory.
# Step 3: Install the necessary dependencies.
npm i
# Step 4: Start the development server with auto-reloading and an instant preview.
npm run dev
Edit a file directly in GitHub
- Navigate to the desired file(s).
- Click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) at the top right of the file view.
- Make your changes and commit the changes.
Use GitHub Codespaces
- Navigate to the main page of your repository.
- Click on the "Code" button (green button) near the top right.
- Select the "Codespaces" tab.
- Click on "New codespace" to launch a new Codespace environment.
- Edit files directly within the Codespace and commit and push your changes once you're done.
This project is built with .
- Vite
- TypeScript
- React
- shadcn-ui
- Tailwind CSS