Objective: Jobsy is a full-stack project designed to streamline job application management. It features an interactive interviews dashboard, a Kanban-style board to track interview statuses, a digital and shareable resume profile builder, and free resources to aid interview preparation
Hosted URL's-
- Client URL: https://jobsy-one.vercel.app/
- API Url: https://meetconnect-ua6j.onrender.com
- API documentation:https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/32342391/2sAYJ4hfaN
- Interview Dashboard: Manage interviews and organize them into live, upcoming, and past categories.
- Kanban-style Board: Visualize and update job application statuses for a more intuitive experience than traditional spreadsheets.
- Shareable Resume Profile: Create a public resume profile with a photo, making sharing with connections seamless.
- Career Resources: Access free tools and materials to prepare for interviews.
- Simple Onboarding: User-friendly signup/login with custom designs and support for Google authentication for passwordless access.
- Performance Optimizations: SVG and WebP image formats for faster loading; optimized CRUD operations for efficient database reads/writes.
- Robust Security: JWT-based authentication, hashed password storage, and secured protected routes.
- Responsive Design: Ensures a flawless experience across devices.
- Validation: Comprehensive form field validation for error-free input.
- Modular coding support where project is broken down into multiple small reusable components.
- Frontend
- Vite, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript
- Libraries: Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, React DND Kit, Swiper, React Toastify, React Select, Heroicons
- Backend & Database
- Node.js, Express.js, Prisma, MongoDB
- Libraries: bcryptjs, Nodemon, dotenv
- Hosting & Tools
- Vercel (Frontend), Render (Backend), Postman (API testing), Git/GitHub, VSCode
│ ├───public
│ └───src
│ ├───components
│ │ ├───Interview
│ │ ├───Profile
│ │ └───Tracker
│ ├───icons
│ ├───pages
│ └───redux
│ └───ApiSlice
- Dark mode for improved user experience.
- Resume parser for automated profile creation.
- Password recovery functionality.
- AI-driven tools for career resources.
- Enhancing drag-and-drop features and improving UI/UX responsiveness.
npm install
cd .\Meetconnect\client\
npm install
cd .\Meetconnect\server-api\
npm install
cd .\Meetconnect\client\
npm run dev
cd .\Meetconnect\server-api\
npm run dev